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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 2, 2020

One year ago today: September 2, 2019, spray doesn’t work.
Five years ago today: September 2, 2015, a cautious market.
Nine years ago today: September 2, 2011, comping everything.
Random years ago today: September 2 , 2007, guess I’d pray, too.

           I did a quick check of the yard, all seems in order. That trip y’day is the longest yet between Tennessee and here. Pardon if I’m half-zonked. Sleep doesn’t help this brand of jet lag. Here’s some pictures to compare 2013 to 2020. Nothing else to report unless you want to hear about the radishes. What? You do. Okay, even with the planter and best of my ability, the radishes did not get any bigger than marbles during the nearly two weeks I was away. I have a lot to learn about gardening and I intend to learn. I want everything normal or supersize without using chemicals.
           This view of the Blues City Cafe is a blog classic I think the good record-keepingt that makes this kind of picture possible is remarkable, considering I am only an experienced amateur. It’s a lot of work in some ways, but you are worth it, folks. Today I have to be in Miami before or just after dark, and I’ve just been driving 14+ hours out of the last 22.

           Yet another roundd of cyber attacks, and I point at ex-MicroSoft employees as the prime suspects. I’m the one that told you big departments to shell out for Apple equipment instead of IBM junk, but you said it was too expensive Well, pay up and tell me that again. If I ever get energetic, I’d like to publish my 1980-1984 warnings agains the IBM operationing system or systems. Before Apple, IBM though they had a monopoly on programming, but in reality their system was not at all well-thought out. They tended to do what worked on their equipment rather than what was right.
           We had studied a number of these theories and it’s as if IBMand at that time DOS (MicroSoft) chose the worst of the worst. One of the worst mistakes was using punctuation marks as file markers. I was there in 1971 and only a complete idiot would have done that, some moron who failed every course I took that year. But there was no shortage of idiots then any more than milllennials today. I could write a book and explain this in some detail though it would not be a bestseller, so why bother in this culture?

Picture of the day.
Jordan copies Israel (finally).
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I did not get on the road until after 3:00P. It was smooth sailing, this COVID has done more for Florida driving conditions than all the immigration laws combined. Forgetting to call to confirm, JZ had gone out and did not arrive until past dark. That’s okay, I’ve learned to hole up in the community center, it’s been years since I’ve seen anybody in there other than myself. They have a donation library and once in a while there’s something worthwhile.
           It’s better air-conditioned thatn JZ’s condo, but you did not hear that from me. I’m half-way through a book on Peking and the Reb calls. Do you recall that visit her and I made to the Elvis mansion at Graceland? Several hours atfter we headed back to Nashville, some vandals, whoops, I mean peacefu protesters showed up and painted BLM on the fence. These liberals are a strange bunch, they have the ability to make people hate them without actually making enemies. You keep forgiving them like you would a baby who needs his diapers changed a little too often.

           This photo of the catfish dinner spans the same seven-year period. If you look close nothing has changed and in some ways, I like it like that. Notice the telltale scribbler in the background of the 2013 picture on top. Refer to y’day’s post for the action shot, this panel is for comparison. If you are nice, I’ll did out the receipts, I mistakenly said the meals cost the same. You’ll see what happened is the dinner plus coffee cost as much as just the dinner today, an easy mistake. If you do not treat yourself to this authentic dish, I suggest you have missed Memphis. In a sense it is mass-produced, but it cannot be beat. Allow a full hour, possibly more, for this event.
           We had left the dogs in the car with the windows cracked. The Reb slipped the parking attendant a bill to keep any eye on them. Woe to any theif who sticks his hand in, if I did not say, Sparkie weighs 52 pounds and’s as lean and trim as a race dog. (Did I just say “and’s”? Is that a new literary term that fits all the rules?) The guy was either appreciative to uncommon degree or simply liked pets. He found us and reported to us all was fine every hour. Beale Street is small enough he easily found us every time.

           This is the problem with technology in the hands of idiots. It’s simple, most men are such losers they can’t get laid without paying for it. Marriage carries the supreme price tag. The spin-off is so many of these losers deny that fact by spending their money trying to get attention. Seriously, they actually think attention and fame are interchangeable and there ain’t no cure for stupid. Some moron in a jet pack in Los Angeles, does he fly the thing in some far off location? Nope, right next to the flight path at the international airport. What a total doosh. (Yes, Ken, that is how I spell it.)
           Or how about the ZDNet study that confirms what this blog warned about so long ago. On-line advertisers don’t need a ton of material to ID you. A few snippets of your browsing history is enough to establish a “unique tracking profile”. After that, it does not matter whether they have your name and number, they know it is you and can ramp up any time they please. Don’t cry, millies, you not only let them do it, you acted as their data entry clerks by the million. Every search from my equipment has been anonymized since day one. My system tricks the trackers into thinking this is a new user every time I go on-line. To those who denigrated conspiracy theorists, who’s laughing now?

           By the way, the tracking is done by CSS code. Do you know how to trick it? I do, but nobody listens to the bass player.

And this Sarah Huckabee Sanders who says Trump told her to take one for the team. Well, did she? I thought that was a funny quip until I saw her picture. That’s when I realized the extent to which North Korea is repressed. Makes you wonder what Kim Jong mistook her for. My speculation is upon seeing her wardrobe, he thought she’d been shoplifteing a the Pyongyang army surplus. Am I sexist? Nope, just like I don’t regard myself as rich, tall, or handsome, some women should not regard themselves to be something they are not. And leave it at that. Except to say Trump was obviously joking and never suspected the threat of sex with her was enough to cause the North Koreans to adopt a nuclear defense system.
           One more thing, let me tell you a bit about the so-called “gig” economy. I’ve gigged most of my life and I can tell you when a gig isn’t a gig.

Last Laugh