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Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14, 2020

One year ago today: June 14, 2019, it’s a knack.
Five years ago today: June 14, 2015, learning still required.
Nine years ago today: June 14, 2011, tea, snack, reading.
Random years ago today: June 14, 2010, the slow exodus.

           It’s fun watching the liberal-tards become ever more unhinged. If the Democrats disappear as an entity this November, please take Google with you. Let me ask a question, does everyone despise the way that Google has monetized YouTube. All those pop-up ads? You can thank Google for ruining the Internet concept by replacing information with advertising. How would you like to disable those ads, especially in longer videos where the azz-clowns stack up the ads near the end. Just insert and extra period behind the .com in the URL. Got that? Change dot-com to dot-com-dot and away you go, careful don’t change anything else.
           See this jungle. That’s what grew in the five days I was away. Florida itself is, I think, an invasive species. I tried to get out there today but boof, the heat. Instead, we invested the time in testing new products, including this mini-bass speaker by Sony. It’s wireless and can be ganged. My interest besides the sound is the battery duration, recharge time, stuff that’s important for my idea of a bass with built in speakers. The existing models are too tinny and heavy, designed before the latest round of speaker design.

           Admit it, you like this yard. Well, it is bug, ant, roach, and mosquito season. I finally gave up on trying to get the Wal*Mart sprayers to work more than a couple times and got a smaller 1/2 gallon unit that’s much sturdier. This evening when the sun gets low you can get out there with me to see how well it works. I still can’t find a single bag of potting soil in the area. I’m also investing in a 2 TB backup drive to be used for photos and video only. The first solid state drive has performed flawlessly since April 6, 2018. Even with blog storage and videos, it is just past half full even without compression.
           The idea is to normalize my files after 30 years. Normalize is to remove duplicates. I have around ten hard drives salvaged over the years which I will copy verbatim. We shall see what we come up with. As of this morning, nobody has come forward for the drone flight training and I really don’t want to leave that too much longer. Yet the equipment is too expensive to entrust to a non-member. No word on the underwater drone, which I think may be a better proposition. Quick, give me $2,000.

           I can’t believe people are still stupid enough to use Google Chrome, now in it’s 85th version of tracking and recording everything you do. They have never ceased trying to get a phone number out of me. You want to know the real reason Google is mucking around with the URL? It’s not for your convenience as they claim, like how they took away the www part. It’s because they have a new round of intrusive advertising and they are grooming people to accept the eventual removal of the entire URL. Too many people like me have long since deciphered their filing system.

Picture of the day.
Desert scene, Morocco.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I got taken on the Seagate 2TB drive, or I think so. The box said it uses a USB connection but one end of the cable is non-standard. It looks like a power cable and a data cable combination, but it should still have specified that on the box. That applies even if it is some new type I don’t know yet. I’ll keep this because the installation is static, but I will never trust Seagate again. They should make a law the cable ends have to be pictured on the packaging.
           The new Sony mini-bass speaker is charging, it has a 3mm audio input and you know, it’s funny. I had one of those with a phono plug (guitar plug) on the other end that was around here and in the way for a week. I finally put it away and can’t remember. And my bass is not Bluetooth™.

           My fist post-virus gig. I’m just not ready. The location means that makes no difference. The owner says they have entertainment only on Fridays. And that is, she reports, the worst Karaoke in the county, DJ’d by her brother. I know the guy, a drummer, so I can imagine. But you should see his wife. Being any type of musician has its advantages for those who use them. It’s just a three-hour show and I have enough material for eight. I’ll pick my best tunes, she says my only worry is if I’m so bad the crowd wants to play the juke box. Not to worry, I’m better than any Karaoke—but crowds are finicky.
           I can’t find the recharger for my DVD player, I may have to use the one from the car. Other than that, it’s as much practice as I can get in this week. Bear in mind, I won’t know the results of my lab tests until later and they often involve a trip back to Miami. It’s just over two hours from here. Then again, in usual times, that’s only a half-hour more than driving the 30 miles from south Miami.

           Another disgusting thing about America is product warnings. Ad nauseum. Every soda can, every package of batteries. People are numbed by now and pay no attention, but the government is like the kid brother with piss in his water pistol, they will just not get lost. I’ve complained before, especially the warnings on food packages and medicine side effects—they often go beyond disgusting and really kill the appetite. I think is should be up to the individual to know what the fuck he’s not supposed to eat and look out for himself. Let him read the damn ingredients and get off our backs.
           Same with Forex trading. Every time you get to a seminar, read a news report, download a forecast, or open a trading window, the same damn warning that Forex trading is high risk and a long-winded disclaimer that the information is not advice. Dammit, one warning was enough, okay? Now let the losers who weren’t paying attention get scalped. Serves them right.

           This week is light duty, mostly staying away from the dollar, euro, and yen. Forex is not an environment to speculate during times of unrest. Trump is laughing, as the rioting is trashing mainly cities that are festering liberal cesspools. I feel particularly bad for Seattle, which used to be a great place. Alas, the population got complacent and quit turning out to vote. The liberal-tards have a formula for that situation, they pounce at the last minute, busing in loads of voters. Before you can say fraud, they are in. They quickly appoint their own kind to administrative non-elect positions.
           Newcomers like Trump don’t have that hidden agenda. He had little choice and left many key Obamaphiles in place. And he’s had nothing but trouble with foot-draggers, his wall is still blocked by resistance—something he should take action over when his November landslide gives him the power. Root out the people illegally using their civil service jobs as political platforms.

           Having the press giving the rioters a positive spin lowers financial confidence. Hence I stay out of everything except the pound-kiwi, known in Forex as GBPNZD. Also, I’ve finally threatened to pull the pin on the trading unless I get some straight answers. One is how to cancel a buy offer. This is the identical problem I first asked about on April 29. I tried clicking the right buttons, but they all do something different. So I was told to use the X button, which I was automatically suspicious of. I recognize the display screen as old MicroSoft Access and the X does not cancel a transaction, it deletes it. Moneywise, that is not the same thing.
           Also, ten days ago Auvoria switched to a new format and the display screen will not maximize. I’ve asked repeatedly how to enlarge it (the expand buttons don’t work and it won’t resize manually) and gotten no reply. I have to work the software using a magnifying glass. I’ve advised the Reb I will have to cease trading until that problem is fixed.

Last Laugh