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Sunday, June 21, 2020

June 21, 2020

One year ago today: June 21, 2019, a museum day.
Five years ago today: June 21, 2015, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: June 21, 2011, mahogany poisoning?
Random years ago today: June 21,2009, make it private again.

           I was down with a cold all day. Feed the birds and inspect the roof. That’s my accounting of the day. It’s cold that makes your bones ache and I was blaming all the hard work I’ve been up to. It attacks knees, elbows, and across the back of the shoulders. My plan for such events is day-long siesta. I watched action movies between naps. Not power naps, to get comfortable I had to move the bed under the air conditioner so my head and shoulders stayed cool but from there down under the electric blanket to alleviate the aches. It’s as much fun as it sounds like.
           Where possible, I did some extra research and reading. Ha, the Democrat leftists are lashing out how Trump is using voter information software to “capture your identity, your location, and even your Bluetooth™ functions.” Funny how they never said it when Obama was doing even worse. They are forcing a showdown this November when all this crap is either going to pay off or they crumble as an entity.

           [Author’s note: picture added later, a wild turtle from Harbor Heights, this guy is a real old-timer.]

           Most liberals I've met tend to be a self-centered lot of under-achievers. Never having succeeded at anything, they cannot be expect to admire those who have. It is more to a liberals advantage to drag everyone down to their level, so we will always have such people. Liberals tend to be uneducated, which is identical to indoctrinated in many ways. They become liberals because they have a sick need to belong that they cannoto achieve any other way--if you ask me. I see there is another $150 “laptop” on the market. It will be as useless as all forerunners.
           And for the guys that took embarrassing or illegal photos, scrambled the faces, and posted on-line, they now have an A.I. app that is great at unscrambling. For porno people, it serves you right—they arrive in the early dawn and surround your house.

           How about that new Taiwanese jet trainer? It’s another copy of US technology with Israeli underpinnings. It’s main advantage is coming in at half the price of alternatives and costing less than $1,000 per hour of flight time. But those numbers are secret, so don’t quote me. Further, I did not notice that other than the two-set configuration, the unit is identical to most armed attack aircraft in its class.

Picture of the day.
St. Kirill Monastery.
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           Have you seen any of the documentary called “Soviet Storm”? It’s a series based on the exploits of the war in the east, with the Germans invading in 1941. It’s amusing but highly inaccurate because the research is based on the after-war versions of events that have been shoved down people’s throats by the controlled western media. Most clips of Hitler are taken out of context and the entire footage edited to cast Germany in a bad light. Most blatant error was that Germans attack in overwhelming force, when in fact they attacked only at selected spearheads which were very narrow compared to the length of the front.
           Another is that the Soviets were taken by surprise. The craziest lie is that the Soviets had no designs of their own. They had an armed force prepped only for attack. Today’s version say Hitler lied when he said the attack was pre-emptive. He knew the Soviet doctrine was to conquer all of Europe. During the German unrush, front-line units reported everywhere they saw nothing but preparations for the attack. And, of course, the series uses the terms “German” and “Nazi” as if they were synonymous.

           This documentary series follows the formula for demonizing the Germans and introduces no new information. For a chuckle, listen to the background music. When the camera is on Germans, ominous thundering in the background. But when showing Soviets, mostly lullabies. There is a twist in this video that addresses the Soviet attack preparations. It claims they were going to attack only the flanks of invading armies. The problem with that is they were massed in the wrong places for that.
           One more consideration is the inefficiency of the Soviet system. Somehow, with five times the population, they managed to get themselves outnumbered by the German forces in the area. The Soviets had three belts of defense. A defensive move would have meant the instant of an attack, move the two outside belts to the center, which should be sighted in the best locations for meeting the German armor. They were not, often positioned by a line on a map. But, I wasn’t there and I’m just opining.

           As for the chickens, I won’t take them until they are grown to the extent they can fend for themselves.

Last Laugh