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Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 27, 2020

One year ago today: August 27, 2018,Operation Turtle Food.
Five years ago today: August 27, 2014, wierd NPR article.
Nine years ago today: August 27, 2010,separately negotiable.
Random years ago today: August 27, 2006, I scan everything.

           It should not be a task to buy transmission fluid, but it is. It’s a dumb system of names and numbers, I’m finally going to take in the empty from what I was using and see if I can match it up with what they have on the shelf. That was the morning except for a while looking at hotels. We may get away for the weekend. I have a strong dislike for American hotels, with their snoopy rules and fine print when in reality, every one of them is a rip-off in some way. And you won’t know it until too late. One place said it was pet friendly, then in the fine print I found out why. A hundred dollars per pet per night on top of the room rate. Can’t get much friendlier than that. Or like Miami, no parking.

           If there is a hotel I like, it is the older buildings refurbished, but alas that industry has fallen to the customer service bunch. They make you feel welcome but in a practiced way, kind of an assembly line atmosphere. I finally found a barber shop but open only in the afternoons. And the fine print says there is a $2.95 COVID-19 surcharge per haircut to pay for safety measures. Now I have to pay for something they do—that’s liberal-think. You pay for something you didn’t ask for.

           Another Tesla collision, this time hitting a police cruiser. Am I the only voice in the wilderness warning the world that you cannot produce a self-driving car using OOPs coding? That’s the C+ family of pretend computer languages which created the chaos out there today. C+ can be created without knowing zilch about the topic and the module to slow down and pull over for accidents was omittd. I further say even if a proper language is implemented, the brain-fart mentality of the C+ generations will block progress for decades to come. I fully admit I do not know the answer, but I know that C+ is no solution. It is the problem.
           I will spell out the facts once again. With C+ code, anything much over a few hundred lines becomes a horror story when it comes to maintenance. All relationships in proper computer code are explicit. Not with C+, where any change in one module affects others invisibility via an idiotic concept called “inheritance”. There is no solution to this without starting over, which is expensive. So the producers revert to applying software fixes, which results in ever more tangled code and version after version. MicroSoft is the company most responsible for this horrid mess. As usual, Tesla will address (but not solve) the problem AFTER the crash and, you guessed it, adding more code.
           There is an internal memo around my place that stated some ten years ago the to be fair, OOPs and C+ could be made to work, but quote “but it requires a far more advanced mental capability than possessed by the generations who've been drinking the Kool-Aid.”

Picture of the day.
Nigerian crude oil.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Fun in the afternoon. A primary lesson from the robot club is not to just read the directions, but read them until the entire process makes sense. It’s a given the greater part of mankind does not like reading directions. Hence when the neighbor came over today wanting a hand taking some measurments, I knew this was going to take time. He’s putting up a car shelter, one of those pipe and tarp units that lasts until the first windstorm As I walked over, I saw he had the frame set up and wanted a hand throwing the tarp over the roof.
           Folks, on those tents, you assemble the roof on the ground, including the tarp, then lift it up into place afterwards. They are also meant to be erected at the spot they are intended to stay. Nor is it any use to square up the corners until the tarp is fastened down. I think from just mentioning these items you can guess how it went. Ever worked with somebody who does not know the name of basic knots, as in the difference between a half-hitch and a clove hitch? We got the thing up and working.

           I really want to get away for at least a day trip this weekend. You know what gives me a laugh? Hotels who at this late point in the game still advertise “free wifi” like it is something special. Golly, look folks, free wifi and air to breathe. Why the rooms are even filled with handy, convenient gravity. Holds objects right where you put them.
           Moments later, I retract some of that, since the Reb informs me she has stayed in hotels where WiFi was an extra. So such dinosaurs still exist. My take on hotels that charge for WiFi service imight as well have pay phones and pay toilets as well. The last time I stayed in a hotel without free WiFi was July 4, 1999, when I did not even have the equipment to use it. Meanwhile, here is one explanation why the doggies like my visits. This is six pounds of fresh 85% lean ground turkey. To them, that is pure luxury.

           Last item for now is nothing really. But isn’t it funny how Trump’s acceptance speech tonight contained a series of four topics in a row in the same order and intensity as presented in this blog as long as two weeks ago? I’m not suggesting he or anyone on his staff reads me, or that I’m even the originator of each idea. My only comment is, as has happened in the past, that the order in which events occurred is beyond explanation. For example, for the first time tonight, Trump openly stated the need to eliminat the Democrats. Not just defeat them, for defeat is no longer good enough. It’s a stance this blog has taken for weeks already.
           Now careful, I did not just say or imply my thoughts were original. But consider this, I did not base my conclusion on current events. Rather, it came around in my thinking based on studies from twenty years ago on the way the communist left behaved in Europe in WWII when their territories were overrun. They resorted to partisan activites. That’s how the left works and they have to be forcibly rooted out. For somebody on Trump’s team to suddenly now conclude the same thing by a totally different source in the same timeframe, well, that’s too much of a coincidence for me.

           [Author’s note: the accounts of “Nazi” death squads summarily executing people are not exactly true. Partisan warfare is non-conventional and thus not protected (or condoned) by the Geneva convention. Acts of sabotage by civilians during wartime have traditionally carried the death penalty. When the German army overran an area, their soldiers were being shot in the back.
           Thus, the Germans quickly learned to round up all the communist “commissars” as soon as possible and shoot them first. The commissars were staying behind for the express purpose of murdering Germans. That is how the left operates when they cannot win fair and square. I’ve read enough to know the locals often equally hated the commissars and were only too glad to turn them in. Now read this next sentence carefully. It is a fact that most of the commissars belonged to a single religious group. This is where re-written history feeds you a false narrative.
           They were shot not because of their religion, but because they were commissars and/or murderers.]

           Today Facebook issued “warnings” that the new Apple operating system (iOS 14) will render tracking software useless. The Apple system prevents apps like Instagram and WhatsApp from tracking the unique advertiser ID on your device. Zucker is “concerned” that you will receive less targeted ads, you poor thing. Ha, Apple can make sure you don’t receive any ads at all. A masterstroke if you ask me. Imagine, Zucker, Apple incorporating what the consumer actually wants. It must fry your brain.
           Shows you how out of touch old Mark is. Dire predictions of doom and “far-reaching impact on the developer ecosystem” makes his posturing a standing joke. These people writing apps, they might have to start producing quality or go get real jobs. For those of you who still think that anybody is rooting for you, Facebook bought the tracking app from MicroSoft, it’s called “Atlas”. These organizations have always existed just this side of the law. These people are not your friends. I have a dream. That one day the average citizen of AmericaLand can get through an entire day without being advertised at.

           [Author’s note: in reality, the consequences for Zucker are far more harsh than meets the eye. Since 2013, Facebook has ramped its revenue stream to “targeted” advertising and incurred obligations they may not be able to meet if their electronic intrusion even slows down, much less declines. If it stops altogether, it could be bye-bye Facebook. Apple has always been more consumer-oriented, although lately they are no angels either.
           This move by Apple portends a larger rift with Facebook than they are letting on. Meanwhile the Zucker keeps up his hooey about “engaging” with industry and ”platform policies”. I suspect Facebook has already painted itself into an advertising revenue corner. It is certain they cannot change back because they would have done that already. Are things getting desperate, Zuck? I hope one day to tell the Zucker don’t slam the door on your way out.
           Too many people don't know Facebook was first funded by $500 million from the CIA.]

Last Laugh
(youTube Convention)