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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

July 21, 2020

One year ago today: July 21, 2019, Florida polytech.
Five years ago today: July 21, 2015, clever wording.
Nine years ago today: July 21, 2011, H-bridges get HOT!
Random years ago today: July 21, 2008, not another Batman movie.

Jackpotting. This is the term for hacking an ATM. Remember years ago I predicted the first billion dollar heist would use the electronic system? Right now, there are several methods, but the one that’s got my attention is based on another of my predictions. The Arduino. It can mimic the ATMs internal computer—and I’ll bet you that code is, guess what, a C+ derivative. The thief is targetting the fastest ATMs, made by Diebold Nixdorf, which can spit out its full rack of $100 bills in less than 25 seconds. Not a bad year’s work, around $40,000 in a wink. Here’s a preview of my shopping trip, this is a package of 1,250 T-50 staples from Wal*Mart for $2.47,. A package, of 1,000 at Lowe’s is $11.75. That’s six times more per staple at the hardware store.

 The advantage of the Arduino is that the operator controls exactly the software that is on the chip. Unlike a PC, the Arduino has no system registry that can be manipulated to spy on your laptops and phones. Importantly, the Arudino can be wiped clean by a simple computer command and remain untraceable. Well, folks, you’ve been warned and warned, but I know the excuse—what can I do. I don’t know, I use the ATM once per week and take out all the cash I need in one session. Any deviation would be spotted instantly. Contrast this with the majority who could not tell you their own balance at the moment.

The month is 2/3rds over so let’s see what I’ve got in petty cash. No, not an ATM display, but right here on my own books. I have $544.33. I’m making a $200 withdrawal on Thursday. This is not the account used for the household. I’ve withdrawn $411.88 from that account for shed building materials this month. Let’s see what’s in reserve. Gulp, I cannot tell you that, but I know my balance to the penny. But I have over $900 in transit that I cannot find out if the money orders have been cashed, keep reading.

Since the first layer of tarpaper is up and the shed does not leak, I’m heading to Winter Haven for shopping, hop in, it’s a nice trip. But once I got there, it was drop-out retard day. I’ll give only one example, but they are everywhere. I stopped at the 7/11 to check if my money orders from June had been processed. The instant the fat Mexican broad came out of the office, I knew the bitch was going to waste my time. You only have to lay eyes on those kind of people. She takes the money order receipt and starts reading it. After a while I asked her what she is doing. She’s looking to see how much it is for and who it is payable to. I said, whoa ma’am, you don’t need that information. Just look up the number and tell me if the item has cleared.

She doesn’t know if they can do that, whoa ma’am, I know you can because that is how money orders work. I said to her if you don’t know what you are doing, say so. She finally goes up to the machine and stands there beep-boop-beep, finally I said, whoa ma’am what are you doing? She says checking, I said well you’ve already pushed about fifty buttons more than necessary. I repeat, if you do not know what you are doing, just say so. She says these are new machines. I said no they are not, that machine has been here at least six weeks. Finally, she admits she doesn’t know what she is doing.

You have to call the office number on the back. Before I walked out I informed her the reason I come in to the store is because the people who answer the phones at the office are even worse than she is for not knowing their jobs. I think you have a good idea of how I suffer fools. All she had to say is she did not have a friggen clue what she was doing and I would have gone to the next 7/11 and got there ten precious minutes earlier.

<i>[Author’s note: let’s be clear here, I am not ragging on the lady because she was “Mexican”, but that she wasted my time. I’ve spent long enough in foreign countries to know what counts and what does not. I gave her a quick and early opportunity to just admit she didn’t know. My long-term blog readers know that I’ve had a lot to say about the Latino macho bullshit that they would rather lie than admit they don’t know. But I allowed for that sensitivity in my approach and this broad still wasted my time.

You know what is weird? These people come over here and don’t assimilate. Successful Americans quickly learn to bypass and get around these useless deadweights, and it has nothing to do with race or culture. It takes maybe five minutes to learn that wasting other people’s time is not such a great idea in America, yet they go on year after year. They pull little stunts like this all day long. In the process, they exclude themselves from most of the good things about America. It’s now wonder the bastards are marching in the streets wailing about how they’ve got nothing and whites have everything.

If, by coincidence or whatever, the dividing line seems to some to be split along ethnic lines, it isn’t. The whites who don’t learn the rules are materially just as bad off. But, being the wrong “ethnic”, they can’t so easily blame others by converting to leftism and screaming “racism”.]</i>

For those of you that trust the mainstream media, the Chicago Tribune just announced the three severest critics of Democrat left-wing tactics with the largest followings have just been named in a sexual harassment suit. It’s the typecast hotel room and handcuffs encounter by some ten-twenty year out of date innocent, unsuspecting virgin.. These anti-left media hosts must be brought down by any means necessary. And her timing, poll-wise, is perfect. What’s that smell?

Picture of the day.
Blue wildebeest.
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The birds have still not adapted to the bird cage feeder. They will land on it an look at the seeds, but won’t enter. That solution continues to be trial and error. Same with the new perch. At first it was popular, but too low to see from inside the kitchen. I raised it just 4” and they ignore it. The radish plants are healthy and the beets are just beginning to sprout, almost a week early. I have the camo paint for the tarpaper, it actually works by being highly “unreflective”, I’ll let you look that one up. They’ve discover fish that can actually absorb light, an interesting biological version of the blackest chemical paint.

Did I get out there like a real trooper and work on the roof? I first mentioned the desired dimensions of this shed on <a href= > December 30, 2017</a>. The answer is nope, the sun decided to make up for the pleasant weather of the last few days and scorch the place. I spent $150 in a wink. One item picked up was another 100 feet of 12/2 wiring, enough for the shed lighting and a few outlets, sufficient for now. Dang, somebody grabbed those 8-foot florescent fixtures from the thrift I had my eye on.

From the records, that same roll of wiring when I began the electrical in Dec. 2017 was $28 per roll. Today it is $44. But I’m almost done, and silver has cracked the $20 ceiling, around a half-hour ago it was trading $21.18. Go, silver, I need important stuff and I’m tired of waiting. Anyway, expect progress reports because the wiring will now take place in the shade. Later I mean, it is still over 85°F in the shade today. By mid afternoon, Forex income this week is 4.200%, not bad. I’ve noticed the correlation between certain graphics and a surge in trade notification. Beats checking the computer as often as possible.

What’s going on out there? The servers keep dropping off. What’s the matter, ISP types? Aren’t you making enough money over there? This makes for siesta, and the move is “Apollo 18”, the conjecture that there was a flight after official cancellation of the final three missions. What they found, it goes, is the reason we never went back. It’s another low-effort production.

F ollowing closely after, as soon as it cooled a bit, I was up on the roof rolling out tarpaper. My roofs never leak thanks to my habit of putting two layers of tarpaper. Hey, for $20 bucks, do it proper. Scout around here for a video of the process, it means I decided to upload some scenery destined mostly for Tennessee.

Agt. R has a chance to begin redeeming himself. That would be this Thursday, a firm commitment to help me cut the tree limbs.

Last Laugh