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Friday, September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

One year ago today: September 11, 2019,geofencing max: 27.295 miles.
Five years ago today: September 11, 2015, dare to debate him.
Nine years ago today: September 11, 2011, less than 12%.
Random years ago today: September 11, 2007, my last gig on the Circle.

           Off to an interesting start. By 9:00AM I was getting an injection, does that wake you up? It had me wide awake. This was the second steroid injection into my damaged bass arm, shoulder actually. It’s as much fun as it sounds, but the alternative is titanium shoulder replacement, an operation they are doing their best to sell me on. I told you I had great insurance—without it they’d likely give me some aspirin. Here’s an item, I asked my therapist how he became an expert on shoulder therapy. He told me how he as Mr. Athlete all his life, then one day he was using a pole saw. Just an ordinary pole saw like I’m about to buy. He said he tried holding it with one hand and it was game over.
           Here’s catfish from the place JZ and I hit up back in 2016. Expensive but authentic, this is normally not on my diet. Here are the mitigating factors. Prior to the injection, I am not allowed to take one medication that is a mild appetite suppressant. And I have a choice of eat anything Friday or Sunday, pick one in any seven day period. I can have one meal that day, but anything I want. Funny how I had this craving for catfish and chips. The place also serves excellent coffee, but you expect it at $2.60 per cup.

           This injection does one thing only, it frees up movement. The pain remains and I’ve become aware how, over time, I’ve learned to work around the pain where the therapy goes right for it. Yeah, it hurts. But not as much as being unable to play bass. That’s one risk I avoid at every turn. Did I mention I was asked to play at a club where I normally hang out some Fridays? I said no because of my rule of not performing where I hang, but added that I don’t feel I’m good enough for that venue. I meant, of course, playing solo bass or the guitar material I’m just learning. I won’t say what they replied to that because then for sure you would accuse me of bragging. So I won’t even mention there was a comment.
           The injection makes things comfortable at rest. The parts receiving therapy kind of let you know they are aware you are striving to change things. The shot takes that away for a few weeks that we know of. So just after the needle, don’t lie down for a nap or you are not getting up for at least three hours.
           I did not get home until time for siesta, what a happy coincident. I barely managed to send off a series of close-ups showing the lap joints depicted in last day’s post. This is no-brainer technology and I’m still learning to chisel the cut-outs smoothly by hand. I could set one of the routers up to make it exact, in fact, why don’t I do that? I have two spare routers and one is light duty, I think it has bits for laminate, but it works great for smoothing small spaces like the lap joints. Thanks for pointing that out, I’m going to try that.

Picture of the day.
Floating meth la--, er,yacht fire.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I awoke to the sound of thunder and rain, so you get editorial until it lets up. Top of the agenda is COBOL. I sent off an note asking them for some specifics on what they are looking for. Their ads read like they want COBOL aficionados to re-write major workhorse functions, but even the civil service isn’t dumb enough to do that, although it remains one of the smarter things they could do. COBOL is virtually unhackable. If they actually replay with a narrow definition of what they want, I’ll take another peek. At this time, I ran across my old InProTech writings. Let me refresh our memory on that.
           This is the database that Art the Fart would not write for me back in something like 2008 because I supplied him only with the specs. He insisted he not only had to know what information I intended to put into the fields but stated he had a right to know. He got his walking papers. What the situation was, I was only conversant with Access, which has severe limitations and a tendency to not keep records in the order entered. I wanted an SQL (Sequential Query Language) database with one master and seven blank tables with clearly specified fields, including the what they were calling “attributes”. Here’s a pic of the Federal Bar downtown. I drove around looking for a parking spot and if it had been open I might have stopped.

