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Saturday, September 12, 2020

September 12, 2020

One year ago today: September 12, 2019, Spartanburg to Jacksonville.
Five years ago today: September 12, 2015, Saudi is closer than Greece.
Nine years ago today: September 12, 2011, I saw some stealth.
Random years ago today: September 12, 2014, entrenched & corrupt.

           A good all-morning rain means a cool afternoon. This is my gate frame from last evening. More about it later. Meanwhile I’m baking and on my third cup of joe. The newsfeeds are hard at work with their phony polls, the same ones who told us Trump could never win. The countdown means the left is beyond desperate, the Biden campaign in Michigan attracted zero supporters, but fifty Trump protesters. The Democrats can no longer win before the election so they are planning to win afterward. They are up to something big and probably violent for that is how the left operates. They are still dragging around the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the USPS hoax, they already refer to a Trump win as him “pulling it off”.
           TMOR, the US has an electoral college for a good reason, but it is a system subject to distortion by gerrymandering. It works by defining voting areas so that large population centers can’t rule over the sparsely populated areas. Thus, a Democrat in Ohio may need 500,000 votes to win, but a Republican in Wyoming may need only 500. Whenever a loser has more districts or more total votes than the winner, you’ve seen how they cry like babies. Both gerrymandering and the whining are associated with the Democrat side of things. (Democratic is not the same as Democrat, which is a political party that is not in any form democratic.)
           These are the transplanted chrysanthemums, not doing to well. Damaged by a falling limb, these plants are known to be fussy, I’m surprised they grew as well as they did. These have been fertilized and watered to spec, yet are still limp and not showing response. Back to politics.

           When you hear of polls, you are most likely to be the target of liberal and Democrat propaganda. Few outsiders pay attention to polls since the few legitimate studies that occur show that 2/3rds of people lie to the pollsters. One huge underestimation involves “silent Trumpsters”, people who fear social media retribution if they announce they will vote for Trump. I just got a telemarket call from Virginia, where I’ve never been, saying the name my phone is under (Alfredo) is a registered Democrat voter in that state, a bald-faced lie. When told that “we” never support any organization that conducts telemarketing, they hung up.
           Trump is winning where it matters. People vote for jobs and that’s Trump while the radical left goes on about the virus, which they highly over-consider as the single biggest weak spot for Trump. But that is growing so old people tune it out. The local Florida bars open on Monday, except over in Miami-Dade for good reason, the place is crawling with un-inoculated illegals. The capacity is limited to 50%, but most bars can only hope for that much business. Most have never been that full on a holiday weekend. As for the worst thing against Democrats, the lockdown is seen as their own private personal failure at hurting Trump. Their only chance not is “cheat by mail”.

           The left has already declared they will riot and burn if Trump wins. This is not idle projection, it is already slated. Their problem is the Riot Act. Trump can sic the police and if need be, the army to put down this type of unrest, properly called “insurrection” since their goals are political and undemocratic. Personally, I hope he does, with some 87% of the wildfires set by Democrat fanatics and it seems a Democrat arsonist may have been burned to death in a massive news coverup, details are absent but if so, call him “woke”. And woke politics is backfiring, claiming to support equality from one side of their mouths and Black lives matter out of the other. Now they’ve infiltrated the NFL which will do them more harm than good. Politics and sports don’t belong together, though they both reflect similar mentalities.
           By noon, a windstorm has taken over, I’m waiting to see if it abates. I should have pictures of the door frame I began last evening. It is a Dutch design I’m told, with two diagonal braces. As the frame begins to warp with gravity over time, the braces countermand that by transferring the stress to the much more stable hinged vertical piece. The lap joints I’ve learned to like are noticeable, but I reverted to ordinary screws as I can’t, in my now vast inventory, find any bolts of the right size. I placed the screws so as to make it possible to use bolts later. After the fiasco with my porch door in 2017, I now build doors and gates to last. If you cannot use diagonal braces, don’t go smaller than 2x4 framing. Return tomorrow for a picture of how the this gate and window frame look side-by-side in the work shed. No screen yet, it doesn’t make sense until I have the two other gate done. One to the laundry room, one to the garden area. Where everything grows except my garden.

