One year ago today: August 26, 2019, DMCA legal blackmail.
Five years ago today: August 26, 2015, an anti-auction plan.
Nine years ago today: August 26, 2011, I once failed music.
Random years ago today: August 26, 2007, my first bass solo gig.
Today you get a default entry. That’s where, unlike most blogs that tell you what to think, I give you the details and you decide what gives. I had the dogs out all morning in the back yard, with JeePee the turtle making up the audience. To those who find it rambles, well, thinking period isn’t your strong point. I cleaned all the birdhouses that had been occupied and put the boxes in an ant pile to clear out all parasites. There is evidence of squirrels gnawing through the bird holes, shown here.
I grew up thinking that squirrels did that to get at the bird’s eggs, but according to Reb’s research, they only do that when food is scarce. That’s not probable around here, apparently they like to nest inside such places if large enough. So I took the lid off a couple and sure enough, the insides had been chewed or clawed out to a larger dimensio. The chewed opening is also visible in this photo.
We got on-line together and decided it was best to fit a 1-1/2” opening in hopes of attracting an eastern bluebird family. I’ve failed for years to entice any to the Florida cabin, maybe we’ll have luck here. We now know what portions of the yard have become bird favorites.
The bluebird has a taxonomic of sialia sialis, a naming system I’ve never liked. They should use something descriptive in English, which is now established as the language that saved the world, poor job of it that they did. The Reb asked about tyranosaurus rex, what would I call that. How about “big fat thing with short arms”? She rejected this because so people would think I meant Nadler. So, call the dinosaur, “George”, what’s wrong with that?
The Reb does not believe in chemical remedies, preferring natural supplements. They’ve worked wonders on Sparkie for years, especially the fish oil. But there always comes a time when even the best of the best isn’t enough. I cooked them a huge batch of ground turkey, a treat they only get when I’m here. Where Sparkie would bound over, now he struggles. The conclusion is to put him on arthritis medications, which are chemical painkillers. He’s got maybe a couple years left, so this is a quality of life decision.Here is a view of the most popular birdhouse. I call it the coconut house, but it’s really a hollow log. I found three nests in layer inside, which is unusual for a number of reasons. Reb identified the last family as finches which are not fussy nesters. In the background is the shed, where I’ve decided to take the fancy table I found back with me, how that I have a shed. Well, I hope so, there are two hurricanes bearing down but headed for Texas. That’s the table with the ceramic tile top. Note the excellent gate in the background. I built that.
What’s this news about Google being sued for intentionally making user settings so difficult the average person cannot understand them? The real surprise is there are people out there who are just beginning to realize this now. Following the lead of MicroSoft, even when caught red-handed, Google refuses to fully admit anything wrongdoing. They even evoke the Facebook defense that the authorities do not fully appreciate how computer business works.
Engine block, hot rod hemi.
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Early afternoon found me still in the yard. We’re going to move this big iron plant stand away from a tree. I can’t find out why it won’t budge. I intend to stand around drinking coffee until I figure it out, even if it takes all day. Maybe tomorrow, too. I’ve sent off my new country song list to the usual critics and they don’t like any of it. But they all agree do what you gotta do or be a schmeeb. I purposely favored tunes that had an early rock or southern rock feel. As for the music, my people consider new country one small step above rap, which they loathe.
I’m banking on several factors. I know the way I play bass will enable me to strum each tune with a definitive character—this ability I am strongly counting on. I leaned toward songs with lots of chord changes, since I doubt I can sustain interest on one for long. I see an upsurge of capo work in my near term. Just before siesta, I looked over the musician’s ads. It still amazes me how guitar-centric bands are so shallow-minded about bass playing, often advertising for someone to “stand in tonight’. At the same time, they probably will find some tenth rate bassist who can root-pump his way through, reinforcing their a\half-baked mind sets.
Here’s JeePee behind his wire screen, but otherwise in turtle vacation-land. Unlike his permanent cage, he can go several feet in a straight line. I made the wire smooth even though when walking, a turtle clears the ground by around a quarter inch.. You have to look to see it, but there is no belly contact. We interacted a lot, he’s a great listener, but today things got Florida muggy. No staying outside. We talked about the misleading title of the FISA wiretap. It’s a law that spies on innocent citizens but actually has nothing or very little to do with any actual wiretapping.
It is done through electronics and was sold to the nation as an anti-terrorist procedure. The uproar is that the Deep State used it against an opposition candidate, namely Donald Trump. TMOR, this is momentous for two reasons. First, it can only be done with a warrant that makes certain claims, such as fighting terrorism. Second, the emergent fact that the people at the highest levels of the Democrat administration including Obama would have known there was no truth to the allegations. They, the Democrats past and present, now realize everything they have is at stake. They must win this election at any cost.
Which brought up the question of why Trump has been so quiet on the issue. My thoughts are he does not want to cloud the airwaves so near election time. He knows he will win and he also knows the Democrats are no more likely to admit defeat than last time. They are planning on more guerrilla tactics. So what is Trump up to? My guess is when he wins, it will be for the Democrats like someone switching on the light in a room full of cockroaches. (Those are not my words, I read that somewhere.)
Trump, now aware that they will resort to dirty tricks, waits until a short time after the election. He also has a plan in place and it is, I say, custom designed to prevent a repeat of the hoax and impeachment nonsense. What will he do? Send in the now-militarized and re-funded police to round up the leaders. Grab all the Democrat politicians in the early-morning raids like they pulled on that Stone guy. Dragged out of bed by a SWAT team with the media in full array. Then immediately turn on anybody in the civil service who either supported the left or acted politically on the job.
That would effectively castrate the liberal movement beyond recovery in our era. A noble cause.. Once they are tried and convicted, it will be their people subject to the cancel culture they created. And my turtle, being smarter than your average liberal, understands all this.
I am aware of the problem with my yesteryear links. The system changed from http to https, a lame security measure. But it did not provide any way to change the hundreds or thousands of links that already existed in this blog. There is a checkbox in the settings that says to allow for this, but it seems to have no effect. And, since I can no longer directly access my earlier posts, I cannot update them as we go along. Like I had been doing. Up yours, Google.
Blog comments here are not published, for this is not some debating society. I do address such input at times and allow a moment for my side of why I don’t do politics. My self-explanation is I have a complex personality and scertain people never adjust to that. Historically in a crowd of more than a dozen people, there is always, always, always somebody who hates my guts from the get-go. That’s not the problem, my reaction is. Trump has the advantage if knowing his haters are an identifiable group. I simply ignore my haters.
For the record, the place I encounter most haters is the workplace. Usually, we don’t choose our co-workers. The stories of Joan and Kathy Wells are well-documented earlier. My side of it is that they for the first time in their zero lives met a man with firm convictions and they can’t deal with that. This reveals the character trait of why I don’t do politics. I could care less about such people whereas a politician needs every vote he can garner.
So there’s your answer. I simply and honestly have never given a single shit about those who do not like me. Their common trait is lack of accomplishments, so they can never reconcile with those who manage any. And that, young people, is why I have no political aspirations.