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Friday, October 30, 2020

October 30, 2020

One year ago today: October 30, 2019, the surest sign.
Five years ago today: October 30, 2015, on optimism alone.
Nine years ago today: October 30, 2011, an authentic western.
Random years ago today: October 30, 2018, a generic day.

           Yes, the sad news has arrived. See addendum I took the day and evening off. I put in a few hours reading, mostly the booklet on evolution and creationism. In seven of the nine chapters, the argument against evolution is the same, that there are gaps in the record. Yet, Darwin himself pointed that out. What’s more, I don’t think anyone has ever stated that there should be no gaps, or that the presence or absence of gaps prove or disprove anything about the theory.
           I have one new conclusion. It is the that not surprisingly few arguments agains evolution share a glaring fault. They could be used say things were created in any shorter period of time. It leaves your wondering if many people say it was six days if none of them had never heard of the Bible? There are a few other positions, but they are more questions than answers. One example is the formation of stars, though this is an example that things often get off subject.

           The case is that the stars could not be self-forming. After the big bang the unverse was full of hydrogen and helium, which quickly dissolved into hydrogen atoms from all the radiation. To start accretion, some heavier particles would be needed to start hydrogen begin attracting by gravity, yet, a heavier particles can only be formed from hydrogen in the core of stars. Therefore, only stars can begat stars.
           To me that proves only that we don’t understand how stars are formed.

Picture of the day.
Nantucket lighthouse.
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           A lifelong friend has passed away. We met in 1980 and were in fairly regular touch until two months ago, I just got the news now. It was sudden, that’s all I know. Whenever I went back west, that was the first place I stopped. Our business affairs became so intertwined I will have to begin again but the level of trust cannot ever be replaced. Expect haphazard posting for a few days hence.
Last Laugh