           Later, here is the gate in progress, you can see the various steps and the angled joints made with a chop saw. I was not big on making this one pretty but it came out decent. It’s my most ambitious gate so far, the other is just a dog gate in Tennessee. The frame itself is rigid and does not rely on the door panels, although they act as one large gusset. The door was planned empirically as I went along so I ran into a few snags with the hinge and the last picket pinching against the next when swung open, but nothing that could not be fixed with a saw cut.

Picture of the day.
Gibralter cable car.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I took the time-out for the storm to investigate Brave Browser. It would be installed on my tablet, the only piece of gear on my premises that has an Internet connection. But it will not install without adding Windows components I don’t want or find highly suspicious. There is something about Windows insisting on updates for problems my computer does not have. I use Ghostery, which properly installed has blocked every tracking attempt on my equipment except the inevitable Blog cookies. Even those can only track my headers, as I do not allow Google Chrome. My next move is to get out of Windows S mode, but I can’t find any straight answers about possible ramifications.
           Still storming, I ran through my “CC” song list, standing of Country Comedy. It’s a broad category, but as far as I’m concerned It’s comedy compared the horribly droll lyrics and draggy music that most Indie tunes and commericial radio are plugging. I can tell you what else is a drag. I use food spray when I’m wearing sandals, and I only wear sandals that use straps, not toe-biters. Well, some cans of foot spray won’t work unless the can is held exactly upright. That’s another millennial brain-fart.

           With an extra hour before dark, I put in these 30 or so cuttings from the devil’s backbone plants that did well in the yard. There are two plants that took, this one and the pink flowers whose name I always forget. They look great and bloom a lot but have to be constantly trimmed or they get vine-like. This area beneath my kitchen window tends to attract weeds. The devil’s backbone grows thick enough to crowd out other things, so it may do the trick. The soil shown here is treated with the tomato fertilizer. It carries instructions to re-apply every two weeks. Good luck with that. Other than my precious fruit and nut trees, followed by what’s in the planter, the rest get what I get around to.

           I’m not done talking about the war between America and the Democrats. But I worked until almost dark and got the door finished and hung. Here it is, showing the bracing and view from the interior. This is looking from the garden area into the spot that will get the five-foot wide door soon. I’d thought about two swinging doors as suggested by Brad, but I feel five feet is wide enough to get a sheet of plywood in and out, so that’s enough for me. The other door is strong enough to swing on and its over four feet wide.

           Trump’s agenda is leading in a majority of states with his handling of the economy. This is the key if you ask me. Sure, he misses the mark on various other issues, but if you think about it, every other issue is dependent on a strong economy. And Trump is way ahead on that issue even in the so-called battleground states. Put another way, nobody is going into a booth to vote themselves out of a job.
           My war plan for Trump, should he or whichever of his people is reading this blog, ask me, it is simple. He will win, but again face the on-going dissention planned by the left. What he should do is catalog the campaign promises made by every candidate, Republican and Democrat. Just send a single operative to any campaign event with a notepad and jot down what each says. Then just before the election, publish something with a list of every response so voters in each district can see for themselves what is going on—along with a list of how the candidate voted in the past. The nonsense you hear about politicians saying one thing to get elected, then another when they get to DC has been going on with both parties since the US devolved into the current two-party system. We should have five political parties minimum, so that all government majorities are a coalition.
           The Contract With America was a stab at holding politicians to their word, but it was too top-down. A list of the promises in the hands of the voters just before the election would really hurt the liars, particularly if it also revealed any historical hypocrisy in their time, and would quell a lot of the planned unrest if the voters knew after the election who to blame. I would also have assigned seating at all political meetings so the radical left and Democrats all are in the same section, preferably with a large row of empty chairs separating the rest of the attendees. The list would also make it psychologically easier to recall bad politicians, as each state varies in the number of signatures required, and some actually require the approval of the politician in question, although this fact is very cleverly concealed.

Last Laugh