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Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 29, 2020

One year ago today: November 29, 2019, this concept of “cold”.
Five years ago today: November 29, 2015, the paintbrush riddle.
Nine years ago today: November 29, 2011, washed out music.
Random years ago today: November 29, 2002, the original bad approach.

           Boost should be paying me commission for the number of CoolPad referrals I’ve sent them. The basic, slow, unreliable service is still $50 per month, half what I was shelling out to use the coffee shop WiFi. For a day I didn’t get much done, I have a few nice things to report. This place is comfortable and I’ve done some serious shut-eye since I got back. I’ll get the hang of this retirement thing yet. Top of the list, I found the drum box. It was in the shed, a reflection of the disorganization around here. The new unit is in the leaky shed, the old unit stored inside a dresser drawer.
           It seems in great shape. The batteries had been removed and there is the original manual. Funny, I remember it being an Alesis, but maybe that was the piece of junk that reverted to the same tempo on every track each time you turned it off. I’ll test it tomorrow, I have a bad habit of keeping the transformers separately, but this is a standard 9VDC, no challenge for the robot club. Now we can get moving. I also found my wireless guitar jack. I like a lot of freedom of movement on stage. Well, and off stage too, but that’s another story.

           On yanking the weeds in the planter, I find that at least one of the beet plants made it. Shown here, it grew a lot more stem and leaf than root. A good sign that it isn’t the soil mix that’s at fault. I almost missed it but the distinctive beet aroma told me to dig between the weeds. This won’t be the year I do any real gardening anyway. I am a fan of pickled beets. With garlic. I’d like to preserve my own but let’s get a crop in first. None of the carrots, onions, or any of the six avocado seeds even sprouted.
           This also begins to clear up parts of the shed. I only need one corner to get some framing started in there leading the “great repair” which results in a nearly new shed. I need that space. The scooter lean-to gets some shelving asap to continue getting things out of storage that don’t need to be indoors.

           I’m getting to boxes that have not been touched in five or more years. They were often packed and stored in the shed back at the trailer court. There’s a lot of neat stuff in there since I don’t bring much junk home. But I do bring home things that I never get around to which is bound to be more interesting than grandpa’s old ball glove.

Picture of the day.
Dominion Imagecast Precinct.
(Voting machine.)
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           Here’s a nice extra, the five-string bass. It was in a cloth bag, but the moisture got to the strings. I never did get used to it next to my Longhorn, but it sure adds a dimension. The lower notes require a different rating of speaker. I don’t really play at volumes that should matter. You can’t see closely, but these strings are corroded and need to be replaced. That’s where DR Strings come in. A dominating reason I’d play five-string is to grab attention and I admit it. So would you at this stage of the game. The term “dominating” could mean I merely no longer care about recording contracts. DR claims their strings are handmade, I’d like to see that.
           I gather neon white strings are only available for four-string. Yet on a couple of demos, I think I can see five-string styles. Hard to tell, since it takes a hipster to video white strings on a white bass. It’s also distracting that they don’t play bass, instead reverting to some Pastorious-like spastic modal exercises. It’s hard to tell what they strings sound like when he’s slapping them, or popping them and thumping them with his thumb. Wait, I found something. It is under a black light but that is definitely a five-string. The lighting is uneven, it could be just a fifth string of a slightly different color. They are around $30 a set, so I’d like to know in advance.

           Another discovery, it looks like 25 ounces of silver. Plus a packet of silver grams. Let’s look up the value. It’s dropping and $22.71. Remember the $2 per ounce bar charge, so this treasure is worth $492.75. My records show I paid $741.25 for it, but that is not the point. I only “lose” if I sell. The fact this has been there all these years with me having to sell is more important. Kitco keeps crowing the price could hit $1,000 per ounce during yet another pending market correction. One way to make that happen is for me to sell at today’s price. I should take inventory, a nice new van would be much more useful.
           I’ve never sold large amounts of silver, but I have sold single gold bars. Those were paid for in cash. All this silver was also paid for that way. My interest is that cash remains the preferred payment because my silver is a buffer against hard times. When there are disasters or food shortages, a lot of good a paper check is going to do you. That, and it cash the damn hardest thing to cancel, much as the system would love that.

