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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020 Tuesday
One year ago today: November 10, 2019, finally, a table router.
Five years ago today: November 10, 2015, is it their business?
Nine years ago today: November 10, 2011, soy sauce, my eye.
Random years ago today: November 10, 2006, outdated song list.

           I’d say there has been progress. That signals my intention to get back on the warn side of the mountains in a few days. My policy of getting out of the house at least once per day has always been right in the long, long run. It kept the pace up here and I’m happy with the results. The Reb is up and around, she’s been along for more and more of the doggie walks and that’s my indicator. Besides, I’m more than moral support, since I know everything from the pet prescriptions to that rattle in the dishwasher. Anything else? Yes, I can do the shopping and I’ve gotten pretty good at raking leaves. All morning long, sometimes.

           Today, the we did a full shopping trip, driving across Nashville to the Whole Foods on Broadway. This was the only event today, so let me say a few words about Whole Foods. I’ve always found them pricey. Now that they are owned by Amazon, it is rare to find a price tag less than $5 on anything. I don’t have to skimp, but neither would I pay twice as much just because I’m in that store. Here’s a picture of a can of salt. Twenty bucks. The label said it is made with integrity. That makes sense, being that it is in such short supply.

           Judging by this two-hour excursion, things are nearly back up to speed. I know better than to leave before her full recovery, but I have never liked cold or even cool weather. I want to be on the other side of the mountains, where it isn’t winter until almost January. There’s the one gig this Saturday where I’ll be recording, not performing. If that goes well, I’m thinking to head back. Otherwise I plan to stay on week to week.
           Merely feeling better isn’t good enough, I want to see the energy back. So far it’s looking okay, plus she’s easy to take to dinner. It works both ways, without her, I very rarely dine out, and even then, I won’t head downtown. I know where all the mom & pops are near where I live. Not so much around Nashville. Last week we went to Nadeen’s and the menu has been sharply abbreviated.

Picture of the day.
Walker Lake.
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           After the shop, we took the doggies on an extended walk near the State Museum, that’s the place we toured middle of last summer. It was late and the nearby market was closed. We took most of the side paths, it was a warmer than usual evening. One result was this photo, the view toward downtown fromthe amphitheater. The Reb used to host shows there, we snapped around forty pics, but this one came out truest to color. I had to turn off most features on my camera to get it to behave. The sky really was that gray.

           Why so many pics? It’s part of good photography. Take many and cull the results. Back when Kodak was king, this was such an expensive path that home darkrooms became a major hobby. That’s why I jumped on digital photography the minute I could afford it even though that was at a low ebb in my finances. You can tell by this blog almost to the day when I began using digital images. So we were talking about photos. You see mosty the best—and I hope you’ve seen an improvement over the years.
           You bet, I did keep all them photos. Tens of thousands, I estimate I could very well have 50,000 on file. I have kept a digital camera on my person since the earliest days, usually on a lanyard. That translates to mean I have a lot of travel and situation pictures you can't find elsewhere. They are neither ordinary nor posed, look back on a few for yourself. Alas for this blog, many damn good ones are not shown here. But I would have no qualms about publication elsewhere. And that brings us to a business proposition.
           The Reb has suggested we market these photos with one of those outfits that specialize in stock photos. I looked at several sites and they seem legit. The biggest draw for me is that we already take these pictures. It would not be anything like taking on a job with commitments. If you want, I’ll keep you in the loop. Just you remember, we are no different that others on such ideas. Maybe one in a thousand gets a second look.

Last Laugh