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Friday, September 18, 2020

September 18, 2020

One year ago today: September 18, 2019, Cumberland Gap.
Five years ago today: September 18, 2015, extremely simple.
Nine years ago today: September 18, 2011, scooter throws fan belt.
Random years ago today: September 18, 2012, Muskogee, OK

           Whereas I am not for defunding police, I am strongly in favor of police reform. Get them out of traffic control, out of squad cars, and out on the streets, pounding the beats. Make them obey the same laws as the rest of us, stop giving them preferential treatment in the courts, and definitely make their disciplinary records open to the public. Having said that, I listened to an Antifa activist say something so similar that I thought to record it here. The concept was the Antifia attacks against campus speakers who had any type of non-left agenda. Are such speakers protected by freedom of speech? See this pretty flower covered with morning dew? It’s from my yard this morning, now let’s move on.
           The instant reaction is to say yes, of course all speech is protected.. The Antifa stance is they are not and this is why. The spokesman said that people have a right to protect themselves and their communities. So if anyone speaks in a way that incites hatred or bias, the people have a right to shut them up. Should that involve violence, says Antifa, so be it. The speaker came onto their turf with the intention of causing harm and consequences are thus their own fault. Are you with me here?

           Says Antifa, the societal norm of law and order is flawed because, now pay attention, if say an Antifa speaker tried to enter a courtroom or political meeting and spout his viewpoints, he would be forcefully prevented by security guards and police to the point of arrest and violence if he resisted. Says Antifa, attacking hate-speech represents ordinary people trying to defend themselves in the same manner. The Establishment does not allow dissenting viewpoints on their territory under threat of arrest, which is a form of violence in itself these days and, says Antifa, the people have the same right.
           Which side you take depends on many factors, one of which is the norms of what is law and order. If, in fact, the Establishment represented the views of the people, they would be above reproach. Antifa says they represent nothing but themselves and their own corrupt power structure. The Constitution says the representatives are there to resolve disputes in a non-violent fashion. Antifa says if so, why all the police, security cameras, and show of force? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

           It seems to be a question of location. The left-wingers say they are protecting their way of life, but the right-wingers have the same claim. The left says they are “protesting” the only way that is left open to them because the right has all the power to stop them. My position is the campus radicals are wrong because the campus belongs to the public and not to them or their cause. The same goes for the public institutions, but this is where we part ways. Unfair and corrupt as the institutions have admittedly become, they still do not allow waves of brutal attacks on opposing points of view within their confines.
           This insinuates an important point. if Antifa was truthful, they would prevent rather than encourage the assaults on speakers, no matter how outrageous the points of view being expressed. You get a lot of this back and forth when you cross over-education with under-intelligence.

Picture of the day.
Lake Nassar.
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           Told ya, here is my prize fiberglass shovel, weighing in at $29 these days. The decision was easy once I found out replacement wooden handles cost $18. All prices have skyrocketed as predicted. There has been no outcry, probably because the election eclipses everything. This November could be the final and all-out battle for this country. Nobody wants the liberals except themselves, but Marxists are past-masters of sneaking in anyway. That’s why I keep the shovel near the shed door.
           That was Bradford on the line. JZ was supposed to show up here two or three hours ago, but I doubt he got further than ten miles from his place. It gives me more time to get this place in order, I admit it went for a complete dump thanks to Tennessee. I repeated to Bradford that I needed a list of what he can already play and sing. My ulterior motive is I don’t think he’s anywhere good enough to insist on that Allman Bros. dirge music. Something in his situation has changed, but the guy has a flaring temper so I’ve got to work around that. If his plan is to practice, I’ll tell him to give me a call when he’s ready.

           The plan is for each of us to do twenty songs. For him, that could be a tall order. My strategy is to learn a few of his to the point he knows it is worth continuing. This has a good chance of keeping him going but sooner or later I’m thinking he will have to let me do the majority of the singing. And we all know I can only sing certain songs. This is not some dastardly plan to take over but I would have no qualms about such a deal. You see, unlike Bradford, I can absolutely 110% guarantee that if he does the homework, I can get on stage and put on a show. It’s speculation, but I still think what may have changed his mind was that short time he saw me on stage a month ago.
           He’s seen me at Karaoke, but that isn’t the same. Last day, I stopped to buy the water pump for the Taurus. It’s $50 bucks, but if it gets me another 20,000 miles out of the car, that works for me. That’s ten trips to Tennessee and all the driving around here I’m ever likely to do. That’s how I stopped at the Fubar after dark. A small crowd of people recognized me as the “Karaoke guy”. I did not recall any of them and the Karaoke part is not necessarily a great compliment. The connection is that when I sing Karaoke, I use many of the same moves as when I’m playing bass. The clincher is when I do them both together. That’s the novelty and I’m hoping that’s what Bradford saw. Just so you know, this is not unusual in my life. People have a lot of notions about bass playing that get jolted when they watch me solo. Nope, that’s not bragging, I’ve spent years polishing up that act.

