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Friday, October 23, 2020

October 23, 2020

One year ago today: October 23, 2019, Pie Day.
Five years ago today: October 23, 2015, 22 Volts, but 0.0001 Amps.
Nine years ago today: October 23, 2011, Bingo buys breakfast.
Random years ago today: October 23, 2009, fifth anniversary?

           Playing with the smart phone. That’s an adequate description of what most people are doing. The damn thing is so millennialized even after I deleted six dozen useless apps, I discover another 89 hidden pieces of crap like “House Poker” and then find out the call screener is a pay-for-use feature. Funny they never mentioned that. I instantly began getting telemarket calls from some Optum medical group saying I could get free dental. I asked them where this free dentist was so I could go see him myself. They declined.
           How about the polls from that joke of a presidential debate? They are pouring in for Trump 84%, 88%, 91%. Like I told you. In classical terms, Sleepy Joe would have won the debating medal, but he managed only to prove how well he could dodge direct questions and lie with a straight face. Trump was a buffoon again, speaking out of turn and getting off topic. But it is clear he is a champion of the people and Biden represents the entrenched bureaucracy. Corporate Wall Street are the robber barons of our era.
           A panel would determine that it was Biden who won this debate for the simple reason he is a far more slick liar than Trump could ever hope to be.

           Due to popularity, I’m continuing with choice photos from the Punta Gorda car museum. If you are a Chevy buff, that is the place for you. This photo shows the typical leather interior and metal dash. This is what a car should be like, comfortable and roomy. There’s talk that the metal dash is a safety hazard but it is wiser to wear seatbelts. I do, whenever I’m driving and since day one. The Reb has one of those kiddy cars, the type that have the fabled big-car feel. For the first five minutes I drive one of those, I’m continually over-correcting the steering. Like the smart phones, these devices are a joke compared to what they should be.
           Don’t mistake what I’m saying as old-fashioned. There is very little new of anything on these phones that was not already available. My point is most of my use of phones and computers is for business, and that gets increasingly hard to do as these devices become more and more an entertainment center. It would be better if there was a mode you could switch to that had only basic phone service, or that you could exclude all Google products. But that would not jive with the millennial mindset. How are they going to make a living without shoving crap down your throat?

           What’s even funnier about the people who would call me out-of-touch because I just got my first smart phone y’day, it turns out they don’t really know much about it themselves. I asked a so-called power user to show me how to do a few things and he started navigating the menus looking for stuff (it’s an ordinary Android 10). I told him I can do the trial-and-error part on my own. You get that with computers as well, people who don’t know dick about how the thing works think they are leading edge technologists. They know less than I do and still think I’m the one not embracing the technology. Fancy that.
           I confirm Boost Mobile are scammers. A cell phone and a service plan are useless without each other. When you walk into one their outlets, the phones are on one wall and the payment plans on the other. In typical jerk-off fashion, Boost sees these as separate entitites, and in America there is absolutely nothing illegal about this sort of arrangement, although until recently being an idiot was frowned upon. The scam is the prices marked on the phones are fake. Unless you pay full price, which averages twice the advertised price, you cannot use any of the service plans on the other wall. So my $59 phone worked out to $166. No matter what excuses Boost can pull out of their asses, that is a scam.

Picture of the day.
Luxury cave house.
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           Noonish, I drove the Reb to a medical appointment in Franklin, Tennessee. She distinctly remembers showing me around the place years ago, but I tel you I’ve never been in Franklin before. I may have passed by the city at night two years ago around Thanksgiving, but would not then have known it was Franklin. It seems well-appointed, even the industrial parks, but I can judge such neighborhoods by seeing who shops at Whole Foods (for instance.)
           She did the shopping and I wondered about quite unhappy with what is happening to prices, not that Whole Foods was ever a bargain. Six bucks for a cup of blueberries, that turlte sometimes eats better than I do. But I was watching the clientele and it looks like an aging New Age crowd. I understand the lure of the city is strong, with Nashville on the horizon, but there was a complete absence of a younger, livelier crowd. Nothing wrong with that but I would not care to live there. I’d rather some day be the old guy on the block than live in a community that can’t party till midnight any more.

           This photo is a reminder both dogs are beagle mix. First thing they do when seeing a tunnel is check it out. The big culverts in this section of Franklin were a doggie jungle. Shown here, Sparkie ran inside faster than the leash could be locked. What is it with dog’s and holes in the ground? My guess is it used to mean supper. Get in there, Sparkie.

           So many Trump haters are uneducated enough to be hilarious. Did you catch that black lady lawyer in Arizona who thinks Mexican children are dragged across the border by actual coyotes? She’s serious, going on to describe how coyotes are too small. Yes, sadly, America does hand such people law degrees, they don’t dare flunk these minorities. Or the Harvard student who complained that Trump criticized Mexican coyotes but not American ones. That one has got to be a college prank, but the joke here is the people who take it seriously.
           I was right about the separated children—the problem is the parents, not Trump. They have all been located, mostly back in Mexico, but refuse to come forward to take the kids. They are using the kids as bait in case Biden gets in. Trump should have been more ready on that one, but he did press the fact that the cages were built by Biden’s administration.

Last Laugh