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Thursday, December 3, 2020

December 3, 2020

One year ago today: December 3, 2019, “Congress” sounds better.
Five years ago today: December 3, 2015,look pretty, smell nice.
Nine years ago today: December 3, 2011, my blink invention.
Random years ago today: December 3, 2006, before you ask.

           As the threads begin drawing together, the pattern emerges. The lockdown is a test run to see who the weak-minded are. And what do you know, much of the core problems were addressed right here as long as eight months ago. I did not know how the specifics would surface, but I did ask why business owners were not banding together and suing the politicians who ordered them closed with out having authority to do so. I pointed out that while police were necessary, they were as corrupt as their paymasters and had to have that part of their operations defunded. Sure, now there are massive protests over the lockdowns that are being enforced by police who are being fully paid to break them up. This is the real systemic wrong that is in the system.
           These police and politicians have worked together behind the scenes for so long without being disciplined by public opinion that they regard the two-tiered legal system the norm. they know of no other way to do business. Both parties made an oath to uphold the Constitution but you there is no doubt they exist to scratch each other’s backs. And all the dupes that said and did nothing, well, you can put on your Mickey Mouse ears and march all you want now. It’s too late to start over.

           It was another crispy cold morning, so I worked on the music gear. I can’t find the right transformer for the drum box, though I remember labeling it so it’s nearby. Meanwhile, I’ll slap something together. Since it’s dumb to try to hide the box, I’ll work on emphasizing it. Give it a name, but Mort or something, just not “Titty-bum”. I got both the scooter and the weed-whacker to turn over. That’s partially good. This photo is the weed engine on the shop bench. The other photo is the frame of the laundry room door, using the now-familiar turtle-technology.
           The scooter runs nice, but billows out a ton of smoke. I had to crank it with starter fluid. Taking the air cover over, I see there was not filter at all. I found some on-line, just not around here. Plus the instructions say to soak the filter in solvent and wring it out. Problem, they don’t say what solvent. Do they mean one that won’t rot away your rubber seals? They should say so. The weed-whacker, well, after a lot of cranking, I got it to turn over. That means there is compression and spark. That narrows down the problem of why it will not stay running.

           There, that was the big happening of the day. Two motors fired up. Except I also built the frame for a door on the laundry room, lockable from the inside. This photo should show the half-lap construction. Each door is custom fitted to the opening created by the haphazard construction of th ewalls.
           Just the frame, though you recognize the technology by now. The neighbor was over, he’s got a job I can’t do. He needs a couple drain holes placed underground. His shed has both a drain and a septic tank. The water table is deep enough, but not the drain pipe. He got an estimate from a plumber and said to hell with that. I suggested he recruit the hillbillies.

Picture of the day.
Farm in Arkansas.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
           I stopped for coffee to chat with the staff at the Magnolia on the way back via Highway 60. Taking economics with the owner, it doesn’t look that good for those who played by the book. The latest talk is how nearly 25% of the total US dollars ever printed in history were printed this year. Not good for inflation, though I won’t mind a weaker US currency. The Chinese must be laughing at how they tanked the entire US in one year. The US will bounce back but the cost will be horrendous. And it will produce a new and different form of successful people. Other countries can’t innovate or something, I can’t nail it down.
           My old church computer is finally crapping out. This was the once-pristine XP from the Hungarian church that was to be used for the blog only. But over time it became the best working unit and now is overheating or whatever that situation that caused the desktop to sieze. I have all backup copies done as of last midnight, so the blog carries on. After the first thousand posts, it becomes a habit. Here’s your surprise video of getting the scooter fired up, and this is after the worst part of the smoke had disippated. Look at that character waving his arms like a Russian symphony conductor.
           Did I just say disippated?

           Here we go again with the Windows update jackaround. Windows has the same fault it did since day one. The longer you use it, the more your memory gets gobbled up and the less space you have on your hard drive. The junk files have to be painstakingly deleted and with Win 10 you get that bull crap “need permission” that cannot be removed by granting permission. How much better the world would be by now if there had been no MicroSoft and no NASA, one can only wonder. I’m installing Agt. Ransack on the tablet.
           The parent folder, MythicSoft, is cluttered and full of click-bait. Use CNET, since all versions of Agt. Ransack do and work exactly the same. Other than cosmetics, the oldest works same style and speed as the newest. This software finds every file including what Win doesn’t want you to see. Files bloated full of outdated updates, complete copies of your old versions, folders that were deleted long ago. Agt. Ransack finds them but be careful what you delete. The peckerheads at Redmond are not famous for naming files for the function performed.

           As usual, never perform the automatic install. Not unless you want Xao-Ping on your computer alongside Chrome. Or whatever his name is, the guy who uses the same barber as that fat guy from Pyongyang. The neatest feature of Agt. Ransack is that it is not Windows. I have it running now, it has so far located 105,710 unused files that keep coming back after they’ve been deleted. I don’t know the score there, but you have to manually let it go through the discovery function, skipping all the files that prompt for it. Never seen such bullshit before or since.
           Meanwhile, the old phone I had that quit working has an intact screen. True, it should be easy to go on-line and find a how-to. Ah, but then came the low-effort bunch. Some flunky who works at the repair shop posts fifty videos with no explanation, just some half-you-know-what tribal beat. In real life, he must be kool as day-old shit.

           Expect interruptions, as I eft the compute on-ie by accident. Next think I know, MicroSoft did one ofts loatesome updates and knocked out my word processor. I'm entering this live since, four haours later I cannot locate the missing DLL files. Even when I do, they can be a long dowload and install. I think Win 10 has bloated to nearly 14 GB.

Last Laugh