           Flashback, and I don’t get many. Usually I consciously remember instead. But this time it was back to summer camp, or more accurately, bible camp. They had this game where each cabin would tie a ribbon on his belt (everybody had to wear a belt in those days) and play “War”. Each cabin had a counselor to protect and the idea was to capture his ribbon. Since I was already ten-ish, I didn’t care for this. I had been told there was a girl’s camp on the same lake, only to find out they meant the other side and there were no canoes.
           So, back to the dumb game. The area around the camp was a big wilderness of pine trees and open areas. Since there were prizes, I wanted to organize my cabin into a squad to “attack piecemeal”, a phrase I was big on in those days. Of course, everybody agreed but did what they wanted to anyway. Instead of the big swarm of boys, the whole thing fell apart into small groups half-lost in the woods. After a few days of this in the afternoon, I opted to stay inside for extra bible study. That’s the year I discovered the bible was almost as boring as the people who tell the story.
           Later, I dug up the files for the Zoom box and I was mis-remembering. Around a third of my list is already there and tested. I have 32 songs, around half of them new material. These are the loosely-named “comedy” tunes I picked out between here and Tennessee. Light-hearted would be more accurate. I stress again the drum box is not some background metronome for me. It is integrated into the act with stops, special effects, and I really push my ability to stay on key for long solo passages. I regularly customize intros with the box, not so much outros. I have not used the box with my Fishman PA yet.

           The Democrats go ballistic as their evil empire collapses and the authorities close in. A number of issues are becoming clear. First is that they did not expect any organized resistance. Worse, having received none in the past, they stuck to outdated methods. Top of that list is they expected events to travel slowly. So slowly that many states would have routinely certified the votes and gone home long before news of fraudulent collaboration arrived and by then the transition was over. They sure screwed themselves this time.
           Another boner was they are geared only to blame everything on Trump, but in fact he is playing less of a role in the fraud investigations as each day passes. He is not behind most of the recounts and de-certifications. Last I heard he was only after the bad ballots in Wisconsin, leaving Pennsylvania and Georgia to their own resources. For it seems, in those two states, their legislatures are finally stepping in. Not out of duty, but they know if they don’t they’ll be sent packing or worse.

           Even then, the leftist press is getting so much wrong, like the screams of “disenfranchisement”. The term does not apply to fake ballots. The Wisconsin move is not a recount, rather identifying people who voted illegally. If those people are not worried now, they should be soon. The penalties are severe and it could start a panic in other states. I’d like to see that. The MSM is gloating that the recount 113 more votes for Biden, thus missing the point. The investigators are out to show mail-in ballots are no good, not even bothering to recount. And they are finding them by the tens of thousands, every one of them voting for Pajama Joe. I told ya, liberals are not very smart or they would not be liberals.

           Meanwhile, the Democrat camp has gone underground. It is eerily quiet around DC theses days. Except, of course, for the sound of private airplanes heading offshore. Their media arm has also clammed up, this morning their only headline was that Biden was wearing blue socks. That is of great interest to the Homer Simpsons of this country.
           And the latest libtard “offense” is that the ASL sign for Biden resembles putting on sunglasses. But it also resembles a Crip gang sign. Boo-hoo, they are offended but likely so are the Crips. Biden is a creep. He may soon be a criminal as well, the word is the FBI have asked for the voter records. They are looking for specific people who intentionally voted more than once.which carries a (max) $10,000 fine and/or 5 years. These are minimums, in Pennsylvania it is $15,000 and/or 7 years.

           I hope this puts mortal fear in the offenders, since there is no other way to educate them. They are likely rehearsing their “innocent mistake” lines. However, that should not be an allowable defense for those who voted three or more times, and my guess is they exist by the tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands. These people had it down to a science, so they’ve done it before. I say put a whole boatload of the worst offenders away and the rest of them chickenshits will scatter.
           Idiots, like the newspaper, “The Hill” are trying to say Trump said to vote twice. It’s pretty lame, since none of the multiple votes seem to be for Trump. What he actually said was if you voted by mail, go to the polls to check if your mail-in ballot has been received, and if not, then vote in person. Trump suspected the polls were dumping votes. A wise move, as they are still finding plenty of evidence of vote dumping. But he did not say to vote twice. (If your mail-in is later received after the deadline, they should not even be counting it, right? That rule didn’t seem to apply to Biden votes. This people are in deep shit.

Last Laugh