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Saturday, November 28, 2020

November 28, 2020

One year ago today: November 28, 2019, a movie flop.
Five years ago today: November 28, 2015, the battery was dead.
Nine years ago today: November 28, 2011, the Dodo Barrier.
Random years ago today: November 28, 2009, the Axis Sally post.

           All my loyal readers know this blog has never wavered from the fact that Trump won 2020 by a vast majority. I say he did also in 2016, if they dared to validate those ballots. Personally, I think they tried the same stunt, but thought simply plugging in votes was enough. They were taken by surprise over the electorical college thing—they really are that stupid. The lid is coming off this treason and my dream of seeing the Hildebeest carted off in cuffs is looming closer. I only read the feeds, so I’m picking up only that a vast conspiracy of voter fraud is being exposed. All the wee pieces of information, the affidavits, the files, the missing files, the timing, the inane coincidences are now falling into place. I can imagine the Trumpists dancing in the streets before long and the insane left and their media bum buddies are cringing in their cubicles.
           The pictures today are generic Xmas toys from Tennessee. Nothing here made the grade. I stayed in this morning, listening where I could but no way do I have any grasp on the big picture. The snippets are bad enough for Obummer and pals, they pulled a fast one and got caught. Worse, they used the same tired tactics as ever, the ones that worked when nobody questioned the ballots. This is the complacency of stupidity, I mean, why should they improve when they are getting away with it? So the dumb-asses tried to print a greyscale watermark on their fake ballots. I’ve seen people that stupid before, but I had to pay admission.

           Strange as it would have been must weeks ago, I’m getting more information from independents live-casting than big media and the big tech mouthpieces. But what am I supposed to do when CNN complains that Trump is using the Constitution to steal the election? Is Biden serious about some of his cabinet choices? Bernie Sanders as Minister of Defense? There are bits of good news, like Michigan heading to impeach that insane Whitmer bozo they call a Governor. I got ten bucks she was fake balloted into that spot. The Powell lady has repeatedly stated they have the bribery check stubs, so, let us see them already. It’s now a situation where Trump may not win, but Biden is going to lose. He lied, he cheated, and he got caught.
           We are approached the $15,000 mark of materials put into this house, nearly the purchase price. It’s quite the little cabin now and still needs an expensive new kitchen. Most costly was the lumber at $5,648 so far. The electrical, which is beyond description wonderful for an old house is next at $2,273. Plumbing was not cheap at $1,818 but the grand total includes $1,181 worth of tools purchased specific all for this project. Without the tools, $13,700 is the total. Let me find the most expensive month and the most expensive single purchase.

           Hmmm, October 2018 I spent $1,205 on what, I’ll check. Okay, that makes sense, it was the month the new electrical sub-panel went in and dryer cable isn’t cheap. The largest single purchase was the two matching washbasins, they were $213 a pair. All of this was paid for in cash. And speaking of cash, did you hear about that kid who got his ability to pay on-line suspended? Anyone dumb enough to support a cashless society should read his story, I believe his name is Jaden McNeil. I don’t know the whole story, but apparently he made a joke a few months back about George Floyd. He was dumb enough to publish under his real name. These millennials are a little unclear on the concept of graffiti.
           What? You want to know the George Floyd joke? Okay, he posted on June 25 congratulations that George had been drug free for an entire month. BWAAAAA-ha-ha-ha.

Picture of the day.
Minimalist Xmas tree.
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           Part of the afternoon I tried to restore some semblance of order around this place. In the end, a load of laundry, some general cleanup, and a search for two missing items was it. Those items are my expense book from Tennessee (how could I lose something like that) and I am unable to find my new Alesis drum box. That is going to require 16 hours of programming and I’d like to get started. I tidied up the shed and a few chores, I’m not saying I worked hard. It’s simply good to be back, it just takes a little bit done every day to stay comfortable around here.
           I still need some long hours put in, don’t take any breaks. I must got to Tennessee before new years, but on return I’m bound to tackle the remaining large projects, starting with the kitchen. I need a new water tank and a roof on the shed, after that it is all finishing work. Which takes me forever, and that was the original plan. I’m tired some, yet I might go out later just because it is Saturday.

           Yep, I did go out, see below. The time is used to map out the stretch between now and December 11. A lot has to happen or face consequences. I need that hot water tank. Maybe I should just do that first, what do you say? That will keep me busy considering there will be none for sale in this area now that I’m ready. Moments later, I confirm that. Nothing even searching as far away as Tampa. Same with mini-vans, the closest I found was a 2006 Honda and it had nearly 250,000 miles. There is an option I would not have taken before, it is dealer financing.
           Taking a closer look at some of the contracts, some of these dealerships are hurting. I know how they rely on discounting their receivables and that many of them are hurting badly right now. The search is tedious because so many people don’t know what to call a van. Cargo van, conversion van, camper van, mini van, step van, delivery van and so on. Each term has to be followed up because just saying “van” gets you 200 pages of sheer junk. Mostly dealer over-posting. Are you listening, Riker?

           Taking stock of what’s around the cabin, I may make a dumb decision for the better. The last thing I’m needing immediately is a framed wall inside the red shed. But, if I do, that lets me remove more things from the house, meaning more room to work around here in the near future. All the small projects are done, anything I start now could spill over into 2021. If I don’t, I’ll wind up having to move stuff multiple times or crawl over it. And if you need any turkey, let me know. Turkey salad, turkey sandwiches, even turkey fried rice. I think a can find some for you.

           Whoa, has that Whoopi Goldberg gone off the deep end. My aussie feed showed hundreds of people posting comical comments so I went to see. Let me say, I have never liked that woman or her big mouth so if I call her Gorilla Goldberg, that’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. She hates men, I hint, because she isn’t one. If you think I’m being tough on her, go read what the Australians think of her. She’s the most repulsive of the Democrats, a group known for accusing other people of what they do. I finally found what the laughter was about—she doesn’t really know what a “coup” is. The whole bunch is unhinged, the definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
           Ten minutes later, I’m wondering if all the hilarity is her obvious ignorance of the definition of a coup. That was just my take, it seems she is just that unpopular and over-opinionated that she’s drawing flak for her blathering. I agree with the group that says she a washed-up has-been but if she’s drawing nearly 100% negative comments, I’m probably missing something here. But I can tell you what is missing from the news reports. It is the fact that a growing portion of the recounts and decertifications are due to public outrage and NOT anything Trump is behind. Ooops, Democrats, that was not supposed to happen.

           Hmmm, that link led to a post by the Libertarian candidate in Georgia, Rand Paul. He has a good chunk of voters, something like 100,000 of them. The Democrats are the sorest of losers and they are already behind a dirty tricks campaign for the Senate seats coming up this January. So Paul has suggested to counterbalance the planned and obvious influx of Democrat non-residents showing up to vote that his followers would have a good reason to support the Republicans. Interesting.
           Something most people don’t know is over the past decade, the Democrats have not only gone after the civil service, but after their own moderates. Few people questioned when long-term Democrat states and jurisdictions held elections with only two Democrat candidates against each other. They were running against their own moderates to replace them with radicals.
           Later, yep, I did go out. JZ called, I got to inform him there were ten blonde women in the place, meaning over here. Not back in Miami. Sure, nine of them were fat and the other had a butch haircut, but they were blonde. I’m operating under the same parameters in reverse (figure that out), so this is not the time for opinion. He should have been here, that’s ten more than the last places he’s been. The bottom line is he has to get out here sooner or later. I gave him the getting old lecture, that no, he should not plan on doing anything “sometime next year”.

Last Laugh