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Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22, 2020

One year ago today: June 22, 2019, the marble.
Five years ago today: June 22, 2015, a couple of beers.
Nine years ago today: June 22, 2011, Craigslist, Becky Stern, etc.
Random years ago today: June 22, 2012, thanking my commentors.

           Happy Barbarossa day. I was down with this cold all day. Most I could do was take measurements for future projects and feed the birds. Them squirrels sure are persistent about the birdfeeder. It’s been a while since the shield went up but they spend a half-hour at a time trying, mostly acrobatics. They are so well-fed they are just looking for desert.
           Here’s one I get a laugh at, the Firefox VPN offering. It’s always sad humor when a company that promises you privacy but collects your name, address, and credit card information. If I thought I could get away with it, I’d write a website that really allowed cash, that is, anonymous payment. I’ll bet the tax department would be camping on my doorstep, but what about these AuvoriaPrime coders. Like a C+ types, sooner or later they will be found out or just walk away to the next project. It’s a thought.

           [Author’s note: picture added later, supper, fresh caught in the Florida Peace River.]

           That heat index was almost a hundred, enough to find me up on the roof. The shingles will last one or two more years. I cannot find the leak, but the flashing in the valleys is much newer than the shingle and in great shape. Obvious first thing to try is new roof sealant along the shingle flaps that but the valley. I can’t stay up there more than ten minutes without ducking under the A/C. I wonder if those dark blobs you see on some Florida roofs are people who stayed up too long. The shingle substrate is fine but the sign for replacement is when the surface granules begin to loosen too easily.
           Time to price out a replacement, I’ve done this a few times in my life. While up there, always tack down a thin new layer of plywood as reinforcement. Florida repairs have made me a fan of tarpaper, though some of that waterproof wrap is recommended. Depends on the price difference. As before shop Home Depot for the price because trying to get that information out of Lowe’s has sunk to millennial grade. I priced both extremes ranging from $34 to $65 a square. That’s per bundle, a square cover 33 square feet if memory serves. The pricier stuff is nice, how it emulates shakes, but it would draw to much attention to the property.

           Also, both suppliers are guilty of the Wal*Mart scam. They don’t put in bold print if it is available at the store, hoping you’ll drive over there and then it’s the old next-day shipping scam that doubles the price, but you might do some revenge shopping. This is the reality of how the American scumbag class lives. That’s my label for the leftists who can’t get jobs because they let in 30 million illegals, so they resort to small scale ass-hole-ism, which ranges from cell phone plans to abusing the word “free”, to MLM trading schemes. What? I’ll get to that. Right now I have a roof to measure.
           I’m back, it’s a mystery why the house is so small when I need to set up a work space, but so big when I have paint or shingle. There’s the total, that roof need 28 bundles of shingles. The cheapest brand works out to $1,033 just for the shingles, that’s with tax. I should look in the $1,200 range to do it myself. That will require a cold winter day. I wonder if I could get away with just re-tarring all the loose pieces? The bad area cannot be seen from the street.

Picture of the day.
Mat-Su Valley.
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           I need 924 shingling nails and four rolls of tarpaper. That’s doable, but the light duty today of hosing off the roof and raking out leaves got the better me.. Can’t leave them there because they eventually become inhabited by ants or termites. And a 30-foot ladder is becoming a necessity. Whoever did the old roof was an expert. Every angle and tab lines up perfectly. As it stands, right now I could not lift a single pack up that ladder, though I may give it a try. I can store them out of sight on the north side, completely hidden by the tree canopy. Maybe I’m underestimating myself. The bundles weigh –sumbitch, the millies have quit posting the weight, but it’s the need to hoist them on my shoulder left-handed that gives me pause. That’s fine, I can always take them up a few at a time. I’ve got all the time in the world. If I recall, three-tab shingles weigh around 65 pounds per bundle. I agree only to try.
           Another item I didn’t watch for is older houses sometimes have new shingles put right the old, up to three layers. After a few bloopers today thanks to this cold or whatever I got, I’m making no decisions until my noggin clears up. If you see any pictures, good for you, I must have got inspired.

Last Laugh