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Thursday, September 17, 2020

September 17, 2020

One year ago today: September 17, 2019, the stench of corruption.
Five years ago today: September 17, 2015, Dear Abby is strange.
Nine years ago today: September 17, 2011, privacy from teachers.
Random years ago today: September 17, 2007, south of Kissimmee.

           Today's lack of pics is due to Google. It took all the time I had to typeset this post in HTML. Every indent, line break, paragraph break, and line spacing now has to be pasted in place by hand. This takes time.

           Tropical storm Sally, my eye. It ‘s a hurricane, hitting some of those uncountable Gulf areas that get complacent when they escape real storms for some twenty years. They are always unprepared, it’s an American thing. Consider this: I may be the new American middle class. If you strip away their credit cards, there are very few people who could afford to live the way I do. This takes thinking to spot what I mean. Always having bills to pay affects the mind-set so I’m not surprised when so many townships full of otherwise ordinary people put off being prepared.
           Sally’s rainfall was measured in feet, not inches. Did you see that semi flipped on its side by the wind? What was the guy thinking? And the probe into the Boeing 737 crashes reveals just what they could have avoided by reading this blog twenty years ago. The snag is that investigations focus on incidents, while my warning addresses the underlying cause. They call it everything from technical assumptions to insufficient oversight but to me, those are results of a faulty mentality in the first place. There are some things that just are not suitable for committees, and programming is one of them.
           When I hear of bad software, I know that it is object-oriented. Now, don’t get me wrong, object-oriented is a great concept—if you happen to have committees composed entirely of Einstein-level geniuses. Since the US school system fell to a liberal mess after Reagan, there are not enough geniuses left in America to form such a group. In any case, being smart, they would likely not join one. Nor is Boeing an exception. The powers that be do not yet see the big picture painted in this blog. They do not see the connection between the crashes of navy ships, airplanes, Mars probes, power grids, and a dozen other disasters as having a common cause. This blog sees it plain as day.

           Australia, a country I think may be full of seething unrest, has upped the “Do Not Get Arrested” challenge for the rest of 2020. The rules are to publish private or secret information on-line anonymously. This has caused me to re-think my own rules. Folks, if you must, the best way is to use a library computer that does not log your ID. Anyway, the current top contender is a QANTAS (Queensland and Northern Territories Air Service) employee who noticed the ex-Prime Ministers passport number was printed on his luggage tags. Ha! That’s going full millennial. Some bun-head dork at a keyboard entering any number he sees on a form without a clue what they mean. Just doing his job so fuck the rest of the world and if you show him he’s wrong, he’ll start arguing it is your job to fix his mistakes. Yep, full millennial.
           Which brings me to my shopping list. That’s the big deal this morning so here goes, in any order.

           Radish seeds
           Plastic potscrapers
           Paper towels
           Popcorn salt
           2x3 studs
           Exterior screws
           Hardware cloth
           Butt hinges
           Fence pickets
           Fiberglass shovel

           And remember to mail the letters, order the new water pump, and check on the car insurance. When is that policy due? Next week I think. This give me a reason to drive to Winter Haven. Maybe the coffee place is open. This is the blog that dared to bring you the shopping list. It was not all relaxation this morning, I took after the tune “Louisiana Saturday Night” to capture the bass line and memorize the harmony notes. I can harmonize with the Reb because she has that award-winning vocals, but can I do the same with some local who has trouble latching on to Karaoke melodies?

           I’ve taken a liking to those White House Briefings in the context that I love the way that Kayleigh slams those ignorant “journalists”. She is so smooth, but the fantastical part is how those loser reporters keep asking the same three or four questions in succession knowing they will get the same answer. Is this some sick game plan they rehearse each day? And masks or not, there’s no way you can’t notice these libtard people are just not all that good-looking either. It is so obvious being half-ugly negatively affects personalities and these mainstream people seem out to prove it.
           People attacked by liberal thugs, businesses bankrupted by liberal lockdowns, forests torched by liberal arsonists, and all these leftist clones have are face mask questions? These media people are wicked beyond belief. They seek no truth, they are not questioning, they are attacking. I say cancel the briefings because they are not briefings but a liberal gotcha clown show and a waste of public money. Kayleigh, hand those libtard reporters some pacifiers and meet me for coffee.
           As for the COVID vaccinations, I’ll wait to see the results on those who like being lab rats. Those who line up for such shots have not the vaguest notion of how a virus operates. I’m curious about claims the vaccines only help. Each virus carries a unique protein coating, which is what immune systems recognize. Remove the virus and injecting just this protein shell often sometimes triggers the production of antibodies. And sometimes it kills you. My concern is that the shot contains other things than what we are being told. The leftists went bonkers when Trump meant “herd immunity” but said “herd mentality”. What mistake, Nancy?