           Back to attributes. At this period in history, the Internet was rife with hipsters who thought it was what, on fleek, to cook up new titles for old processes. Attributes are nothing more thant field rules such as the field is numeric, or text, or non-blank, all ordinary stuff really. Art knew all that so I was going to pay him a hundred bucks to set it up in SQL, as there was a free (public licensed) program gaining widespread use at that time which could interact with on-line database. Hot stuff, but it came with terrible implementation rules. It was called mySQL and had nothing to do with the other trend of the day that called certain Microsoft files myPictures or myDocuments. I think My was short for Myra, the writer’s daughter. She’s not been heard of before or since.
           I had no time to learn to set up an SQL database, but I totally understand the process. I’m informed hipsters could not be on fleek as the term originated in a 2014 video and referred to perfect eyebrows. By then hipsters were outdated by millennials. So, in libtard logic that could mean hipsters were never on fleek, true, but they were always connotatively much more anti-Trump. Anyway, it turns out mySQL could not interact without two more components. One was called PHP, which originally stood for Personal Home Page, but is now “backronymed” to mean Hypertest Preprocessor. I warned you about them hipsters, they constituted the bottom of every computer class ever I took and were the most the most numerous.

           So, you’d think PHP, being a script, can just be embedded like javascript. Not so. PHP needs to be installed in conjunction with Apache, a web server, and the hole kept getting deeper and wider. I sprung for an expensive 600+ page textbook to study the mySQL implementation of PHP. All it did was fling unfamiliar and undefined terms around and only once, at the bottom of page 412, vaguely mentioned the requirement to use Apache. After reading dozens of hours without result, I shelved the project. Even asking Art how to connect the tables from mySQL, a program installed on your computer, to the SQL today’s “experts”. I shelved the project, but not all the advance work. I dug it out today for another look, since in the passing years I figured out the system myself. Art remains disappeared. This can happen a lot when you have no blog.
           Since the web has become clobbered with new ideas that go nowhere, I’ll tell you about this old idea. I have no fear anyone will pick this up, there are far easier fish to fry in the app-based mass scam, at least until Apple chokes it off. My idea is an on-line database that lets people easily enter and store the serial numbers on their household valuables. That’s right, you house is full of small valuable stuff that you don’t have a safe spot to keep all their serial numbers. And that is important for insurances.

           Are you with me? Okay, you can’t take the numbers on the fridge, it could burn down with the house. Don’t put it on a your computer, the burglar will steal that. This is an easy-to-use free web site that you can put all your serial numbers. It a small fee for an account, to keep things flush. But it’s a hefty fee (around $35) when you need all the numbers back, usually after a disaster. Sorry, but it’s a system I just know all millennials love to death because they universalized it. Don’t even think you can out-think what I’ve got, such as a module that pawn shops are required to enter the serial number if something has one, and a tracking system similar to the shifty-pushy CarMax dickweeds (they try to force themselves on people who don’t want them, such as when I bought new tires).
           The entire system has hundreds of hours of part-time planning and is ready to be implemented if I really try. To this day, there remains no clear and readily available source to find out start to finish everything you need to get an on-line searchable database up and running for public use. Each division of the process is obscured and intentionally confused by people and vague definitions that mostly get in your way. However, I’ve used the planning framework in numerous other ways and in the process figured out how it works. I even have a complete server out in the shed somewhere.

           Are you still reading all this? Good, because you know I’ve said no matter how many time I resolve to learn guitar, something always comes up. Bradford. He has an almost-complicated personality. I said how he plays guitar but wants to make a splash. Seems COVID has reset that meter. It’s filtered down to a convo we had three years ago. A gig in hand is worth, well you figure out that ratio. We have a catalyst, the guy named Mark you’ve heard me mention. It is the same old ya-ya. The entertainment at the old club has severely gone bad and Bradford finally knows we can do better. Mind you, Brad drinks.
           He is also an avowed Marxist and Bernie supporter. Odd for a guy who hold a good job. The trick is to either pretend to agree with him or pretend you don’t know, which works about half the time. His position is that Trump works for the billionaires and Bernie speaks for the people. Oh good, let’s wreck the system by creating a nation full of poor people. Poor people in America have one common trait, they cannot manage money. Giving them more of anything is not the answer. Bernie is an adherent of the monkey-eared boy who said in his second term, “We’ve got to start taking money away from the people who earn it and give it to the people who deserve it”.
           It goes without saying, so I’ll write it, that he and his political cronies would be the ones to make that determination. Democrats are like modern day oil tankers, that despite all odd and precautions, still manage to run aground on little islands in the middle of the ocean. It’s so technically impossible that you just know the person in charge is up to something and/or asleep at the wheel.

Last Laugh