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Friday, November 13, 2020

November 13, 2020

One year ago today: November 13, 2019, guitarist type list.
Five years ago today: November 13, 2015, sunburn in the shade.
Nine years ago today: November 13, 2011, $7 for Pop-Sci!
Random years ago today: November 13, 2009 , remember Zoikers!?

           Things are about to change, but sort of in a just-you-watch fashion. The billing service business is on the table, but so is a bunch of turtle pee which got all over my favorite puzzle book. What, you didn’t know the turtle and I do puzzles together? It’s part of the morning ritual while the doggies are resting up for their walk. Then, the smaller dog, who likes to play hide & seek, jumps into a hole full of pine needles. This dog has and undercoat that has to be continually combed out,, except pine needles won’t comb. Here’s the little guy at the lake last day.

           We are thinking of getting the doggies to Florida for a week or two around Xmas. This is tentative, because you get idiots shutting down California and other loopy left antics. My mission is to find somebody, preferably a liberal, who lost his job over this virus boondoggle and has to sell his camper van to me. Thanks to the Biden-Harris team, there are some real bargains out there. They do not include real estate yet but I’m a patient man.

Picture of the day.
Canadian Wal*mart.
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           First, look at this picture of an old buckboard in Smithville. A measure of desperation, the Democrats are trying to get Pennsylviania to split the electoral vote. Pure desperation, and it would be a shortsighted move to steal this election. Why? Because their voter bass in that State is focused on two cities. The largely rural areas would give them real headaches down the line, but the Democrats are known for making such mistakes. TMOR the way it stands, the Biden apparatchiks are claiming 290 electoral votes, the key majority point is 270 votes. If Biden loses Pennsylvania he’s back to 270, with five states still undecided. Don’t quote me but I think three of them are mandatory recounts and the other two Trump has filed suit over voter fraud. (Later, Trump has dropped the suits in two states as not worth it. But I don't know which two.)
           For clarity, it Biden loses Pennsylvania, Trump only needs to take only one of the other five states to become winner. And those states are generally hotly contested. Trump was a majority in those and many other “blue” states until the very last minute, when thousands of Biden votes suddenly started pouring in. It’s what it sounds like. The Democrats want to split the Pennsylvania vote to 10 each, leaving Biden with 280—then Trump would have to win two of the contested states. The Biden-Harris team are praying to a god they don’t believe in that it won’t come down to that.

           Another little reported fact is that the Republicans belong to a priviledged elite who favor a global system with them in charge, often called the NWO for New World Order. This movement has its roots a thousand years ago, when the world consisted of one or two empires at any given time. The Romans, the Chinese, the Arabs, all had their moments, believing that what part of the world they did not already own was populated by barbarians. What changed was the rise of Europe in the Middle Ages, generally from 1400 onward.
           Here’s a short version of my take on what happened. This change, the Rennaisance, gave rise to dozens of countries full of white people who were in competition. The further you got from white people, the less you saw of this new form of modernization and the industrial revolution. It also began the myth of white supremacy. It wasn’t, it was a competition between states that spurred scientific development and resulted in (among other things) advanced military technology.

           This is where you should not take “competition” to mean bad, but view it as the only reasonable alternative to large old-school Empires that standardized everything. Look at China, where everything in their “empire” stayed the same for 2,000 years until they adopted European everything from skyscrapers to trains to most everything—except the scientific method. They still copy rather than invent.
           The changes in Europe were not unique. Any place in the world could have done the same if they had wanted to. Now, you had a Europe with [relatively] tiny countries (like England and Spain) with enough technical might to overthrow the strongest classical empires. Good-bye Zululand, adios Mogul, farewell Ming Dynasty, and so long Aztecs. It’s easy but also shallow to interpret this a some sort of racism. Hell no, those empires were no different in their political intrigues in causing wars and they lost fair and square.

           Nonetheless, to the uneducated observer, it sure looks like a white race thing. This change also meant the long-fabled one world under one ruler concept had to also change. It meant that anybody who tried it since around 1850 would first have to overthrow or eliminate the white race and their scientific methods. There’s your definition of hatred for whites, they are in the way of the globalists. The Old World Order was incomplete because it left Europe and North America intact. But people like Biden, Trudeau, and Merkle are doing their damndest to fix that.

Last Laugh