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Sunday, December 27, 2020

December 27, 2020

One year ago today: December 27, 2019, I’m not a natural.
Five years ago today: December 27, 2015, that fifty bucks.
Nine years ago today: December 27, 2011, the winner: Winn-Dixie.
Random years ago today: December 27, 2014, sixteen songs.

           We took the dog to the lake, which is so low we walked along what is normally way below water level. It’s the first time together at the lake, plus the longest walk this visit. It’s the lowest water level in years, so we walked along stones that have not been seen in decades. It’s not the same without the big guy, see how Sammy stays close to the Reb? He personality has changed, normally he would dasy into the water up to his mid-section. Instead, he gave up a few moments after this and she carried him back to the car.
           Raisin toast. Gluten-free, for sure. It would not be fair if I did not mention the antics at the White House. The ass-kisser Democrat civil servants and lawyers have been trying to prevent Trump’s people from entering, saying things like their passes will be ready after the New Year. Problem, if Trump says they have clearance, they don’t need a pass. The Leftists are essentiallin surrounding and blockading the White House in an attempt to force Trump to sign that $600 budget. TMOR let me break this down into smaller pieces.

           The Democrats have a history of ramming bills through Congress. They give it a peachy name,like COVID Bill, then slide in their special interest clauses, releasing the bill just before Xmas so nobody has time to read it and everybody just wants to go home. This has never been accepted practice but because most Americans are generally complacent, it has become established practice. People have known for years that the Democrats were rigging elections, but who cares, the football game is starting. That, and the factor that until Trump came along, both parties were on the same side.
           The Democrats absolutely have to get rid of Trump this time. Rumor is they are trying to bribe Trump’s advisors with million-dollar per year jobs and position sif they can get him to step down. Problem, Trump is not having any of it. He knows he is the Lincoln of our time. These civil servants are defying direct Presidential orders and I hope they are dealt with accordingly. This is a rot that has infested the system for years and they are now acting like they have a right to get away with it.

           Trump vetoed an omnibus bill, which means a document that covers a wide range of subjects all voted on as a singe issue. Very undemocratic, and often used by the Democrats to limit the time available to discuss a given part. So the scam is while Trump wants to take awaly from the foreign giveaways to give Americans $2,000 each. The Democrats want to add enough on top of the foreign giveaways to do the same. More pork, which it what they wanted in the first place—a huge handout to buy votes and bail out their failed cities and programs.
           Good thing the Reb & I can talk politics without much ado. But we have our moments. One is that I consider politics and climate change to be two separate subjects. If you ask me, nobody should be allowed to insert climate change into a conversation without consent of everyone present. Since that doesn’t work, just make sure they aren’t present, n’yuck, n’yuck. Form a robotics club and don’t invite them.Plus, I consider that climate change, whether true of false, is not a topic to inject into other conversations as is too often the case. The politicians were unable to prove global cooling or global warming, so forgive me if I find the term climate change a bit too convenenient after that.

Picture of the day.
Hong Kong Bar/Bowling Alley.
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           The veto is front stage center, there is no way Trump is going to sign away $5.2 trillion. The Democrats and CNN are twisting this that Trump voted against giving them $600 and they are now struggling to get them the $2,000. TMOR once more, the Democrats represent to lowest dregs of American society. Except for a few exceptions, Democrats rely on low-information voters, and this is why they want to extend the vote to illegals, Puerto Ricans, and sixteen-year-olds. These are the voters most inclined to believe they can vote themselves a free ride. This picture shows JeePee on Xmas day. His brain is larger than a pea, so he isn’t a Democrat.
           Democrats look only at what others have, not considering how they got it. They have a catalog of pat answers if you say you worked for it. They’ll just say you had a good job because of white privilege. What I forsee is some sort of taxpayer revolt. Such actions have not always worked in the past because taxpayers are not united. We now have an issue that can do just that. It was the largely unrecognized taxpayer class that elected Trump. Could they remain united long enough cause an upset?

           What is long enough and what is an upset? That’s easy. The Democrats operate on buying you dinner with your own money. Promise the world to get elected, then steal the money to pay for it afterward. We have learned a lot from the Central American banana republics. They dispense with pretenses and use military force to steal what they need. Here, that damn Constitution would get in their way. So the way to squelch a Democrat is to cut off his supply of money just long enough that he has to play his hand. Now, as far as 75 million Americans are concerned, that has already happened.
I           ’m thinking if Trump wanted to be a real pain in the Democrat ass, he could make trouble with how taxes are paid. My own ideas are too far-fetched, but Trump could easily choke off the money supply. I would not object if he closed the Federal Reserve, it only make $600 difference to me in what, eight months? Since income tax has plummeted because there is no income, the coffers are empty. With out access to those printing presses, the Democrats would be sunk.
           Is this the test that history has been waiting for? America is the first big nation where the people have more guns than the government. There have been centuries of speculation what would happen if some group tried to usurp power. It has never happened, but the Democrats have forced most people into a situation of fight or surrender. Which will it be? I’m on the side of capitalism and democracy but at heart, I’m a Libertarian.

Last Laugh