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Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020

One year ago today: June 4, 2019, is PO-TA-TO Day.
Five years ago today: June 4, 2015, bands are skilled labor
Nine years ago today: June 4, 2011, I had a credit card once.
Random years ago today: June 4, 2013, Ft. Meyers Beach.

           Take a look at this speaker damage. It’s old, from 2016 when the promised help on this place didn’t show. I never intended to store musical equipment out in the sheds for long. They were leaky long before I arrived and this is the result of that storage. What’s weird is why an otherwise reputable form like Yamaha would use a material susceptible to water. These are the old church speakers and I need them as backup bass in the rare case I get a gig too large for the Fishman. Said another way, I don’t intend to book any gigs where I’d need them, but you tell me what the future will bring.
           Forex trading closed for the week, I have the report ready now as all trades have cleared. The loss of the previous three weeks has been recouped, although that is not really the best way to look at this sort of investing. If not for the loss from the trades that would not clear (I tried), we’d be doing very well so far. From a $340 loss on just those two trades to a 60 cent profit. Sunday begins the 11th week of trading with an 11.336% gain since inception. That’s important, because the software does not show that important figure.
           Instead, it has that 20-day moving average. Some of said loss occurred more than that time slot back in time, so the gain they display is 2.91%. Misleading indeed. This moving average is a curious statistic anyway. It is more common in databases than in real life. For non-math folks, the moving average says what’s happened in the last 20 days, not the last accounting period, and certainly not in total. Classical accounting takes regular time periods, I use months, and compared each month toward a final total. Forex trading seems to be done by the week for convenience.

           Florida, an arrest-the-victim State. That means if you report a crime, you get checked out worse than the perp. They do a background search and will arrest you it they possibly can. The logic behind it is that it keeps reported crime down. Many victims won’t come forward, so I spent 3-1/2 hours, mostly waiting, to report the stolen scooter. The majority of the time answering questions and presenting documents about myself. Yeah freedom, and the cops wonder why nobody respects them any more. They are doing a lot more than just their job, which should be nothing more than chasing bad guys.
           The telemarket asses are back at it, but not the robocalls. Hiding behind the inevitable exceptions (a form of established legal favoritism), they are utilizing the phone for political purposes. You’d think that would be the first thing outlawed—random calling telephone numbers. But each side is convinced they are better at it than the other. Nowadays, it’s the use of voting registrations to call and ask by name. The problem is, not everybody registers to vote and phone numbers change. I love telling these people off, but it amazing how many stupid people think they can get you to stop and like them by calling you a racist. They resort to it so quickly it must obviously work.

           The next five days are slated for small jobs. These don’t always get recorded. They add up, like this week we fixed the wobble of the new fatarse commode and put down some vinyl floor tiles. I add they are incredibly easy to work with and look great. I’m considering them rather than the ceramic type I had wanted. They are cool to the touch and I covered an entire square yard around curves and cutouts in less than five minutes. The squirrels have defeated the bird shield, the one that worked well on the wooded feeder. Today, when the rain lets up, I’m cutting a larger diameter.
           There should be a photo. This is the final use of the piece of tin found under the house so long ago. I don’t care for metal work, especially the cutting, but this leftover sheet has found a good half-dozen uses here and was always handy. Does that teach me anything?

Picture of the day.
After the forest fire.
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           I’m setting up my rehearsal space, slowly going through my gear for the most stage-like environment I can muster. You’d think I have a nice big box or corner with all my music stuff in one place. Fat chance. I’ve got stuff all around the place, the extent of music around here is universal. I could probably find cables and sheet music if I move the sofa. There, I caught a picture of one of the squirrels, helping himself to the sunflowers. There are around seven of these rodents that I now of, and they have a pecking order. The rest of the day, it just rained so I’m signing off.

           I've heard they've finally got a technique to photograph individual atoms. Why can't I find any examples?

Last Laugh