           How about AlphaWiFi, the company Comcast claims was improperly reselling Internet services under a commercial agreement that prohibits residential connections. The point is that Comcast, rather than working to transition the customers, simply cut them off. None of this was worth my attention but the reaction of those customers was a hoot. Listen to these people who, not that long ago did not have a clue how a computer works labeling people who issued warnings “conspiracy theorists”. It proves what a bunch of know-nothings saps they are. Whining that they can’t pay their bills, crying they can’t hold their garage sales, and asking what they are supposed to do now. Gee, I dunno, you bunch of geniuses, but I know how computers work and did fine without home Internet my whole life until five months ago.

           This is the progress on my single avocado sprout, or twiglet. Now a foot tall and sporting it’s own pot of the best artificialized soil I could mix up. It sure does make the leaves green. No word from Bradford. I’m keeping tabs. No way am I to become the one who has to keep the fires lit. I’m still pursuing my own act. That is my big plan, not Bradford. He’s plenty motivated, but is it for the common good? That’s why I’ve decided to stay reactive, as in call me when you are ready. And I’ve got a poser for you. This morning, which was no different that most mornings, I found two of my clocks—both in regular daily usage, had advanced one hour. Nobody was near them overnight, and in any case, the one in the shed is electronic and tricky to change. I worked from 6:00AM to 8:42AM and noticed the shed clock said 9:42AM, then glancing at my wristwatch, it read the same. I have no explanation. All other six clocks around here, including the clock in the car dash, all showed the correct time.
           Yes, I watch Democrat press briefings as well. Lately they seem stage managed. That Pelosi, for whatever else is wrong with her, is one expert at the set up. I watched her live for the past 30 minutes and all she’s done is set up scenarios where no matter what the other side does, it will never be good enough. Talk about shifty. If we get the vaccine, it will never be soon enough, fast enough, good enough, or tested enough. It will not be distributed enough, free enough, or effective enough. The same with the stimulus delay, the other side got it all wrong and she saved the day.
           You know what I most have against her in a personality way? The way she talks like everybody is a gimp. I had my fill of meetings at my old job with speakers who purposely slowed down to a speed that let you know they thought you were incapable of thinking fast enough to follow along. I’m the opposite, somebody who can’t listen to normally fast conversation doesn’t belong in a business meeting. It’s the same objection I have to handicapped parking. I never dislike it or eventhought much about it until they blocked the front doors. It’s like the feminists and queers, it isn’t equality they want, but attention. And I’m the sort if you want my attention, unless you look like Taylor Swift, you pay me.

           [Author’s note: fact is, peeps, I don’t find Taylor all that great-looking, but she makes for great editorial. She kind of looks a bit Chinese and likes too much makeup.]

           You know, it doesn’t matter how old and wise you get in life, you can never totally avoid wankers. The reason is other people who are not so old and wise feel sorry for them and invite them to parties and such. Well, the club still has too many virus rules inside, so folks gather outside on the sidewalk. Bradford, who called about another traffic jam on Hwy 60, never showed up. But the mother-daughter band did and it was not long before we were harmonizing, but not mingling. You see, other than music, we don’t run with the same crowd, and they showed up with a wanker.
           The music was okay for an hour, but the wanker, well, you could see people having fun without her was a problem. Pushing 26 or so, butch hairdo, not fat but flabby, and trying less-than-successfully trying to hide it with the kind of fashions that non-teen females think teen females would wear but don’t. Let’s just say the top she was wearing was less peek and more boo. She had one of those piercing drunk lady voices and began stating which songs she hated—which was synonymous with the ones everybody wanted to sing along. Now, the guitarist, well, they take what they can get. Pretty soon the two of them were driving people back inside for the juke box. Wanker.

Last Laugh