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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

November 11, 2020

One year ago today: November 11, 2019, talk about bamboo.
Five years ago today: November 11, 2015, 150 years is long enough.
Nine years ago today: November 11, 2011, “TV” investing.
Random years ago today: November 11, 2013, also very married.

           One of the great thing about having two entertainers in the house is no need to pay for music. I forget what started things, but we wound up doing Burl Ives for an hour. Oh, now I remember, Sparkie has brown eyes and we work as a team to put on his belly belt. So I started singing “Beautiful Brown Eyes”. This kicked off the morning concert. Featured were “How Great Thou Art”, “Big Rock Candy Mountain”, “Mockingbird Hill”, “Old Rugged Cross”, “Where Have All The Flowers Gone”, and “Sink the Bismarck”.
           Honorable mention for “Red River Valley”, “Pearly Shells”, “Tom Dooley”, “This Land Is Your Land”, “Down In The Valley”, and “Pretty Red Wing”. One thing, it sure gets the dogs to sleep like logs and the cats actually settle down. The pets are really good listeners. Finally around noon I woke the dogs up for a stroll & pee. All that [walk] accomplished was interupting their extended nap.

Video has sound.

           Last evening, one spot we visited was these bell ringing towers. I took them at a distance to be some pillars, but up close at the top, each has a mesh cage with a speaker. The bells play popular tunes. You may have to use your imagination. This short video was their rendition of “Chattanooga Choo Choo”. I think, that’s a song I’ve never listened to all the way through. The effect is remarkable, shown here is one set of towers, there are two. We were the only people present on this perfect Nashville evening.
           We chatted about another on-line business, a bill paying outfit that charges half of what they save you. The way a majority of Americans manage their finances, that could be a godsend. All too often that causes a further problem that’s harder to spot. It’s not that they spend the money as fast as it is saved, but that they use it as down payments into further debt. There is only so far you can go talong that path. Long ago I even developed a formula about it based on life expectency. We’ll talk more business later.

Picture of the day.
Texas Air & Space Museum.
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           Pets. They break things. This time Lillie got that fancy Japanese wishing well. It was a real favorite, the Reb gathered up the pieces and put them in the porch. I walked past several times thinking, that does not look like a bad sculpture. You decide. Be open to creating a new brand of art. I have the spare pieces. That’s the dark blue pieces in front of the statuette in this picture.
           There are several business ideas floating around. We did not pursue the currency exchange for a number of reasons, none of them concerning the concept. I will clarify those. Foremost was the much-advertised training seminars, they are not focused on either learning the software or trends in the money market. Instead, they and the fee structure is mainly concerned with recruiting new members, or as they put it, building the business.
           Next there were continual changes in the software that I recognized as amateurish. At the end, they changed the display to size too small to read on my tablet screen, the only computer I generally allow on-line around my office. There were other reasons, one of which it was annoyingly costly. The programmers in Austria knew how to program, not how to run the system for its declared purpose.

           As for the bill paying service, I’m wary on several counts (get it, ha-ha). It’s hard to find a description of what the actual work activity is. I’m leery of re-entering the accounting field. It is a business that requires daily attention to the extent taking time off isn’t easy. You can’t take on help without training your own competition. The leading candidate at this point is a photo marketing agency called Great Escape Publishing. Even that is another website that avoids telling what activity is involved beyond taking pictures. Their testimonials read like they were written by the same person and their 25% off banner is in-your-face. I don’t like such non-originality.
           Blog rules say I must report the most bloggable item each day, and it was taking Sparkie along for an evening shop. I found this jar of cheese-stuffed peppers. The bearing here is my appetite has disappeared the last while, I can barely taste things unless spicy hot. I bite into one of these “peppers” and it is sweet. What? I read the fine print. It says “cherry peppers”. Are they cherries or peppers? I have issues with naming things what they are not. Dog shark. Sweet potato. Except panama hat, I’m okay with panama hat. Maybe because I don’t wear them. So there.

Last Laugh