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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

July 20, 2020

One year ago today: July 20, 2019, yes, your Majesty.
Five years ago today: July 20, 2015, goof magnet.
Nine years ago today: July 20, 2011, damn expensive books.
Random years ago today: July 20, 2007, $6 per hour.

           The squirrel population in the yard and across the street I now estimate at 25. The church feeds them or maybe just some of the parishioners. Now that I can spend more time in the back yard, I’m more aware of which churches are ringing bells. Or I should say, play recorded bell tunes. Most prolific is “How Great Thou Art” followed by “And He Walks With Me”. I cannot hear these tunes without thinking of JZ’s dad, who passed away in 2013. There is another church on Vine that keeps playing one I don’t know, but the intro reminds me of “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”.
           Work on the shed roof commenced early and continued to past noon. It was slow going after 10:30AM when it got really warm. Determined to get this out of the way, I stayed up there clamping the last of the planks in place and screwing everything down double until I ran out of screws. This is my excuse to knock off for the day and go downtown, maybe stop for coffee. The illusion that caused the rafters to be off square is present when you stand on the roof as well. But the planks line up perfectly across the entire 20 feet (the roof has one foot eaves). Here’s a view of the chicken coop from up on the roof, showing the kudzu growth in one month.

           Still, something is causing the illusion. The roof seems almost 5” off square. They say trust your instruments and it measures square. I stood over by the chicken coop and it may be the slope of the roof. I know the posts are perfectly plumb. From where I was, they appear to be leaning to the east. Maybe that’s it. I’m widening the openings in the bird feeder one rung each day. This is the last time, as one more will definitely let the squirrels in. Neither the cardinals no smaller birds have shown any interest.

           There is something familiar about this virus scare. I do not believe the liberal left has the brains to cook it up by themselves, I think they are copying something else. Thusforth, I’ve decided later today to review the history of the Black Death that swept Europe in the 1300s. They say 40% of Europe died. But like the wasn’t even a census in Europe, so how do they know (except for the armies) it wasn’t 4%? One possible connection is most people today do not know the difference between a bacteria and a virus.
           Here’s something, there were three types of Black Plague. There is bubonic, pneumotic, and septicemic. It is the pneumonic form, which is airborne, that seems to be the model the Democrats are copying. The city counselors, not the government, of Florence, began taking measures that included quarantine. Several sources suggest that these were actually three different plagues that struck at once. People obeyed incredibly strict rules, a factor which has not gone unnoticed, I’ll wager. Because if there is a similarity between the Dark Ages and now, it is the ignorance of the average citizen.
           Nor is there any doubt the radical left is envying the vaccine model in China. If a person cannot produce a vaccine certificate, they are denied services, housing, and cannot enter most food stores. There are cases of criminals who turn themselves in because they were starving. That is a leftist’s dream come true—and the COVID vaccine, whether you want it or not, injects frog DNA into your body.

           As for the growing sophistication of deepfakes, it serves you right. When you turn the computer into a simple toy, you have to expect that simple minds are going to play with it. It’s a treat to watch how the wired-in generation is finding themselves wired-out. They’ve even got a term for the crowd that’s locked themselves at home to watch the constant bad news the media is ladling out: “doomscrolling”. The Democrats, counting on the mail-in votes, which Trump has denounced, have said they are already planning their November celebration party. This is a curious situation because they cannot win by legitimate means.
           A Biden win makes Pelosi vice-president. I’d say that about halves Joe’s life expectancy. Just because Hillary went away, it doesn’t mean she retired. In equally important news, I tore the new gas cap off the scooter and replace it with the old, only to discover the gasket is missing. What could I do, it was running on empty. And Ronald Bernard, the defector who exposed high level banking corruption, was found face down in a pool of water 300 yards from his cell phone in Sebring yesterday.

Picture of the day.
PopSci simulated drone attack.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Wal*Mart takes the led with the bogus coin shortage. Only the tills, which are grossly under-staffed, will accept cash. The excuse is DC is not making coins. Folks, the average life of a coin in the USA is 40 years. The amount of coins in circulation is constant and yes, Ken, that accounts for coin collectors. It’s a deception to encourage people to pay by card. That adds a real tracing dimension to their electronic profiles. Lucky I’ve got my $100 in coins stashed away. How do we know it’s a fake? Because Wal*Mart has shut down the cash only self-checkouts, as if those give away more change than the cashiers.
           The legendary line-ups at the cash registers meant 40 minutes to buy a $2.48 package of staples. The goods are here, including the remainder of the 416 screws going into the roof planks. I predict the room will be finished in four hours, to the double layer of tarpaper only. It does not get a proper covering until we see another incentive check. This round will cost $2 trillion, enough to make sure only people like myself with no large monthly payments will weather the inflation in reasonable comfort. Here’s a close-up of a row of screws, maybe I’ll reinforce it even some more. That would only take another 96 screws.

