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Saturday, September 26, 2020

September 26, 2020

One year ago today: September 26, 2019, bathroom with a view?
Five years ago today: September 26, 2015, African is a race?
Nine years ago today: September 26, 2011, semi-famous non-post.
Random years ago today: September 26, 2007, careful, connection isn’t service.

           Whew, not even a few minutes at a time as soon as the sun came up. Revenge of the heat wave. I trimmed some plants, watered, and then tried to fix the washing machine. I got it apart, there should be a nearby photo showing how to access the parts. I see the relay is working, but no action. I suspect there is a relay got wet, but no relay is visible in the wiring. I welcomed the chance to get inside and search for a schematic, no luck so far. I tried finding other posts of the same problem, but no dice. I found the giant capacitor so I may try cutting the wires to see what will open and close with the switch, which seems to be working fine.
           That capacitor seems unduly large for one motor, maybe I can find the power leads and install a flip switch that bypasses the whole assembly. The wiring was done by different people who just tapped in wherever they needed something. I’d like to remove the whole timer but the plastic shell is designed to self-destruct if you try to remove it. I can hear something under the washer motor that’s making a weird noises, so wait for a cooler day or late evening and see how far I get.

           Here’s montage of the job so far. The wiring is visible due to a robot club innovation. When the unit lacks an access panel, you make them with an oscillating saw. Everything checks out, until I noticed some type of spring assembly, here in the upper left panel. It is two ordinary make-break contact springs wired to keep in contact. It is normally closed so I’m not going to touch it. I had to knock off by early afternoon, but this view shows things actually do get done around here.
           Since this washer is not meant to be left unattended, a bypass switch makes sense. The spinner is one speed anyway. I think the red wire is the hot, so let me trace that out first, as no red wires leads directly to the spinner. The sticker that says qualified personnel only got peeled and thrown away. Read my lips, HopSing, qualified personnel do not build things that quit after a few hours for no apparent reason.

           Rather than fight the heat, I went for extra coffee and worked on the hardest jigsaw puzzle I’ve got, listening to Boss Hogg, and going outside for a few moments here and there. I’m going to hang the stained glass figurines, but mainly I took it easy, listening to the distant and satisfying sounds of Boss Hogg and imploding liberals. I found a small box in my suitcase that I just go to unpacking and what do I find but three chocolates. You gotta love that Reb. I’m moving the sofa back into the front bedroom, which allows me to move the spare counters I put in that were supposed to be temporary. Moving furniture is always fun when there’s nobody to lend a hand.
           Around half-way, I quit for siesta. All A/C units are on at moderate settings, this is the first real full-house test. If you give the attic fan a five-minute head start, and the ceiling fans are on high, you are just able to keep the A/C at “2:00 o’clock” so you don’t have to replace them every second year. But if you want even cool throughout the building, all interior doors must be open. Otherwise, the bedrooms get frigid while the kitchen is spotty.

Picture of the day.
Chinese fishing feet near Peru.
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           I heard an instrumental version of Newton-John’s 70s hit, “Let Me Be There”. The potential for bass treatment struck me. To give it a whirl, a took the path of least resistance and found the sheet music. What do I run into but the DMCA crowd. These are the arrogant pricks who think they can post a picture on the Internet, and thereby on my computer, then tell me what I can or cannot do with it. This one took a while, but I have all four versions, the sheet music, the bass tab, the tutorial, and the chord chart. I think I set up the piano and really rework this one. Should you listen closely to the studio background in the original, that’s what I’m aiming for.
           Taking care to plan ahead, the kitchen floor should start at the east wall, meaning the best part gets torn up first. That plan allow both the old and new plumbing to operate in parallel, lest I get any hubris. It further allows me to have a working part of the floor most of the time. I’m not worrying about the oak flooring, it is too old to salvage. You know what I need? A rack of some kind for storing wood that I don’t’ want to throw out. Am I about to be glad I left that extra large eave on the shed east side?
           Next small project, probably tomorrow, is I need a single place to both store and sort small strips of lumber. My natural work produces lots of long, narrow pieces, more so than rectangles. No matter where you stack such things, they will always get in the way. Slate that for tomorrow. I already told you about the shed overhang. That will take up half a day, but it’s better than having to buy lumber for small projects as I’ve had to do when I could not find things in the pile. Let’s see what I come up with.

