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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020

One year ago today: June 24, 2019, “public use” isn’t defined.
Five years ago today: June 24, 2015, remember Berton?
Nine years ago today: June 24, 2011, look, it’s the trailer.
Random years ago today: June 24, 2007, leff professor – I forget . . .

           The squirrels have defeated the feeder baffle. The camera is set up to see how, but Sony is not the best brand for doing what you want. If it sees no motion for too long, the damn thing shuts off. I don’t mind the feature—provided it can be disabled. I’m still suffering the flu bug, but work is back underway and I’ve a decision to make. Ever since the last round of work began on the bathroom last February, there has always been something in the way. A box of debris, some tools, a ladder to the attic. Today was the first morning since then I had the new bathroom all to myself, meaning no tool clutter.
           The decision is to continue finishing the interior, or built that shelter in back for my tools. I would like a nice interior, but unless I can move the work outside, I’ll have the same clutter problem in each room as I progress. Fact is, the sooner I get that shelter done, the happier things will be inside the house. Too bad I can’t build it half at a time. Having to always use one room of the house for work and storage has always been a poor arrangement. Maybe now I can do something about that. I need one wide work space 12 x 12 feet and this could be a structural challenge. I’ll need to acquire some 16-foot 2x6s and those I cannot move in the car.
           I went on-line to find out the size of lumber I need for a 12’ span and all I got were engineering sites asking for my lumber species, modulus of elasticity, and crap. There’s no way half the sheds in this town were built to that kind of specs. I think if I’m well enough by noon, I’ll just get out there and start working and see what flies.

           Hours later, still no footage of how the squirrels are getting past the baffle. I’ll wait until we know, it’s not the squirrel we’re up against, but Mother Nature. Until it got above 100°F, I measured out the post locations and I may be able to build part of the structure first. What a boon that would be, as nowadays I’ve got some decent experience building boxes, this one would just be the biggest. And I could try to use a laminate beam, quite a savings. My yard is again attacked by kudzu, I spent three hours getting all the stuff growing in the shade. It’s not that tough, just so much of it. I wonder if herbicide works more permanently. I’ll look it up.
           Okay, I’m back. They say cut the kudzu back to a stump and spray with Triclopyr. Chemists are about as adept as C+ coders at coming up with descriptive terms. Then you repeat this process for ten years. See you then. Meanwhile it’s 15 minutes in the yard and 15 back in the A/C. I can fake the shed, all I need is three 4-foot posts sunk in the right spot. I have a budget of $160 for the lumber, I likely won’t need it all. Once again, fence pickets being my preferred choice of siding and roofing underlay. I will have to replace one fencepost with a 12-footer, that will test my determination.
           If we have a day or two of low wind, I may even be able to build in sections. I’ve got the poles sketched out so I build a storage area first, then the work area.

Picture of the day.
Turaida, Europe’s ugliest castle.
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           While I’m inside, de-thermalizing, I read JimmyR, a newsfeed. He’s still a naïve never-Trumper, but doesn’t know comes across like a simpering moron. He does manage to steer me to good stories, one of which is a federal judge says hospitals must post prices. The fact the hospital people sued to have this blocked gives us insight into how they do things. Jimmy is your uber-millennial, he wants outfits like Facebook to label all opposing views as facist, racist, or Nazi. Good luck, Jimmy. Take a look what is really happening in Germany. Adobe Flash is dead, hastened by Apple’s refusal to allow it on their devices. They say it will render millions of web sites obsolete. I doubt I’ll miss any of them.
           Here’s a random picture to keep things lively, it’s the Tallulah Falls post office sign, last October during that beautiful drive through the Smoky Mountains to Gatlinburg, westbound. I car camped in Athens, reminding myself I need a better car. It’s just here for looks.

           Another anti-Trumper is that plastic dork from South Carolina, Lindsay Graham. He seems to have only the barest grasp of anything technological and is an arch-enemy of privacy and personal freedoms. These low-IQ types, however, can become quite adept at championing any cause that generates publicity. Now he proposes that software companies be prevented from creating “warrant-proof” encryption. As usual with leftists, he wants to use the threat of a few terrorists to enact legislation against everybody. That he’s been in the same job since 2003 makes me wonder about South Carolina.

           In my condition, I got up on that roof and spread sealing compound along the edges. It’s two man job so I had to goop twice as much and make a mess. Then, intending to drill a couple post holes, I cleared the underbrush and drove stakes. Total energy loss, I lasted ten minutes. Now I’m exhausted and unable to sleep or completely wake up. Drink plenty of liquids, I can’t take any more. This could be a fun episode since I’ve done all my crossword puzzles and watch all my DVDs. I’m in for a long empty stretch. This, I hear, is what every day is like for credit card junkies.
           That reminds me, Ray-B sent a link about the pending mortgage crisis, the one that is going to wipe out the middle class. In reality it was the middle class who sold out but most of them didn’t know any better. Work your whole life for a house to live in, and it’s only yours if you pay the taxes. America has been totally corrupted by the banksters. What’s the name of that big corporation that bought all the houses while I was looking for this place. Black Rock, that’s the outfit. By 2015, I often got to a town where I found all the middle-level housing advertised the day before was gone, time after time. Then they hiked the rents to the new recently homeless by the millions. And they are about to do it again.

           Only this time, they’ve got them by the short and curlies. Millions out of work and those that return will make an estimated 80% less. In California again, people paying 105% of their income for a mortgage. Is this the runaway inflation that’s been staved off for so long?
           How about that plan that every student who graduates from high school, before allowed into college, have to spend time in a third world country. I agree. When they get into college nowadays, they are blank slates for the ultra-commie liberal faction that’s taken over our system. Professors advocating violence and cultural Marxism. Yep, three months in Mexico would straighten most of them right out. It might change their attitudes toward welfare as well. TMOR, in America, 55% of black families and 35% of Latino families are on welfare, most of them permanently. Another stat, 30% of Latinos vote Republican, made up mainly of those who came here legally.

           I reacted to this flu as always, plenty of fluids, rest, chicken soup. Instead I got over-hydrated, hover between sleep and awake, with alternate bouts of nausea and famine. Is it me? Maybe it’s one of the engineered viruses to prey on my defense mechanisms. No final news till Saturday, but Forex trading at market end for me yielded 1.763% this week. I’m housebound with myself, I even started watching Hillary Duff movies. To me, she represents Hollywood’s first successful marketing of the “puffy” teen look. Her co-stars are chosen for that Chelsea Clinton sheepdog look.
           Who else notices the only slim women around her are ethnic, while all the white girls have slightly bigger thighs and stumpier hips? She’s okay but she kind of marked the end of the babe era in movies. If you want to see the real thing any more it’s National Lampoon re-runs. I’m down to DVDs that were left over in 2015. This flu has to change soon, it’s been a week and I’ve been dog-tired for 48 hours now. Never more than maybe an hour’s sleep at a time. I’m drained to nothing.

Last Laugh