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Saturday, December 26, 2020

December 26, 2020

One year ago today: December 26, 2019, half the English died.
Five years ago today: December 26, 2015, upside down jigsaw.
Nine years ago today: December 26, 2011, half or complete users.
Random years ago today: December 26, 2016, US poverty level: $12,082.

           A tribute to Sparkie, those eyes. Here’s a precious gift, this is a memorial to a devoted friend. This is from the Reb, what a nice touch, a cast of his paw print. He’s been gone a month. His spirit is deeply missed. Boxing Day. I once knew what this was, so I’ll look it up again. Good morning, it is 5:15AM. You can only have a snooze like that when all is right with the world. I’m reading a book on Nicaruagan history, I tend to agree with the original reasons America, during its expansionist phase (Manifest Destiny) chose not to move south.
           For good measure in this cold, Sammy & I went exploring in the van, discovering all manner of goodies. I found the manual, the rig has two glove compartments. Today, we have a stab at folding up the seats. Other than that, I’m shopping for a good set of new tires. There is also a piece of trim where one of the headlights was replaced,the other needs the same treatment. For the record, the Reb is indifferent about vehicles and options, so I’m on my own.

           Never have I before had heated seats. This van has four. But I can’t tell, or maybe the driver's seat has failed. It is an older vehicle and I expect things that don't work. Where was I, oh yeah—Boxing Day is an English banking holiday and is not necessarily the day after Xmas should that fall on a weekend. There are other explanations, such as the day you gift the homeless but that theme is a bit too loose a fit for the English. On that note, Canada sets precedent for ticketing the first driver for sleeping in his self-driving car. Places like Canada have a penchant for making sure nobody ever gets just a little too comfortable.
           The local authorities were quick to announce quite typically that “regulation is lacking”. The technology, the Canadians go on to say, is to assist the driver, not to replace hiim. That’s in keeping with their national reputation as the cutting edge of academic intellectualism, plus that will be the day when Canada “replaces” even one of their taxpayer-victims. See, it is now 7:00AM and we are waking up.

           The recycle operation is a date around here. It began as a standard operation for me, to walk the dogs in the open field behind the site. It doesnt take long to turn into a tradition. And here’s another, the jigsaw puzzle. I never do them except here. If I didn’t say, that began with pets as well. It’s also nice to be around somebody who spots this as quality time. The Reb is in great spirits, she is planning a drive to see a friend but decides (I guess) to stick around a few days so we could visit here.
           Another thing I don’t do except with the Reb is Mexican food. The best place we know is across the dam and does not have cafĂ© con leche. Or any cream for real coffee, but the food is authentic (yes, I’ve been in Mexico) an portions are large. This is the place that served the original disappearing sauce back in ‘18. This puzzle is odd in that it’s a foot high and a yard long. A thousand pieces is a lot of quality time.

Picture of the day.
Band-aid making machine.
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          What gives? Have I become an old car that gets harder to start because there was frost overnight? I found the manual for the Smithsonian (Chrysler Twon & Country) and it’s another crap publication. It’s one of those with countless pages that don’t apply to your make and model with diagrams that don’t quite match your unit. I need to drop those back seats, the “stow & go” feature. Although the buttons are there, they do not retract the seats. It also refers to two seats, there is only one long bench. Which is not in the user guide.
           So I go looking for the latch to lower the seats manually and that is not there either. It’’s an electric switch that does not appear to work. The good news is going over the van shows that two of the tires are still okay. Throw those on the back and save $350. That might prompt me to replace the windshield. The crack isn’t bad, but it is annoying and such damage can draw unwelcome attention. Never forget that cable television has created and entire North American civilization who are constantly, constantly reminded of how dull and empty the ir lives are. This means you, Ken, Theresa, Patsie, and ilk. Their reaction is not to self-iimporove, but to become obsessed with snooping on others. It is truly pathetic. In such a popuation, the Internet could not have found a better breeding ground. The stupid have untold advantages in such a society. But that is not a good “untold”.

           Here’s a failed picture, but still shows today’s Tennessee sunset. Failed in that it didn’t picture what our eyes could. You can’t really see how the colors on the horizon blended almost perfectly with the neon lights along the roof of the gas station on the left. it’s easy enough to imagine if you could see the top row of horizontal lights was a deep red instead of the near-black shown here.
           The bomb over in Nashville has no effect out here. Whatever they make of it, more than likely it was the mob. And is there a name for anti-goof apps? What’s that? They are still goof apps themselves, but they are designed because of other goofs. Sounds convoluted? I’ll give an example. You go on-line say, to get a pancake recipe. You land on some AOL site like FoodNetwork and twenty clicks later you still can’t find the recipe. Well, not there is an app that, you might say, trims the fat, and finds only the recipe for you. Which is one goof cleaning up after another. So what is the term? Coin something and I’ll publish it.

           It’s never too soon after Xmas to take a swipe at the “I’ve got nothing to hide” bunch of morons. It seems neutrality is no longer an option. Your search history, which at this time creates your “social score”, will now be used to determine your credit score. I’ll bet you loud-mouth bastards weren’t ready for that one. I was, thirty years ago. It serves you right. And it gets worse. If you use social media, your rating will also be lowered if you do not systematically repeat certain phrases and concepts from the mainstream media—and a flag goes up if you try to remain silent or cancel an account. Again, you ignorant pack of clones, it serves you right. Did they ever see you coming.
           Nothing to hide, indeed. You were warned.

           Here’s another, some Democrat up in New Hampshire has been arrested for threatening a Republican poll watcher. Katelyn Jones sent pictures of a mutilated corpse followed by pictures of Monica Palmer’s school-age daughter. As could be expected, big media plastered us with pictures and background on the Republican victim, but not the Democrat who, by confession, did the crime.
           Or how about the big Europol shutdown of a private VPN business that offered five layers of VPN and did not keep logs of customers? This is 100% as legal. According to the police who would never lie about anything, Safe-Inet “went to extremes” to keep its customer hidden. But, we thought that was the service being offered. Sounds like the old story of the guy who sells knives. He has no control over whether the purchaser becomes a brain surgeon or a murderer. Same theory applies here.

           My take on the issue is simple. If the police would quit wasting their time handing out speeding tickets and harrassing prostitutes, they could easily do their job of catching the real criminals out there. But no, the police are solidly behind a surveillance society, that is, a police state. Force anybody they don’t like out of business, keep everybody on file, and regardless of their oaths taken, do the bidding of their paymasters.
           Kudos to the New Mexico Sherriff Gonzales who finally realized the police are supposed to enforce Consitutional, not criminal law. (The courts enforce crinimal law.) Any system an be abused and I do not support any system that puts everybody on file “just in case”. My interest stems from watching which one of these local protests becomes the harbinger of a national movement. The more so as the Democrats continue to pretend they’ve won the election.

Last Laugh