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Monday, September 7, 2020

September 7, 2020

One year ago today: September 7, 2019, no affordable pursuits.
Five years ago today: September 7, 2015, the longest-serving.
Nine years ago today: September 7, 2011, more peace-keeping, please.
Random years ago today: September 7, 2009, $425 – and it came back.

           So it’s Labor Day. Means nothing to me, unless you mean how I’m clearing out the red shed. I spent the morning working on my guitar set. I have to get a lot better quickly, but that’s where my standard comedy fills come in. Don’t panic, it is not stage chatter, most of my material is one-liners adapted to the immediate situation. Yes, Glen, adapted. It’s these new country tunes, you play them but they don’t “stick” like music should. Can such music be trusted to carry the gig? I pondered this over my oatmeal and listened to Tampa news.
           What is going on out there? The leftists are accusing people of doing things the left has been doing all along. Trump encouraged people to harass a private citizen they scream, this from the people who ented the cancel culture. Strange indeed it is. They attack every person they perceive as not ultra-left and then talk about “presidential abuse”.
           Have you seen the video of the Portland protester who set himself on fire with his own Molotov cocktail? Dubbed a new dance, the Portland Shuffle, I was impressed by his fancy footwork and the borrowed break dance moves. Watch the youTube video, I found the comments hilarious as well, not one positive slant. A sampling of the comments include:

Copied from header post 2020-09-14.
I got ten bucks says this goof works for Google.
[2021: video has been banned.]

           The American public loves to watch the liberals eat one of their own, but this video is beyond hilarious and will become a classic, an icon, of the stupidity that drives the uneducated and self-loathing. However, the comments are the real draw--they are pure gold.

           • We have dumber communists
           • Life’s even tougher when you’re stupid/
           • Darwin Award material
           • Brandishing a “fire arm”.
           • They should have stomped on his head.
           • Trying to get the cops to die laughing.
           • Stop, drop, and roll.
           • NYT – he’s mostly not on fire.
           • Like a Kiss concert.
           • Athlete’s foot commercial.
           • Thought Burning Man was in the desert.
           • What you call a fire-cracker.
           • An obvious Biden supporter.
           • Isn’t revenge a dish served cold?
           • Dancing with the stars.
           • I hope his shoes are okay.
           lucky it didn’t spread to his hipster beard.
           no normal Americans were hurt making this video.
           goose-stepping with the Nazis.
           the best today’s youth has to offer.
           which city council member is this?
           he’s not reducing his carbon footprint.
           those Participant Awards aren’t paying off.
           damn, we were hoping for Benny Hill music.
           Trump says, “You’re fired.”
           shame he just looted those shoes yesterday.
           I wonder how many calories he burned.
           a good way for Antifa to prepare for eternity.
           a scene from Gilligan’s Island.
           from the Ministry of Silly Walks.
           who says white men can’t dance.
           ten hour version, please.
           a mostly peaceful foot burning
           if I’d been there with water, i would have sipped it.

           Seriously, these rioters are not only weak-minded, they are disorganized. In one narrow sense, I agree with them protesting police brutality. But when it comes to rioting, they are targeting the wrong things. Suppose they were to ask me how to protest police brutality? Let me think on that. Well, for one, you begin with exposure. Start a website that informs people which are the bad cops plus when and where they are on duty. Next, attack the brutality infrastructure. Attack firms that sell cops paramilitary gear, companies that produce police cruisers, the paint shops, sabotage the factories.
           Surround companies and shops that build police stations and holding cells, find out where the police buy their gas, who’s selling them bullets. Have a long term plan that includes monitoring which police say what in the court rooms, which Judges favor police, if you must spray paint, get home addresses. Torch records, snipe at radio towers, incinerate business that sell polygraphs, fingerprint material, crime labs. Go after the training academies that turn out uniformed brutes instead of real police. There are countless better options than barbequeing one’s own feet.
But since I wouldn’t anybody doing those things and I sure hope they don’t, I won’t say anything.

