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Friday, December 4, 2020

December 4, 2020

One year ago today: December 4, 2019, Waterton, TN.
Five years ago today: December 4, 2015, LISP thuckth.
Nine years ago today: December 4, 2011, they’ve bilked billions.
Random years ago today: December 4, 2007, Los Angeles via Chicago.

           Pardon if you get repeats or conflicts, my computer was left on-line by accident. And I got invaded by MicroSoft updates. Resistance was futile, as they knocked out both my non-Windows word processors. I do a lot of word processing, so even this breach was not that bad, but it was midnight before I got things working. If I did not mention, my other non-Internet system crashed on the same morning at the same time, but I’m sure that was pure coincidence. The other computer has never been on-line, so you explain the connection. And no fair saying it’s just a Florida thing.
           This picture shows the temp power to the scooter canopy. The yellow tinge is the bug light. It’s here as an example of how I began building small boxes, which the back shed is slowing being adapted for. This curious arrangement is to get around any code inspection, because it is temporary. If you examine the article, there is a regulation switch and outlet, plus a spot with two pegs to wrap an extension cord. The outlet is wired so the upper plug is switched, the lower is not.
           You cannot see the back plate has three mounting screws so the box can be placed almost anywhere. Such as on the post shown here. The cord is unraveled and plugged into any handy extension with a GFCI plug from an old A/C. Very safe. Then any light or lamp can be plugged into the upper outlet and a tool or power bar into the lower. This arrangment has been beyond helpful over the years. I’ve decided to put a work counter in the shade behind this piece of fence, as soon as I can scrounge a sheet of adequate plywood. Have you priced that out these days?

           I’ve got a set of timers I’m checking out. The idea is that I can work in the shed while baking. One timer will let you down. I’ve discovered that I take 213 seconds longer to drink a cup of coffee than average. This means my last gulp is cooler than it should be. Something must be done about this. Don’t suggest those coffee mug warmers, because if you forget your cup on them, they bake the coffee on. Another revelation, the time between when I want a coffee and make one is also 213 seconds. I’ve seen coffee scented candles, I think I’ll try one to see what effect is has, if any, on my consumption.
           I can’t find a place to do an alignment on the spot. They want an appointment for next week. Can’t do that. Elliott says I am old-school for not ordering things from Amazon. There are two aspects to that I’ll point out. Top of the list is I tend to view people who need things shipped overnight as bad planners. I have never yet needed anything so badly that Amazon sells that I would pay $75 extra to have it delivered. Return tomorrow, as this discussion is on-going and he’s raising some interesting but derogatory points. (He thinks people who don’t shop on-line are out of touch, but can’t explain why he feels that way. I can, it’s called indoctrination.)

Picture of the day.
Smart phone tracking map.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Working around the yard turned out to be the whole day. One day, you will get your turn, provided you don’t sign any documents obligating you to work till you drop. It was me and Boss Hogg until that faded, and then some whacked out Brit broadcast from Tampa. They plainly have a serious problem with libtards in England as well. There’s no evidence, they scream so you show them the affidavits. No, they want real evidence Let them hear the witnesses. No, they want REAL evidence. Show them the video tapes, No again, that is not good enough.
           So this one caller asked what they would consider to be good enough. The answer was along the lines of you show it to us and we’ll decide as we go along. It’s an obvious ploy to give themeselves time to conjure up alibis and position themselves to claim the Supreme Court was stacked. They know a lot about how to steal elections, but funny thing, they claimed the same in 2016 but the other direction. Nobody is buying that because Trump had no idea how to go about it.
           So they ipulled the Russia hoax out of their arses. It’s ceasing to be all that funny, considering how many millions of people drank the kool-aid. And now the New York mafia a.k.a. police department is arresting people for the exact things they turned a blind eye on in Seattle. Here’s a hard-to-see picture from Tennessee I wanted to post, it is a hat rack. This was at the General Store we visited.

