One year ago today: November 14, 2019, favorite excuses.
Five years ago today: November 14, 2015, Ann, Taylor, blondes only.
Nine years ago today: November 14, 2011, my original home-made helmet.
Random years ago today: November 14, 2007, interesting Ron Paul stats.
After a brisk morning walk through Cook Park with the doggies, I hopped in the car and the Reb drove out to Smithville. The quickest route leaves the freeway but that presumes you won’t get behind any farm vehicles on the two-lane sections. My audio tape setup works excellent on her car stereo, so we started another murder mystery. Like the last one, this new tale is as corny as the last. Called “Cherry Cheesecake Mystery”, you get a lot of cooke recipes and a plot about a small town in Minnesota chosen for a movie set. The protagonist is a 30 year old woman who every bachelor in town and half the actors are after. Right.
The gig isn’t until after noon, so we took in some of the sights and found Xmas gear already on the shelves. Here’s something new, these little “trees” are dyed wire toilet brushes trimmed to this shape. Novelty easily gets top billing these days. What a neat idea. How do they dye the plastic bristles?
The area is the image most people who’ve never been here think Tennessee looks like. It’s rolling hills and shady valleys. I’d live there if it was affordable. The route is through Waterton, where Sparkie deposited his vote on the front lawn of city hall last summer. If you get the chance it’s far more scenic and heads east all the way to DollyWood.
The digital license plate has become a working model in California, concept described in this blog over ten years ago, in April 2010. I would not have considered Bluetooth as the protocol, thinking more along RFID, nor would I have thought of the plate being used for advertising. The California version is $600 plus another $200 to have it installed. Why have just your phone track you when for 800 beans your car can tattle on you too.
No developments on the election fraud, except Pennsylvania has been told to segregate the votes that came in after the legislated deadline on November 3. No doubt that set the Democrats to mixing the votes together by now, since they cannot afford to lose that state. The media mob is doing everything they can to bury the outrage over liberal abuse of the voting system, banking heavily the longer they drag it out, the more people will just move on. It doesn’t seem to be working and the Big Tech types are having to ban militia sites.
There are reports of unrest in the Democrat party itself. It has not been entirely overtaken by the radical left, just as the Republican party has holdouts against, to coin a word, “trumpification”. Thousands are marching in support of Trump as the loony left screams the election is over, start focusing on what matters. Pelosi said stop the circus. The clown wants to stop the circus, that’s rich.
We were busy all day, but what’s this I head about 1.6 milion Trump supporters marching? As usual, the MSM have not mentioned a thing. What, because there was no rioting and looting? Have you seen the list the Democrats have pubished of US Senators who have “not yet congratulated” Joe Biden. Or the TRAP list, the Trump Accountancy Project, that intends to archive every individual who elected, served, funded, supported, and represented the President. You know who winds up on such lists? People with nothing to hide. Or so they thought, or more accurately, didn’t think.
I would love the Democrats try to punish such a large group of Republicans just to see what happens.
The problem with wooden bridges.
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What, we don’t get a day off to go sing and play music? Maybe there was chaos out there, but we spent the afternoon in Smithville. We toured several local shops that had general store in their titles. Myself, I saw a lot of stuff that was commonplace back on the farm but now carrying $50 price tags. Anything new? Yes, some art, although some folks might be strained to see it. This is a plank of wood with random metal pieces screwe down to the surface. I had a better shot, but forgot Windows 10 can delete things all to easily.
It was a great gig, I have two hours of footage, but very little of it is destined to appear here. I was support staff on this one, but just being a stranger in town was enough to invite questions. A local who works as a soundman tells me there is a shortage of bass players. Too bad the place is an hour’s drive too far away. We are invited back any time and the place will let us display CDs for sale. (Interesting, LibreOffice won’t let me capitialze CD in plural.)
However, the tips were not that great. The stage was set back half-way down the length of the building. Turns out the music was so fine that many people thought it was a recording. There was enough in there for us to stop at the Twisted Oak, a popular spot on the highway back to Nashville. It’s famous for top-notch entertainment, but thanks to the Democrat lockdown, there’s been nothing for months. The entire area is a real break from the Nashville scene and a lot more relaxed. The grill is not cheap, we spent all the tip money and then some.
Who remembers that I listen to audio books is because of the lack of radio good radio stations on the highway? There are other reasons, such as they are dirt cheap and a good source of blank tapes when done. Mosty, they are library surplus and I’m the first listener. Imagine my surprise to learn the Reb enjoys the [audio tape] murder mysteries.
This is only our third tale from the trailer court and the cornier the tapes the better. Not only can we place side bets on individual chapters and the overall plot, we seem to simultaneously spot hilarious word patterns that slip past the authors and narrators. They are too subtle to give examples. This is a pleasant surprise to us both, I mean, audio tapes in 2020, who’d have thunk it? I love to lose those bets.