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Thursday, January 21, 2021

January 21, 2021

One year ago today: January 21, 2020, nearly perfect . . .
Five years ago today: January 21, 2016, music, women, money
Nine years ago today: January 21, 2012, it has to last.
Random years ago today: January 21, i2018, insulation.

           I keep saying the hard part is done because I don’t know what I’m up against. Another half-day toying with the big window. It’s a job that seems easy but you have to be on the lookout constantly. Like that warped frame, I had to cut 6 custom-sized spacer blocks to fit around where the weights hang. And at each of the correct spots, there was a small nail poking through from the original woodwork. But, shown here, one more board and the framing is done—on the outside. Yes, the windows work, those are just temp braces across the inside. Because I have no helper.
           Now JZ is talking about sinking some money into his SUV. He uses it for work so he’s always got something second or third owner. He’s talking like how much he intends to put aside so he can travel and if anything breaks down he can repair it on the road. Hmmm, I wonder where he’s learned to think like that?
           And that damn MicroSoft Edge. I think the computer may have to be on-line to uninstall, a risky procedure from the get-go. And I’ll tell you who needs a kick in the head. Those bozo millennials with the pop-up ads. You know the ones, Firefox updates and youTube free trials. This is why these guys always get the leftover women. The only tactic they know is to fatique others into compliance. Well, they are in their hey-day, they are about to be Democratized. I should have bought that printing press and made fake innoculation certificates before it becomes illegal. That’s correct, as of now it is still not illegal because there is no such certificate. Yet. Imagine the money!

           The inauguration passed without fanfare. No crowds, just heavy military presence, the claim is that Joe is afraid of attacks, but it’s a cover-up for plain lack of enthusiasm. However, their party hacks have ramped up the buzz-words of “insurrection” and “domestic terrorist”. This isn’t idle spectacularism, but step toward using homeland security laws. These were, designed to protect against foreign operatives and would allow procedures that are plainly not intended for use on American citizens.
           The vaccine? You can say you won’t get it, but when your job and travel, even your ability to buy food is banned without proof of vaccine. As for the globalist agenda, some countries are closing their airports. My thinking is the Deep State is going directly for the right to inject you with everything. They are coming for us, make no mistake. First to fall will be the complacent bastards. Are they not worthy of pity? No, because their complacency allowed the process to continue until it engulfed any opponents. If they suffer, it is just how they self-educate. Seen it too often first-hand to argue the point.

           Some unsung cookbook writer should specialize on the pie + microwave combo. Just about every other angle is covered, but there is something about having a meal by itself. That’s Texas style pie, all you need is to heat it up. Which I just did. With a slice of cheese on top. The Reb got a new blender, so gave me her existing model. Hmm, it is already better than what I’ve been using. Could be I’m naturally reticent when it comes to counter-top appliances. You are welcome to ride along in luxury tomorrow as I have to do a semi-major shop.
           I caught the last big vermin in the attic, the smart one who could raid the trap. Do you even know how to tell if it isn’t just mice? But anyway, there are always mice, so now I go after the small ones. I’m going to seal that spot on the north side both inside and out, though I’m not sure that’s how they get in. This is as exciting as life gets nowadays, unless I head for Tennessee. The drawback to that is called “winter”. However, I did put in over an hour on bass lines, read today’s addendum.

Picture of the day.
A dying industry.
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           By quitting time (6-ish) I got part of the interior casing done, using the 1x4” that was formerly for the exterior. That pocket hole driller is neat, if a piece is too narrow on the structure, just cinch a new piece on there—just remember, you can never cut that piece of wood again. I’m not going for fancy, on the other hand I’ve got enough miter saw experience to make the joints and corners look fine. This window is that last major change to the design. This picture shows the 1x4” casing being fitted on the interior. There are a lot of bookshelves going up in this room. This picture is from early this morning, you can see the double channel for the weights, as well as the mess this renovation created in the back yard.
           Trump, he says he’ll be back in some form. Those are some awesome crowds he’s still drawing. If I’m not mistaken, quite a few of the never-Trumpers are viewing with real shock at how things are twisting away from what the Democrats promised them. Maybe the never watch other news sources. I try, but the one I can’t take is that Pelosi. The way she belabors a point with terrible connotations and that alcoholic voice, I can’t take it more than a few minutes.

           What I’m hearing more is people who did not vote for Biden, but voted against Trump, are just now beginning to fathom the trouble they’ve caused. I mentioned at the coffee shop when I hear Biden signed in again to the climate control deal, that “there goes a wasted trillion dollars”, the Bidenists in the room did not know what I meant. I explained how the US has to pay for pollution controls, but China does not since they are a “developing nation”. These Biden people had these looks, like, um, we didn’t know about that part. But I won’t mix it up with them. Other than to point out that’s $3,333 out of each of their wallets in some form. Poof! Gone!
           That window tuckered me out, I decided why not drive over to the old club, see what’s going on. Nothing, but a crowd full of people as show up at these joints is, for me, a great way to unwind. I suppose they remind me of an audience so the connection is real. I’m twice the age of the bunch, I already wrote about the main cause of that. So, I’ll tell you about an incident, to see who accuses me of bragging. There was a 50-ish gall in a shapeless dress (go figure), the sort that spells trouble. I had just walked back to my spot, which is far away in the corner, when she walks past and gives my tush a whack.
           Not with her palm, but the back of her hand. The outcome? Well, you see, I had been working on the windows in these jeans, and forgot to take that big pair of electrician’s pliers out of my hip pocket. She laughed it off, as women well past a certain age are wont to do. Still, that must have hurt.

           Next Wednesday, that’s when I meet with the band. They are in the south end, a mile west of Home Depot, so the trip either way won’t get wasted. I hesitate to say “audition” since that word becomes unpopular after you’ve been in this business long enough. I plowed through everything familiar on their list, which is 26 of the 40 tunes. Of the remainder, some I’ve just never played, others I never heard of. I’ll get you the list soon.
           Many of the tunes will need some work, as I’ve forgotten the custom riffs. But they always come back to me. It’s that I don’t want to devote any more time to this than minimum. My days are full enough, and I answered this ad because the song list was nearly 70% familiar, which is a fantastic ratio in the band world. I thought I’d seen most bands in Polk County, but these guys seem to have materialized. I take it there are two of them, possibly a guitarist and drummer. I know for certain I’ve never heard any bands around here play that mix of tunes.

           Their style of text replies says I’m dealing with the usual age group, around 15 to 20 years younger than myself. This is usually not a barrier, except when they get too influenced by that disco pseudo-rap style. I notice who plays what on the juke box and while the twenty-somethings know the music, they do not much dance or sing along to it. Just not my crowd. For now, minimal effort away from my solo act until I find out who these guys are and important stuff like how often they gig.
           I learned my lesson in 2014 about joining up with bands I’d never heard of, or in that case, who had never heard of me. That was a monstrous waste of time. That’s the band that would not gig unless the lead player made more than he did on his night job. Which never happened in post-cruise-line south Florida.

Last Laugh
(Junk mail apparratus.)