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Thursday, October 29, 2020

October 29, 2020

One year ago today: October 29, 2019, cashless, my eye.
Five years ago today: October 29, 2015, silver remains low.
Nine years ago today: October 29, 2011, rhymes with boot.
Random years ago today: October 29, 2007, only 7 cents per month.

           Windows won’t allow further installations on this computer unless I perform and update. Typical millennial-think. For a while I’ve been getting a message that my version of Windows is past the end of its lifecycle. I can’t wait for MicroSoft to do the same. Good morning, and it is, I spent a few hours outside with the doggies, their reprieve before going to the vet later. Things are otherwise at a crawl, which is good. Everything here is back to normal but I’m not leaving until things are better than that.
           I used the time to tackle that huge Windows pagefile that builds up on your system over time. It’s eating up half my hard drive. This stores information used for your system when you run out of RAM, a very easy thing to do as Windows becomes every more idiot-friendly. I finally have up on trying to find a site that gave straight answers. One techno-nerd after another, blithering way off the subject.
           Here’s a picture of the Reb at the Whole Foods meat counter, today’s big story.

           I had another go at installing the Brave browser, but Win 10 insists I update first. I’ll look for a workaround. There’s little else going on except the election which represents the ultimate effort at takeover by the lunatic left. Forty years of collusion and indoctrination was about to pay off when Trump arrived. If nothing else, this election will show us how they’ve done. This is no longer a contest between two parties with America’s interest in mind, just different philosophies. It’s capitalism against communism and I suppose it had to happen. Nobody listened to the warnings that have been right since 1980.
           To eradicate the CNAME threat, I searched for the files in the registry. Guess what, they’ve finally managed to bury eulerian scripts where I can’t find them. For now.From what I understand, these are scripts downloaded along with MicroSoft “updates” that call home for tracking software when you boot up. By noon I was deep into DOS. There is a saying that some day a DOS person will save the world.

Picture of the day.
Lamborghini oil filter tool.
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           I rarely overlook a chance to jam with a guitarist with an ulterior motive. Why? Because regular motives have produced such a crop of ninnies that I’ve wearied of dealing with them. Today I connected with this guy who’s been playing most of his life with the same results as myself. Every time he gets a group going, somebody or something takes it down a garden path. What’s more, he has a similar background except he’s been playing the material twenty years more than me. Later, he’s texting me a song list, so check back and see how this goes. It is getting near th 1:88 ratio of success in auditions—based on groups that make it to stage. That’s correct, when you meet another musician to rehearse, there is only a 0.011% chance you will gig even once.
nbsp;          I have doggie news and it’s so-so. Sparkie has some new allergy and dang, it is persistent. Keeps him up at night which leads to other complications. He needs to be let out twice as often, not that inconvenient when I’m here. He needs a scan and the only lady in the area that does it is out with COVID. Trivia, right about now is the anniversary of the first SARS epidemic, back in 2002.

           [Author’s note: note the 19 in COVID-19 means the strain was identified in 2019, a completely idiotic naming system that will eventually cause confusion. The CO means carona, the VI means virus, and D means disease. The idea is the name should not “stigmatize” the source, which is the Chinese wet market in Wuhan. Gee, that is so considerate of the CDC.]

           There is no getting around election news in this country. Unless you live in a cave, which by the way, has been discussed by the Reb & I. (They are among the most exepensive US properties these days.) Only one station is covering the Biden crime family, but most people are very aware of it and the big coverup. Other than the welfare cities, there is no hope for the radicals. Once again, the electoral college will decide the vote. There will be riots in the Democrat zones, I think Trump should stand back and let it happen. (I believe individual subdivisions have the right to ask for protection.)
           Let those cities dismantle themselves. Once the businesses flee, it ‘s like Margaret Thatcher said, sort of. Liberalism is great until the other guy runs out of money. My position is unchanged from months ago, it will be a solid Trump landslide. As for the riots, like the Sun News (from Australia) says, it is a lesson America needs to learn. Trump is fighting the media, big tech, the liberals, the Democrats, the fringe groups, and the welfare class. Farange has righty pegged him as the bravest man in the world.
           Another picture, just for balance. I’ve heard some tragic news that is not yet verified. These are pics from today, but may not be relevant to the editorial.

           The left is using every dirty trick in the book to unseat Trump, as they have been doing since day one. What I wish all the media would do is shut up about the virus. Most people no longer care about it or who dies. The prevailing attitude is the same number will die no matter what, let’s get on with it. I know of noboded who wants to hear about it any more. Then again, I don’t associate with anybody infected with left-wing ideological nonsense.
           TMOR, do not believe any leftist US news, which is 99% of them. The “polls” showing Biden ahead are designed to discourage people into thinking voting for Trump is a lost cause, same as 2016. That is not working this time and neither is anything else. The advance voting shows Biden ahead, but that is largely because most Republican advance votes have not been returned yet. Around a third of all voters have advance-voted, which is sad because it does not give them a chance to change their vote as the Biden crime family episode unfolds.

           As for the Islamic attacks and beheadings in France, serves you right. I’ll say it again, old Europe spent two thousand years keeping the Islamics out and you think you’re smart letting thing waltz right in. Serves you right, France. It ain’t the first time since Napoleon the French have unconditionally surrendered to weaker forces.

Last Laugh