           They’ve also got me watching silver prices, which is climbing toward $20 per ounce, the modern-day ceiling. Silver is more volatile than gold, which is why it is rarely held privately as a store of value. My “loss” from the last time it busted through that $20 mark would be 31%, except I didn’t need to sell. I would love to see it soar to it’s traditional ratio of 16:1 meaning $123 per ounce. That would give me a new car and a down payment on something nice. Meanwhile, let me get back up on that roof. Here’s view of the degree to which the neighbor’s roof overhangs the property line. There is not enough space to work on that last row of rafters from the ground. You can’t stand on a ladder and fit through that gap.
           Technically, both roofs may be over the line, since nobody remembers quite where it is and I only put the fence three feet back because it matched the other neighbor’s row. Out there the only radio I get out in the shed is Tampa, which is still in denial there could be an outsider in the White House. They are on a tirade because the old video of Ernst Zundel talking about the Weimar Republic is making the rounds. It’s triple scary because Zundel was describing the outcome of specific conditions.
           He’s been dead three years, the video is much older than that. He was detailing the conditions under which there is a hostile take-over of the central government by communists and a group I can’t say but call them bankers. How the media is manipulated, police begin arresting people for standing up for their rights, and corrupt left-wing politicians manipulated the voting system. And he got it so accurately he could have been on the radio this morning. He described chaos in the cities, including the barricades and masks, how this led to a power grab by civil servants, an organization completely infiltrated by radical leftists. Predecessor

           The left is still scrambling, today’s tack is that Trump is “threatening” to send federal agents to restore order in Democrat cities. I say just surround the bad areas and cut off the welfare checks. They’ll cave within hours. Plus, it gives the Democrats a rare opportunity to be forced to associate with each other and their voting base. What’s up with China? Quite the lack of news all of a sudden. With major corporations and countries backing out of the place, I think there’s a chance this could blow the lid off their economic miracle. There’s something just not right, considering their system, culture, mindset, and strange insular history that says there is no way they rose to a world superpower in twenty years. A
           My guess is it could be a house of cards. The cut-off of just a few business deals, the Trump tariffs, even the slowdown of exports could bring China back to reality a lot sooner than they imagine.

           Forex trading ended the Monday shift up 2.952%. All kiwis.

           Reading an archeological magazine, I saw ruins of Roman storehouses in Scotland. Looking at a map, these are some 100 miles north of Hadrian’s Wall. Researching futher, it turns out the Romans did send a huge army past the wall under an emperor called Severus. Why this failed invasion is suddenly in the media makes sense if you believe the story that Severus was black. I’m more prone to believe the official records that state only that he was “from Africa”. So now that episode has become modern propaganda. That England had a black emperor.
           You’d think the lack of anything important would protect places like Scotland from invasion. According to historians, the locals used hit-and-run tactics on isolated Roman units. I looked on-line and there are a couple of videos. I don’t believe all the sword-fighting. When an opponent is wearing armor, the easiest way to kill him is detail two men to attack him at once. One video claimed the Roman army had 40,000 legionnaires. And they still lost.

           Since I had not studied this period before, I got through several recent documentaries of varying quality. The common thread is while they exhaustively point out Severus was “African” or “from Africa”, they fall short of saying he was a Negro. But the implication is so constant that you just know the latest videos were made for that purpose. Sorry, millie-boys, your agenda isn’t hidden enough, it makes people wonder why you have to troll to such depths to prove a point that doesn’t need proving.
           Face the facts, SJWs Severus was not that great an emperor and isn’t even all that famous. I doubt one person in 100,000 ever heard of him. And what’s this, the United Arab Emirates has launched a Mars satellite? The mission took off from Japan, using American technology, and the country has one “astronaut”, if you care to attach that title to someone who went for a ride in the space shuttle. Mission cost was a piddling $200 million, but if you do the arithmetic, before the oil runs out, they could lift their entire population to Mars. Where they would find cooler, but familiar living conditions.

Last Laugh