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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

January 20, 2021

One year ago today: January 20, 2020, no clown suit.
Five years ago today: January 20, 2016, hovering staff.
Nine years ago today: January 20, 2012, remember Dekka?
Random years ago today: January 20, 2017, these Russian women.

           Where’s there a horticulturalist when you need one? Agt. R, but he hasn’t been home in a week. Rumor is he’s got a job in Altura. Thusforth, here is a picture of what the neighbor calls my papaya tree. It’s out back by the abandoned chicken coop. That’s a distinctive leaf shape so he’s probably right. The tree is growing at an angle, not shown here, from seeking the afternoon sun.

           Yep, there is a tune called “Paper In Fire”, which I listened to and recognized, but it was always filler music to me. The melody is great but I’m no fan of over-produced music claiming to be rock. I can hear a good nine different instruments and at least five vocalists. The bass line is simplistic, which is like handing me the keys to the US mint. I make it a point to play only what is there, ah, but the delivery? That’s my department. They haven’t called back, so let me check the e-mail. Just a note that they are still “auditioning”.
           What do we know so far? They are Mellencamp fans, they don’t change their song list very often, and they cannot spell “Refugee”. This puts them squarely in the realm of average, which I have some experience dealing with. I was thinking there would be some big news today, but things are suspiciously quiet all over. Wasn’t there some big party planned? Instead, it is announcement after announcement that anybody who voted for Trump is to be sent to camps for deprogramming and re-education. And the only place left to buy ammunition is on-line.
           I told you the process of voter registration was a dangerous thing forty years ago, that the thumb-ink system was what worked. Suddenly, at least 75 million people have something to hide. But no place to do it any more.

           Another day of work in the yard, I’m looking forward to some sunshine and learning new things. The window frame I thought was bend was merely off square. I hope to get some painting done, listen to Boss Hogg, and maybe get the burning barrel going. I also need another shelf under my work table. This is as exciting as it gets any more, with Tennessee in the picture, I don’t even bother with a lot of things any more. Jut music, I guess, and that brings me to the shoulder issue. Therapy leaves my entire arm very “tired”. What is to become of me if I cannot play bass?
           Have you seen the videos from the Honduras? Masses of uneducated, uninnoculated, unskilled people swarming over into Guatamela, intending to cross Mexico to pour across into America. Biden has promised them free medical insurance amongst other things. The idea is to flood America with third-worlders until they become majority, which in turn will always vote Democrat. These Democrats have the House and the            Senate, but the margins are razor-thin. They must use this to expand their control as much and as fast as possible.

           They have to rush, since their party is not exactly united and they are dependent on turncoat Republicans usually under threats of retaliation on any opposition. This means they cannot let up on Trump, and I say he will become that third party—a masterstroke that will put both Establishment political factions not out of business. But beholden to his voting bloc. He probably should have done that this time around, because now there will be hell to pay. The Democrats had planned on small scale cancel culture, and with no other plan, they are actually going to try cancel culture on some 85 million people. Let’s see how well that works.            The impetus to silence Trump has become grotesque.
Hillary has emerged crying for Trump’s phone records. The Democrat mouthpieces are drumbeating the “insurrection” theme while even worse riots are taking place in their own cities. Instead of celebrating their “victory”, they’ve doubled-down on getting the orange man. And the situation with the army is insane, with the left saying most of the soldiers are white supremists. I’ve never seen anybody go crazy in real time, but this must be close.

Picture of the day.
Belgian football riot.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Six hours later, I have the windows straightened and back in place. They had to be taken down again, a nice chore. I squared them individually although they did not look off square. But the frames could rattle and would jam at spots. I replaced a lot of the old nails with screws and now they glide like new. I still have to put up the casing, which requires really nice weather, something expected tomorrow. I want to finish that job so I can do the interior trim. I’ve got a plan to do all the trim home made from 2x4”s, since casing is running at a couple dollars per foot, an outrageous price. I’ll do more measuring soon, but it may work out cheaper to buy a planer than shell out $400.
           This photo shows the box I built in no time, this time with panels in the routed slots stop and bottom. I like to put suitcase hasps but my supply has run out and it seems nobody stocks the cheap ones any more. Wal*Mart called them toggle latches and stopped stocking them, I’ve even heard them called spring buckles. The on-line offerings are super fancy with high prices. I found some at Overstock, but I don’t like the way they do business. Submit your order, they will look it over and “get back to you” with the price.

           JZ called, he finally got into a doctor and agreed to an MRI. I don’t know what they found, but he got some kind of prescription. If I can get used to my He works too hard for a guy his age and will not listen, so I gave up on the good advice long ago. Like, I dunno, but any leg hurts for no reason means sciatica to me, or in his case the reason is he won’t slow down. I took the opportunity to remind him he can easily get himself a nice place out in the countryside.
           Plus, I gotta say it again, there are no available decent women in or near Miami. They are all picked off long before they turn 18 anyway. The few that have any potential leave town fast or are off the market long before you ever see them. He’s also too well-known and has a real problem with gold-diggers. I’ve told him how many times he could crash in the back room for as long as it takes him to team up with some nice local gal from around here who has a steady job.

           Somebody finally came up with an alternative to Twitter and Facebook, something this blog has been waiting for around ten years. It’s too late for all the suckers out there, they’ve got you profiled for life. But you have nothing to hide and what could go wrong? The new site is called MeWe and bills itself as “privacy-first”. That not “privacy first”, that’s “privacy-hyphen-first”, beware of millie-speak.
           MeWe is not new, what’s different is how it is attracting so much away from the giants. And for good reason, the top one being that reputedly has no advertising. For all the big American media claims of serving you better, they are all about invading your privacy. Google, in particular, claims that target advertising is superior to any other form, that it gives you only what you are interested in. The reality is you are continually blasted by what their opinion of what you should like. And I’m amazed by how many dumb bastards who think their home computer security applies when they log on at the library.
           I don’t know how MicroSoft did it, but they sneaked Edge onto my laptop. I don’t leave anything on-line when I’m not using it, so it was on the sly. It is a major uninstall, I more than ever dislike how they are able to hide the size of the program from the control panel listing. You don’t need, you don’t want, any MicroSoft on your computer unless it is the bare bones operating system. One sure way to know you’ve been infected by Redmond is if you start getting pop-ups to “upgrade” to Bing, their biggest flop of this century so far.

Last Laugh