Picture of the day.
Semi-formal, for women, anyway.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I watched two reports on the conditions for trips to Mars. This is where they try to simulate the conditions of the seven month space trip and life on the surface. On they go about personnel problems all brought on by their insistence of having a “racially and socially balanced” crew. You look at the types of people they would group together for such a trip and it is beyond insane. They want one feminist, one socialist, one queer, one gimp, one welfare case, etc. bunched up in a tin can? Study after study shows the biggest problem on such journeys is boredom. Well, go to Starbucks and you can witness the same damn thing. The solution is to exclude every fringe personality from the crew selection.
           The plan is to apportion the work load so anybody who lied to get into the program has to play his hand early on the journey. The others can then take over his workload. Have an isolation chamber as a regular feature of any spaceship. Call it the brig. And slap anyone in there who tries to lay his trip on others, keep him in there for the duration. It works fantastically for the rest of the group, which is the game plan. I testify it works as I was able to ignore the worst the phone company had to offer for years on end without ever affecting my excellent work performance. Applying the same to space travel is not that big a leap.

           The current longest-term project is an experiment on a lava field in Hawaii. The study is hugely imbalanced over the issue of everybody not just getting along, but being friends. It’s doomed to fail, what is required is strict performance assignments and enforced performance. They don’t want to do this despite the odds that say this is the one tactic that will work. Think of the old sailing ships. Tiny dots in the middle of the ocean for incredibly long periods—but as long as no cranky sumbitch could refuse to do his job, the voyage itself was not threatened. For those who still managed to cause trouble, there was the cat-o-nine-tails. It all worked fine from my point of view.
           I’ve not published my theory of determining the instigator whenever there is a conflict between two people. It’s something I had plenty of time to ponder while at the phone company. Shift work meant regularly being around certain personality types. I got good enough at pegging the bad workers that I could lay a sealed envelope on the supervisor’s desk informing him of what would go wrong that shift and who was the problem. You can imagine how this would infuriate the perpetrators, who never figured out that was my purpose. It was just a theory, but until the Martians invade, there’s no better explanation.
           I made it to Winter Haven and spent $200 in moments. Inflation. And the China trade embargoes had the precise effect this old blogger announced on day one. Prices have soared as you are once again paying for other people’s retirement plans, mistakes, drug rehab, and inefficiencies. I took in the prices of dishwashers, which used to be in the $300 range. The cheapest models, all American or European designs, are now $700 to $1,400, not counting installation. This will cause a round of secondary inflation by the fact most people would have to buy such things on a credit plan.
           I took a close look at the most expensive unit, a Bosch, and it is pretty nice. Dozens of settings and buttons not immediately obvious what they did. Maybe a COVID-19 setting. Two local happenings in the blog caliber are first, the success of the avocado plant. It seems to love the tomato fertilizer. And Charla has a reasonable offer on her property. I can’t give the big numbers, but if she signs now, in four months the Fubar will be history. I can say if she pays everything off, she will still have $244k to play with.

           That seems like a lot of money, but it is not. If you do not change your lifestyle, it will be gone in a few years. I remain unhappy with the DoT (Department of Transport) method of doing business. They literally showed her a plan how if she did not sell both her properties, they could build and on-ramp that effectively cut the back lot off front access. I thought there was a law they could not do that. saying every piece of property had to have leeway. My understanding is the law arose to prevent the old English enclosure method of buying up the surrounding land around somebody who would not sell and choking him out.

           The therapy tape works in mysterious ways. The process was not explained to me in advance, but I’m for anything that avoids surgery. After a strenuous series of movements that leaves your arm mush, at that time the tape is applied where things come to rest. A day later, my experience is that any movement from that neutral position experiences a gradual pull back into place. The phantom pains center on the places that normally ached during movement, the sensation is that this is a response to healing. I’m saying, so far so good.
           Snowflake, the latest “cloud” vendor, is taking off like blazes. That’s proportional, methinks, to the number of speculators who do not recognize how it works. I’ve criticized former so-called cloud companies that were really privately-owned databases, the main perpetrator being MicroSoft. This means your data is stored in one hardware location, the opposite of how the cloud is supposed to function. At the same time, I doubt Snowflake can deliver on its lofty claims that it can integrate all those sources into what this blog in 1985 called “the one big database”.

           Information gathering has become so splintered over time that Snowflake’s integration claim must be akin to search algorithms that hunt down the data. And we all know how wonderfully that works when you need something specific. As for that Cornel U claim that humans could survive worm-hole travel, it does not surprise me. The journey is over in a wink and I’ve thrice survived longer death periods than that. I downloaded the PDF (portable document format) that requires more physics than I ever knew.
           Still, I tried to read the formulas and have come up with a guess. A human entering a worm-hole would experience a massive but momentary tug on his molecules. This one-way travel is possible because, in theory, gravity is not a binary force, there is no equal and opposite force everywhere it exists. Thus, stepping into a worm-hole would shoot mass through to the other side without instantly pulling it back. Admittedly, I’m guessing here, but the assumption is that molecules would emerge in the same pattern at the far end. They would have enough life force to continue operating as if nothing much had changed. I’m probably wrong but that’s what I think.

           I’m further perplexed by the whole mail-in voting situation. Something does not add up that they can pin you down over a toll booth photo, yet they say voter fraud is impossible to detect. The true caronavirus death toll is said to be 6% of the claims in the left-controlled media.

Last Laugh