           None of the seeds sprouted in the planter. On average, something should have happened by now. I will try again but with the fertilizer, the domestic plants should be doing just as well as all the weeds. Observation shows eight hours of bright sunlight daily and good afternoon rains, which are tapering off for the season. This picture shows a con, a fake tow camper for sale. Explanation below.
           All restaurants and pubs have reopened without restrictions. They employ a huge chunk of the Florida workforce and this lockdown nonsense has gone on too long. Social distancing has only been practiced in public and mostly for show, people know it doesn’t work. All that’s been accomplished the rank and file now trust the mayors and governor even less. I talked with Charla, who has not yet signed, but she will. Turns out she is about to be a grandmother. Twice. It’s twins. She plans to end business on New Year’s Eve rather than renew all licensing for maybe a few months in 2021.
           She plans to then buy a camperette and take a few months off. I advised to take twice that, that I’d look after things if she can get away that long. She’s looking at going into business on a larger scale, but that would put her up around Kissimmee, maybe Haines City. To far to commute. I gave her the heads up on the camper scammers in Tampa* and what to avoid. So, does this mean the big New Year’s party to end all parties? If so, they will have one excellent PA system. Meanwhile, no word from Bradford. Thus, I’ve capped the effort, with eight tunes ready to go, all of which he had a hand in choosing. I’m back to my solo guitar act, which just may take forever.

*the camper scam. If you recall, I traded words with the stupid lady who thought she could con me into sending her a check to “deliver the camper” because she’s deployed to Iraq or something. Go to craigslist for Tampa. Daily you’ll find 4 – 6 ads showing tow campers and cab-overs that contain gibberish in the title and a ridiculously low price. Another tip they’ve been banned is the phone number is not in the body of the post, but imprinted on the uploaded picture. Here’s a sample from today’s date. The ad says Lakeland, the area code is Splendora, Texas. Population 1,615.

           The lid continues to fly off the FBI and its illegal domestic operations, tipping us off those 150 blockbuster Hollywood movies were not all fiction. Watch this turn into a total “just doing my job” jamboree as they seek one scapegoat. Problem, this time the Trump administration knows it was not an isolated incident. Time, Donald, to systematically go through each employee one by one. Then the civil service and on until every leftist in the country is rooted from public office or employment. Where will you get the money? Same place as the wall, cut off foreign aid and fire all the people who were handing it out. And send home the entire DMV, I’ll explain how later.
sp;         The underlying support for Trump is tokened by the [2016] fact he won despite efforts against him that are normally directed at entire nations. Most of us suspected as much when all these fake investigations only arose after he became a serious threat. Yep Donald, one by one, with mandatory 20 years in prison for wiping any records, begin the process November 4th. Start at the top, the underlings will begin to come forward to save their own skins. The un-named heads quoted by the media mob will be turned in by their own. I will not be surprised to learn there was a Kennedy-like operation in the works, stopped only because the American public would not buy that same story twice.

           Trump can fire anybody he wants and now he has a reason. He now openly refers to the FBI actions as “bullshit” and how that must make Democrat blood boil when he gets away with it. After what they put him through for three years, he has every right to exact revenge. Run, Obama, run. The radicals have no choice now but to stage their pretend “rebellion” after Trump gets his uber-landslide. It would be an excellent opportunity to round them all up and a gainful use for those FEMA camps.
           For it is illegal to advocate the overthrow of the American government by force. And it is now the death of the Democrats if they don’t give it a try.

Last Laugh