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Sunday, September 6, 2020

September 6, 2020

One year ago today: September 6, 2019, my first lawn swing.
Five years ago today: September 6, 2015, it was a fake.
Nine years ago today: September 6, 2011, Professor Howard, RIP.
Random years ago today: September 6, 2006, a text only post.

           Okay, show of hands. Who likes gardening? Good, come on over and help with this bag of fertilizer. It looks like dirty sand but what an aroma. Florida looks like a natural garden that will grow anything but don’t be fooled. Those plants had eons to adapt to the sandy soil. Unless you can eat mangrove roots and swamp grass, everything needed to grow what you want has to be added to the soil. Some sources say growing in Florida is, for that reason, about as close to hydroponics as it gets. I gave the peach and pecan trees ten cups each, the recommended dose was eighteen cups.
           She’s another record hot there, 95°F in the shade with a heat index of 107F supposed to go up higher by the afternoon, if that’s possible. I worked inside the shed a few hours, mainly getting shelves in place. Soon as they go up, they get filled with stuff from the house and that is starting to get beneficial. I can find things lost from years ago. Hey, you know the tale from the trailer court on that one. Let’s see, anything else happen this morning? I send Bryne some MP3s and an MP4 but they won’t play on his Mac. Funny, I thought those two formats were universal these days. He may know a lot about guitars, but can’t play an MP3, that’s interesting but not surprising about guitarists.

           I finally pulled up the radishes. They are two weeks past due date and are not progressing. These marble sized bulbs are the best of the lot. Good for a salad, maybe. Next crop I’m paying for the potting soil mix and a fertilizer that mixes with the soil. Otherwise, I’m not sure what’s going wrong. My setup is the same as the community garden on Loquat, and they got bumper crops every time. I’ve several books on Florida gardening that seem to address every problem except that one. I will try deeper soil as well. The radish flavor is best described as tart.
           Here’s the pecan tree looking a little anemic. It’s been trimmed back. The soil is coated with fertilizer but not mixed in yet. The background shows the hanging planter, still empty. I’m working on it. Of the six avocado seeds planted one has sprouted and as a foot tall by the time I got back. Since they have become a staple, I consider a one in six success rate a good start. There is no explanation why only one, they are all planted in the same soil, same location.

           Tampa radio had two programs that did go on. One is the trillions in extra taxes that will be extracted from your paychecks if Biden gets in. That’s just income tax, there will also be huge increases in things like inheritance taxes. That one will punish people who inherit non-cash items, like grand-pa’s house. The capital gain will be taxed as the gain in price from the year he bought it.
           The way it works is if he bought the house in 1960 for $10,000 and it is now worth $410,000, the gain under Biden is $400,000’ That could easily put you in the realm of what the liberals call “rich” and you could be slapped with a $280,000 tax bill (70%). Unless you have that much cash lying around, you would probably have to sell the house, which is the idea in the first place. To get you back into debt for life all over. This scam has been happening to farmers for decades.

           The individual States are not on your side on this one. Their bureaucracies will fight tooth and nail to preserve their cushy jobs and fat pensions. There is a ton of untaxed wealth tied up in people’s houses and they want it. Badly. The idiotic shutdown will affect the economy for years to come and the mass layoffs means states with no income tax can’t pay their bills. Rather than behaving responsibly and cutting back on hiring and non-essentials, they are raising property taxes. In Davidson County (Nashville) they went up 34% this year. Their council, who approved this 32 to 8, says the country is facing “record financial challenges”, like their taxpayers aren’t. What a pack of losers. The only group even more stupid will be the owners if they take it lying down.
           It’s useless to try to park your money where it is safe these days. Regular investments pay so low any gain is eaten by inflation alone and all other investments are either too risky or already under attack.

Picture of the day.
Apartment building, Vienna.
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           After a week of trying to find a replacement 18v Ni-Ca battery for my Wal*Mart Hypertough drill, I broke down and bought a whole new drill. Millennial marketing. I got another shelf done but missed a huge pile of brand new pallets. Agt. R’s neighbor got them and built an entire shed in his back yard. That reminds me, there is talk of how the new building inspector has “mellowed out”. You remember this guy, the ex-cop? Well, maybe so, but I’d like to know the details. Mellow my eye, I suspect somebody handed him is ass.
           I had to stay on Boss Hogg jazz radio this afternoon to avoid politics. Every station, except the bible freaks, election things are heating up. The Trumper must be sitting back giggling and rubbing his hands together. Nothing is sticking. The leftoids are reduced to grasping any anti-Trump straw they can find or create. It’s like they think their propaganda is succeeding while at the same time their hatred for Trump is gradually becoming fear. They know they’ve wronged him and the American people and there could be a day of reckoning. I don’t follow Democrat logic at holding up the second $1.2 trillion in relief, possibly too many people would side with Trump if they got the money? The Democrat blind faith in the very polls that let them down has approached pathetic proportions.

           What many Americans would like to see is the removal of those brain-dead “journalists” who use the White House briefings to troll. They make people sick asking the same questions over and over, long after they have been shot down in flames. This is not news reporting, it is a circus for the media clowns. Their behavior is childish the way they keep talking after she has moved to the next so-called reporter. You just know their libtard bosses told them to keep shoveling the same old hooey every chance they get. It is doubtful any of them have read the Constitution or the laws they question,instead they exhibit blind trust the trick questions they learned in school can trip up anybody. Except Kayleigh, she lets them know they are a bunch of disrespectful bums. Mind you, their skulls are pretty thick.

           How about those people in California bitching that there are more wildfires because Trump banned Chinese drone parts. Being Californians, they have no idea the parts were more of a danger to themselves than a forest fire. How about that guy from Virginia who bought twenty lotto tickets with the same numbers, 1-9-2-9. He won $5,000 on each one, total $100,000. That doesn’t beat the Chinese chip factory that took $20 billion in investment money and split. Ho fy choy!

Last Laugh