Picture of the day.
Vietnamese rice factory.
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           Now before anybody says I’m not compassionate, I am, but not so much to folks who are discompassionate themselves. That would be anyone trying to take things away from me by force, or in this case, trying to elect somebody who would take it for them. And give it to people who think and behave in ways inimical to my personal life, liberty, etc. So time for another laugh at the expense of the Portland goof. Look at that bastard high-stepping it! But the real belly laugh has got to be the way he’s leaving footprints. These people think they are protesting when the whole world can see they were having a sneaker barbeque.
           I see the media has already begun the annual blah-blah about 9/11. I’m sorry anybody died, but my stance remains the same. I’ve seen that most places on this planet couldn’t care less about America and just want to be left alone. Therefore, to any group, political, religious, or otherwise who have been attacked, I put the same simple question. What did you do to make them hate you so?
           What’s more, I reserve the right to be unreasonable when it comes to this topic. Notice, the attack was on the east. I don’t know anybody west of the Mississippi who supports any war or bombing. Out west we live and let live, something the eastern tax collectors and census AOLs cannot grasp. I wonder, what if all the Arabs wanted was a little peace and quiet. If so, they wanted it from New York City and DC, not from Abilene or Boulder. Is all I’m saying. You want a moment of silence on Friday? Try extending one to the Middle East, you might get it back.

           It clouded over so I chain-sawed 400 lb of wood and got the burning barrel in operation. This was easy, since I was working on the scooter shed ten feet away. It rained, but so what? I decided to reinforce one of the room beams as it was slightly under spec for a ten foot span. I also took all my cans of whatever from around the whole property and put them on the new shelf. See, because I had no single place to store such things, I have lost and bought duplicate cans of so many things. You know the routine, you buy it, use half, and stash it somewhere you can’t find and buy a new can next time. Here’s a photo of the extent of this problem when you don’t have adequate storage.

           I did not get any furniture moved out of the kitchen. I got a dozen buckets of new dirt in to the planter, making the average depth now ten inches. Is that enough? I’m going to spring for the big bag of fertilizer, it’s around twenty bucks so one has to wonder if growing your own veggies is really all that economical. The scooter shed is one handy addition. Unlike the work shed, it opens to a view of both the entire back yard and any approaches. The only thing in there long term is the old Chinese scooter, which runs if you really need it to. I purposely let the eaves hang over more than a foot so it was easy to rig up a small bench out of the rain, which it certainly did all afternoon. Showers, my eye.
           The summer mugginess was eased by the three Ying-Lings I found in the fridge. Later, I reviewed more COBOL examples and one of them lines to a file called UVMF.DAT. It’s my habit to see if delimited files will open in Notepad and this one seems to be a list of all Soviet naval vessels over 1,500 tones. I’m going to presume since it says “Soviet”, this information is all declassified. I don’t want any Mat Damon types knocking on my door, or any other

           Buried way down here is the latest development. Something has happened that might send me back to Tennessee. No details except what I blab about for now. Things are that just after I left, Reb could not resume full operation of the place. She has help, but you know how I feel about relying on “non-family” for anything. It’s almost as bad as relying on my family. I may turn right around and head back for up to six weeks until the situation stabilizes. I don’t even like others walking the dogs, as any type of favor like this incurs some level of debt, even if it is imaginary. My vote is no, besides, I’m the only one who can cook all the food exactly the way the Reb & the boys like it.
           If things don’t improve rapidly, I could be practicing my new guitar set a lot more than planned. The two tunes I’ve focused on have had key changes to match my range. “That’s My Story” and “My First Rodeo”, while not strictly new country, gives an accurate impression of what I’m shooting for. I’m still undecided whether to use the drum box. I know those things are considered tacky—but I have my own style for using those as well. Hint, the off-on switch is hidden under my left arm.
           It can be quite effective, since I’ve always been able, since I learned to sing anyway, to keep on key if the music stops. This was discovered at Charla’s bar, where my PA system is loaned for Karaoke. Her machine sometimes cuts off the last part of the song. Others have to quit singing where my background says keep it going, no matter what. Music is a field where the tiniest advantage cannot be overlooked.

           You gotta love that new saw blade that detects human skin and stops almost instantly. It’s a brake that destroys your $100 saw blade. Or the Apple opt-in for apps that, according to Forbes, is scaring the beejeesus out of the “ad industry” has overlooked geo data embedding in the pictures you send via e-mail. Get it together, Apple. There’s an encouraging trend of white people defending name-calling as non-racist, to the chagrin of non-whites. That’s because they turn any criticism into a race issue. Okay, here’s something they can chew on. I say some people will never be happy until you give them for free all the things you’ve worked for. My milkshakes, they could attach that, although all I targeted was “some people”. And that’s what I’m talking about.
           COBOL. I’ve examined lots of downloads and I see IBM has modified the core language to interact with other modules, I’ll call them. And all the on-line courses I’ve found really suck, especially if you dislike foreign accents that obliterate English technical terms. The game plan is to either keep looking or pick one of the losers and see what can be garners. Um, somebody tell the millennial troop that it isn’t free if you have to sign up. How about the Learning Tree whose free courses cost $545?

Last Laugh