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Saturday, October 24, 2020

October 24, 2020

One year ago today: October 24, 2019, spare tire self-destructs.
Five years ago today: October 24, 2015, one man telling the truth . . .
Nine years ago today: October 24, 2011, gold-plated silver.
Random years ago today: October 24, 2010, every so often.

           Winter is not my idea of a good time. This morning made me appreciate the fact I live on the other side of these mountains. The good news is things are getting better and we’ve been actively around the area. Getting out of the house is one way I guage how well someone is coming along. Today we took the dogs out for a walk at the old golf course near Jackson Downs. That place got flattened by that tornado in 2018. Remember all those nice trees I pointed out, mentioning they were likely not native to the area? They got uprooted. There are still pieces of carpet and condo walls lying about.
           Which is where I saw this flower bush. It’s wild and my favorite shape of blossom. Pretty or what? I’m happy we were all out together, you know, quality time. Chilly or not, we walked for an hour and went for brunch at Nadeen’s. They’ve re-opened but trimmed the menu and we got there between breakfast but before the dinner menu kicked in. They say the guitar player is still there Sunday mornings.

           Speaking of guitar players, I responded to an ad from an acoustic player who wants to arrange music. As usual, they want a second guitarist. I sent a note that I’m interested. Guitar players can get crusty about trying new things but I assured him I can add a differenent dimension, let’s see if he takes a chance. I regularly comb the Nashville musician’s pages, or the ones that don’t demand a membership. We’ve entered a new musical era where the band itself has, I dunno, what’s the word, somehow diminished in the role to success. That’s a broad statement and I wonder who else has noticed.
           It has become common to get twenty bands looking for a bass player, and twenty bass players seeking a band on the listings, day after day. Does that seem right to you? Me neither. Something is influencing the situation. Myself, I think there is less tolerance than before, that possibly music lessons have created groups who can’t play outside their own space. This was an influence in why I quit caring for jams, sort of, I mean.

Picture of the day.
Adjustable bridge.
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           Siesta for everyone, even though siesta for me does not always mean sleeping. Nothing like crisp cold afternoons to get this bunch indoors. I made up enough spuds, rice, and sweet potatoes to last a couple of days, all organic veggie stuff. Yep, I eat healthy up here but it means feeling hungry more that back home. I’ll take the trade.
           This image shows the path, with the usual configuration. Sparkie in the lead, straining at the leash, Sammy in tow walking silently behind. He used to scare me by his trick of keeping in your blind spot when you turn around. You’d think he’d disappeared, the little sneak. The leaves are just starting to turn. It doesn’t make that great a color displaysay the locals, but I have not seen it start to finish since the 1970s. I miss the season, not the temperature.

           JZ called, he says he wants to drive up to the cabin for a break. His timing is terrible, plus when he did not show last two times, I gradually took everything out of the room incuding the sofa bed. My plan was some music practice space. I told him I’m not moving furniture on his account again unless he shows up to help He won $1,000 on a lotto but did not specify if it was the ticket that I sent him. What? You know I include random $5 bills and lotto tickets in much of my snail mail. It ensures the letters get at east opened. That’s a joke. Real mail is so rare these days nobody ignores it.
           I lost the post office key. Dang, it was on my special Nashville keychain. Hate it when that happens. All the movie theaters are closed which cancels one of our Saturday traditions. She follows the story more than I, the big studios stopped many releases due to the lockdown. The theaters showed a lot of colorized older stuff waiting for new releases that were promised but never arrived. A lot of businesses will never recover. Will the theaters be fine? If we lose them, whatever replaces them has to be a drop in real quality.

           How’s the new smart phone? Without any instructions, I’m in the same position as most users. Except where they ignore all the collateral junk apps, I look to see what each one is up to. My impression is they know most people don’t check what’s really going on. As i dig deeper into what Google has on this phone, I’ve got less respect than ever for the average user. Most of this crap can spread only by drastic scales of complacency. I’mcontinually uncovering layers of stuff they plainly want to remain buried.
           Sparkie has the onset of kidney failure, a condition associated with larger, older dogs. He had all the signs and this was confirmed by blood work last week. I didn’t follow much of the clinical vocabulary. There are drugs to reduce the condition if caught early, which I believe is the case here. Then a low-protein diet. When it comes to dogs, I don’t now what that means. Is not protein one of the largest components of a dog’s menu? Where is Marti, she knows all this stuff.
On the suggestion of several web sites, I watched a video on subcutaneous fluid administration. This is some measured solution to use the bag & needle apparatus to inject between the dog’s shoulder blades. Word is the dogs tolerate it easily. You know me and needles, but I got used to them, didn’t I? I would get help the first time, after that I could manage what I saw.

           Amazing. The leftoids have gone crazy. Sending letters to homes with Trump signs on the lawn that will be firebombed. The Reb stayed home, I went out to Shooters for a few. We must have made a profound impression the one time we were there as a couple. I went over the replies I got from several ads I answered. Could it be there is a gut of mediocre bass players in this town? These acoustic guitar players are not only jaded in the same or a very similar way. I’m not around often enough to categorize what’s going on but I can understand guitarists looking for a bassist would have similar troubles to my finding a guitar player. There are just too many time-wasting clones out there.
Last Laugh