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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 22, 2020

One year ago today: July 22, 2019, nothing notable.
Five years ago today: July 22, 2015, fake news?
Nine years ago today: July 22, 2011, I met a barmaid.
Random years ago today: July 22, 2016, the IBM 5in5 . . .

           Google messes up again. They’ve “improved” the blog posting procedure to the point it no longer works right. It’s the mentality of their coders, and that is the problem. They are coders and not programmers. Coders do not fulfill the requirement of completely understanding a process BEFORE you enter any commands. As usual, I will find the workarounds, but it takes time. Because to fix it, I have to think like a pack of idiots and for a guy like me, this isn’t so easy. I’ve rejected stupidity so long I can’t just leap into the pit with these AOLs. (On August 24 upcoming they disable the standard blog viewing option.)
          Here’s a picture of the shed wiring underway. Of course, my regular readers can see the vast improvements in workmanship over the years. Nice of you to mention it.  In garden news, we have eight beets showing, the radishes are growing at all different rates, and the birdfeeder seems to keep out the squirrels but the birds have not taken to it.  Forex trading ending the week up 5.074%. 

           I’ll tell you who else messed up, big time. Dallas Judge Eric Moyé, an avowed racist and black activist. The left is trying to divert attention away from this buffoon scumbag by focusing on the plight of the salon owner he jailed. Not because she opened her business, but because she flat refused to kiss his ass. But this fact has not escaped nationwide notice, nosirree. The Texas Attorney General and Supreme Court stepped in, saying enough is enough. They released her from jail when it became just too obvious she was the victim of a hate crime at the highest judicial level because she was white. But she’d already been in the slammer two days, so the release could just be damage control. That Judge has to go. Throw his black ass out the door no matter what color it is.
           She is still being fined $500 per day for opening, but her supporters have already raised most of the $500,000 she’ll ever need. My advice to Eric Moyé is he be the one to start apologizing. And packing to get the hell out of town. The courtroom episode is posted on-line. Just listen to this ignorant freak and tell me this person ever legitimately got through law school on his own merits. And now he’s stepped over the line. Any one of these items could be the hair-trigger of pent up Texas frustrations.
          The murderers of the three fisherman have been caught. Three of them, a career criminal, his girfriend, and his brother. The shooter was 26 with around 250 felony charges. When locals heard about the murders, they all called in by the hundreds without knowing any details, naming the killer, who was out on bond. My question, who let this guy out on bond? Haul the bastard on the carpet, no more limited immunity for such gross negligence. Who lets a violent criminal with 15 felony convictions out on bond? What’s the name of who granted it? It is not just the swamp in DC that needs draining.
         There, I feel much better now and am going outside to camouflage the tarpaper. We need it to look like a vacant piece of ground with a fence running down the middle. I may put some study into this and use the drone to test the effect. Six hours of rain ruled that out this morning and remind me check on the radishes. Folks, I think this might be what retirement is really like. I had another crack at playing “Rose Garden” and I’m swaying toward an unpleasant conclusion—that so much effort has been put into posting that wrong that it cannot have happened in isolation. Has majority rule begun to attack music chords? I’m adding some Shania Twain to my list. If bad transcripts are being plugged into the system, time to break out my old keyboards and do things right the hard way.

Picture of the day.
Railtours Ireland.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Trent is taking a data analysis course on-line. Called Thinkful, it has the novel approach that you don’t pay for the courses until you get a job that pays more than $40,000 per year. Beats the Ivy League format where their main product is not quality graduates, but four years of networking with other rich bastards. I have good cause to wonder if on-line courses could possibly impart the depth needed, but on the other hand, I’ve toyed with the idea of returning to work for some months already. Before I forget, the pain in my joints went away after a day, but a slight discomfort reminds me to take it easy.
           For now, the blogs will be short and sweet. I have to use the allocated time slot to fix the mess Google has made. They’ve made the major mistake of embedding the HTML formatting codes into the post rather than giving it a style sheet. This m eans, when in doubt, which is usual for an HTML scripter, they will embed every command instead of just the ones that affect the segment. It makes editing a post a lot like using a MicroSoft IDE.
           Once I redo the template, things may pick up again.  Whoa!  Moments later the gorfs over at Google realized their mistake and quickly disabled most HTML commands and hidden the editing behind style sheets.  Hey, my new tags are being undone. What's going on here. I think I'm not supposed to see this, but I think they are wisely reverting to the old format. HTML sites never work right, there is just a point you quit working on them.
Last Laugh