           The hats are apparently hand made and mostly leather. Suitable for Tennessee but not Florida. If you can make them out, there are quite a variety of classical designs. I balked at the $150 price tags but the place features live entertainment. Maybe we can work something out. On that topic, I went shopping and stopped at the old club on the way back to Lakeland. I tell you I am terrible with names but usually I will recognize faces. Not this time, this lady sat beside me and asked a ton of questions. I could not place her but I gather she was husband-hunting, although women over 30 will always deny it.
           Yet I must have chatted with her at some point, since she had complete recall of my cover stories. For example, when I’m doing celestial navigation, I tell them I’m designing a chicken coop. This one was different somehow, was she like a guitar player or something. No, she would have brought that up. It was frumpy ladies night out, she was the slimmest gal in the room. Did I mention I had no word processor, so I was discretely typing behind my carry bag off in one corner. You had to walk around behind to see what I was doing.

           But I gather a few women did. Funny how they immediately sit down and conspicuously haul out their smart phones. Maybe to let me know they also get a lot of work done when a place is full of bad prospects. I’ve got a lot to say about women who complain it is so hard to meet men. No, it isn’t. They are everywhere, so this latest on-line “study” of women got my attention. Women, when asked about relationships, consistently listed what they wanted rather than what they had to offer. They complained a lot about men playing games, which is hilarious because women themselves are all about playing games—at least until they meet someone who is better at it than they are.
           Who’s that on-line comedian who pretends he’s half-drunk by taking a shot every time he gets a predictable response? Redonkulous, that’s the guy. What a hoot, he’s got your usual perspectives but clever ways of presenting them. I watched this video entirely, since it jives with my observations that older women are complaining about the same damn thing as younger men—when it comes to relationships. Watch the video, have a laugh. I was amused with the “survey of 300 women” who said what they want in men. Funny, those are the same things I want in women, but reach the same dead end. Namely, all the women who say they have those things are lying.
           Elliott and I were also talking about this, but return tomorrow for that as well. Missing, my 8x8” baking dish and my medium-size glass mixing bowl. They are complementary items and I’ve had no company in the eight days I’ve been back. There is no spot in the kitchen for them to just disappear. These are larger kitchen items, so I’ll supply the answer when I find them.

           I’ve noticed another identifying factor among boring people. Those who disagree might ask themselves the big question. I base this conclusion on a combination of my new neighbor and dealing with bank help lines. When you call the bank, they continually ask for different “verification” and anyone fully awake quickly spots they are trying to trick you into filling out some sort of on-line form at their end. There is one piece of family information I never part with and that did not change when “required fields” came along.
           So last week the bank canceled my ATM card, which was dated to end of the month. Their excuse is that they’ve “mailed me a new one” despite the fact I have repeatedly instructed them not to do that in case I am out of town. So I had the misfortune to dial their so-called help desk. They’ve been probing for years getting around to that family question and chose this time to push the issure. Blank, I told them. On your screen that field is blank and that is my confirmation.

           But banks only hire the most marginal of retards for that job. How stupid are they? They kept insisting I had to give them information they did not have to confirm my identity. Yes, I’ve tried giving them a fake piece of info for that field but they sooner or later reject it. I used to get around that by telling them it was against my religion to give that data, but the banks responded by hiring godless bastards. You can tell by their accent. This is where my neighbor enters the picture. He’s retired and addicted to his smart phone the way Wally was addicted to his $2,000 Toshiba for checking e-mail.
           The neighbor takes calls and gives out all kinds of information that is none of his business. He’ll tell the caller the name of people who live up the street or whose cars are parked at the church. He’s regular in answering questions about other people to whoever calls, even telemarketers. I once brought the subject up that maybe the other people did not want that information being given out and he seriously could not imagine why not. It’s a good thing I’ve fed him donkey poo since day one. You know, in case he blabs to the circus

           In keeping, here’s a wee bit more information on him, since I’m sure he would not mind. I met the guy when I noticed he would always be out working in his back yard when he could see me working in mine, but not when I wasn’t. He’s the guy to got worried when I put up that eight-foot high fence across that part of my yard. Also the guy who got worred about my shed wall so I cut a window in it so he could constantly ask what I’m doing. Having been raised around such people, I’ve fed him a steady line of nonsense that will result in all manner of wrong assumptions. Like now, he solidly remembers things in my yard from twenty years ago that I put up last summer. Good, that could prove useful.
Last Laugh