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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January 26, 2021

One year ago today: January 26, 2020, COVID 19 & Calibri 11 suck.
Five years ago today: January 26, 2016, the true value.
Nine years ago today: January 26, 2012, compare them to each other.
Random years ago today: January 26, 2003, I once dated waitresses.

           Therapy on the bass shoulder was a workout this morning. They’ve finally isolated the pain that gets me while playing. I know it was caused by a collision, because it is a fixed angle moving both directions.* They teamed me up with Big Loretta who does not tire after an hour of mangling everything between your spine and elbow. Progress is too slow for my lifetime, so it’s time to up the ante. The exercises, which must go on for life, take up to 40 minutes per day, time that I don’t want to afford at my age—unless I’m compensated because it is work.
           How about that leftoid masterstroke with Parler? They were having trouble rooting out the conservatives on Twitter. So they enticed them all to switch to Parler, then simply canceled Parler—and refused to reinstate the accounts. Smooth, but I’m laughing because it taught a lot of people a lesson about politics and about trusting big tech. So I bought some wood for the shelves, simple planks to be stained and hung on rails. Here’s getting started on the staining, six months ago this was $18 worth of lumber. Today it was $59.

           If I’m careful of the front seat pleather, I found I can transport these 10-foot pieces entirely inside the minivan. I need two twelve foot pieces and I may be able to do that with the passenger window open. This is fun, as it picks up the pace around here. I admit to hoarding books, but it’s more accurate to say I have a lot of reference books that I’m loathe to throw out. Most of them are picked for projects I at any point thought to follow up.
           The boards shown here are to be braced with matching supports secured with pocket screws. I toyed with the idea of big metal shelf brackers, but opened to handgthe shelves on the wall using the same type of slat popular with kitchen cupboards. I don’t know if it has a name but you slice a 1x4” done the middle of the long side at a 45° angle. One strip on the wall, the other strip on the back of the shelf. They interlock, holding the shelf against the wall.
*for clarity, this means as I move my arm from a lower bass playing position to a higher position, there is a zone of intense pain I must pass through, and the pain is the same as when returning back from either position. But no pain at the actual ends of the movement.

Picture of the day.
McDonald’s heat map.
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           Loretta is great, she has a real sense, she can feel your pain. The session does not cause weakness or lingering pain, it’s more a sensation of “leave me alone”. It lasted the rest of the day including the time spend staining the shelves. The solution was obvious, go downtown just before dark and have a few beers. Good plan, I ran into Bradford. And now I know why his place is fixed up so nice. He is an architect, says his daddy paid for it. This doesn’t change his chances of ever getting in a band, but he is now jamming at that craft brewery in the south-west end, the one that is never open when I’ve got time.
           Measured out and sketched the shelves. While I’ve had great results with 12” size, I’m dropping to 10” maximum. I don’t want items stored up that high to weigh enough to need that much space. I’m taking the evening off to read about an British ship famous for being in Hong Kong or something, I’ll get you the details.

           Let’s take a peek at how things are going for alleged President Biden. Remember, he has to completely stifle Trump and silence any opposition—that’s likely the real reason for his “first 100 days” policy. That is traditionally when an incoming administration gets the most done, while the election is still fresh in people’s minds and the opposition is in greatest disarray. Big tech is stopping contributions to politicians who voted against the vote certification, against the hoax impeachments, and against any who do not agree the staged riot in the Capitol was not an “armed insurrection” that left five people dead or sometimes worded as left five people dead ‘as a result”. Which is different than saying the insurrection killed five people.
           Trump’s lawyer guy had his ad revenue cut off. And some rich guy with the MyPillow company got similar treatment including false posts from Twitter displayed his authentication. Some Boston newspaper will, for a fee, go back and edit anything they posted about you, including stuff like arrest records, felony convictions, and bankruptcy records. Speak up, all you oudmouths who used to say you had nothing to hide. Your voices are getting weaker by the day.

Last Laugh