One year ago today: August 31, 2019, two or three indicators.
Five years ago today: August 31, 2015, pass the ketchup.
Nine years ago today: August 31, 2011, I still boycott Hershey’s.
Random years ago today: August 31, 2007, that’s how much . . .
August closes with a whole new chapter in my life. Fact is, this month was the level of activity I was used to before 2003 when you might say I grew old in one day. However, today me and the boys returned from the morning walk around the recycle station flat out so tired we slept till noon and thus you get more pictures of Memphis. Here is a classic, which could be a meme saying, “When they say last call on Beale Street, they mean last call.”
Um, we have no idea if these mounted police are a regular detail or there to make sure Black Lives Matter, type of thing. It’s an impressive array. This is standing at the ready just before curfew time last Saturday night. The Reb talked to them, but she was actually impressed by the horses. Very well kept, and why not? This is one place they have not been defunded. I dare any peaceful protesters to test this location.
Checking a few on-line sources, I get bombarded by Trump news. His critics, besides not being all that photogenic, are more and more taking on a distinct set of nasty personality traits. His ability to get their goats via his direct pipeline to the people is drawing flak from their highest levels, a sure sign to ramp things up when dealing with libtards. I haven’t followed closely enough to see any of this, but I sure recognize the symptoms. Does anyone else get the impression the left isn’t for anybody, they are just against Trump.
This will be the most contrary election the left has ever experienced, since they recognize no middle ground. They can spend an entire newscast without mentioning any issues, just blasting away at Trump—and losing a lot of their remaining credability in the scrunch. They’re pressing the angle that the riots are Trumps fault because they occured on his watch. Strange logic indeed, but when you consider the caliber of the individuals they seek to appeal to, it makes a twisted sort of sense. You know, people with trouble following caus and effect.
Part of the hatred, as I see it, was the memory of how the press took down President Nixon back in the 70s. They think they can pull that off again. Wrong, for Nixon had actually done something wrong. This time it was the entire upper Democrat directorate twho did wrong. But the individual news people, especially CNN, have not forgotten that careers were made over the Watergate scandal.
It seems many of them simply have to blame someone and that person cannot be on their side. To me, that explains why they are attacking Trump and not the entire Republican party. Oh, by the way, the popular talk at street level is some of the defecting and anti-Trump quislings who call themselves Republicans are in for a wake-up call.
All this pales to the disappointment I had of not being able to treat the Reb to a real soda at Schwab’s. I wanted to treat her to a real soda for 30 years and got there too late. Here’s another dark photo since most of what you’ll see this time on Beale was taken well after sunset. This was the most impressive shop on Beale on my last visit here, I was so looking forward to this. The Schwab soda fountain.
I think we’ve had enough fun for a while. My plan is to head back early, maybe on Wednesday. I’ve kept up my therapy and have questions because we’ve some new aching parts. Or parts that have no ached since the collision making a comeback. The Reb suggests it’s because I’ve adapted to doing things that bypass any pain, which makes sense. Like how she takes the big dog food contain off the top of the fridge where I get a step-stool. I can’t lift my right arm quite that high. Yes, makes a lot of sense.
Mexican labor camp.
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Um, I should point out to my non-America readers that the massive rift between the President and the media is partially caused by the 1987 repeal of the fairness principle. Up to then, any media who presented a political view were required to give equal air time to the opposing view.. Things changed immediatey after that as it meant the leftist newspapers no longer had any duty to fairness. The Marxists thought they had such control of the press they could stifle all other points of view. But they miscalculated. Again.
They forgot about talk radio. And radio still reaches 91% of all Americans every day. Almost immediately began the rise of ultra-conservative hosts like Rush Limbaugh. This grew and grew to this day when anti-communists like Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and Sean Hannity have combined listenerships measured in the tens of millions. Daily! Bigger than rock stars.
The radical left, as usual, responded with customary incompetence, turning once reputable newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post) into journalistic jokes. They had little choice and when there is no news, they create it. They are compelled to put a racist twist on everything. The end result? The whole lot of them (the radicals, the Democrats, and the MSM) are "dirtier than a truck stop toilet seat".