One year ago today: August 21, 2019, talent desn’t imply compatbibility.
Five years ago today: August 21, 2015, no rules, no standards.
Nine years ago today: August 21, 2011, Underground & in New York.
Random years ago today: August 21, 2006, interesting, but no pic.
It’s JeePee at the spa. Here he is with his shell nice and shiny from coconut
The dogs and I went for a morning walk and same as last evening, the pep is gone. This year they both pass the average life expectancy, sad but true. They used to romp and strain at the leash, now after a few minutes they just want to go home and lie down. We’ll take them to the vet soon to be sure. It’s age, I’ve seen it on the farm.
Being here gives me time to read the technology feeds every day and it’s with interest I note the A.I. test of a drone pilt against a human flying F-16s. The human came in a dismal second. DARPA (yes, they are still around) picked a seasoned pilot. He never scored a single hit. Careful here, this was not a full-fledged test. There were no missiles, only straight ahead shooting like old WWII era piston-engined dogfights and the G forces were undoubtedly detuned to human levels. This is a frightening development that will only work until the enemy has his own units. We can presume our computer companies are as protective of this new software as they have been in the past.
Here’s a shot of the fire truck blocking two lanes on the freeway in south Atlanta last day.
Patagonia in March.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
Politics again, but from my perspective and I’m anti-left. I find it interesting that Trump said he would deply police or volunteers to monitor the polling stations. Of course, the left is totally against that, though they would flip-flop in an instant if it was in their own interests. They cite a Federal lawthat says no armed men at polling places unless necessary to repel armed enemies of the United States. Duh, what do you call liberals and their riot squads? The Democrats are no doubt already training people to say they were “intimidated”. Yes, these are interesting times.
With no time to listen to the speeches, I’ve watched a couple critiques. It’s going to take a lot of spin to claim the convention was a winner when only 50% of the viewers tuned in as last year. The MSM still claims Trump is behind in the polls but I can’t think of anyone who beleives a thing they say any more. I’m beginning to understand why they call the Democrat voter base a “coalition of the miserable”. This, as a back-up plan, is a seriously outdated model. If I was Mr. Democrat and watched their performance this past week, I’d vote for Trump.
The picture is pet news. Don’t tell the Reb but I believe for a turtle, Mother Nature rules. Give them a spread of food and a million years of evolution means they will eat the ones they like that are the best for them. They still get their turtle formula and all, but I’ve got him trained to know when I whistle it’s goodie time. As far as turtles can be trained, that is. This is often how I find out what works best. Lookie here, he did not touch the watermelon, which is hailed as a prize and went for the blackberries, there are three in the picture. (Two he has taken out of the tray, a sure sign of preference.)
There is also turkey meat, many people don’t know that turtles are omnivorous. So this is like Thanksgiving in August. The forecast is for more pet pics in the upcoming days and not just because they are like a blog revival. These guys may soon be featured in advertising, as the business talk here moves away from Auvoria and toward e-commerce. Remember, the only thing stopping me in the past was a reluctance to participate directly. But indirectly is a new ball game. Once again, it is dependent on the one thing most people don’t have. An utterly trustworthy partner.
Negotiations begin tomorrow, I’ll release what little information is allowed. Even then expect it to cover the big picture, never the details—with the except of that which is already widely known. I see little new about on-line business, the only things that have really changed is the speed and the delivery system. I don’t need to be sold. My prediction is that all Internet-based businesses are merely an electronically-updated form of drop-shipping. I ran an extensive series of spreadsheets on this long ago. There are two extremes, low-volume high end sales, and high volume junk.
One case I studied involved the mis-application of law when the government began to police what was then known as mail-order. They required the purchase to be shipped by a narrow deadline. A blizzard had gone through the mountain passes in Idaho and a distant aquitance of mine was snowed in over that time period. He was arrested and fined. Drop shipping, as they call it today, is fraught with all the dangers of relying on people and factories you’ve never met. These are details that will be hammered out by this weekend.
Something is wonky about my magazine subscriptions. I have them sent here monthly, so it’s expected when I arrive, there should be a pile of them. Nope, four or five. I was expecting 18. I know in the fine print it says that special editions (which I did not order) can cound for as many as three regular magazines. That still does not explain it. Have I just been millennialized? No, I’m not going to contact them and listen to their script.
I always forget something and this time it was my box of extra computer cables and my bass tuner. I’ll go shopping but I just got here and I’ve already spent a hundred bucks. So much for conservation measures. I’ve got my exercise gear set up in the Florida room, that’s what they call it. And the cool weather is letting me know I do not want to develop arthritis. Dang, I told you how my shoulder blade, which was not injured, is now part of the process.
On final item, the Golden State killer. He went on a 40 year terror spree with such diversity he was known by several monikers. The authorities say he was finally caught by a new DNA system that builds family trees from “publicly available” sources and a sample lifted from his garbage can. His wife maintains she never suspected a thing. Those are two fairy tales I’m not buying. First, the DNA smoke screen. My spider sense can spot a bullshit cover story a mile away, and second, the wife is lying through her teeth.
I call it the Capone Divorce. Al gets prison time, his wife gets the Florida mansion, the jewelry, the boat, the bank account . . . . Duly noted.