One year ago today: February 22, 2020, first time Smithville.
Five years ago today: February 22, 2016, Florida near-felons.
Nine years ago today: February 22, 2012, remember "Anything But Tequila"?
Random years ago today: February 22, 2004, double-dating, blog style.
I’m watching, “In Dubious Battle”, a Steinbeck account of the orchard miseries. Nothings happened yet, but we just know somebody is going to nail the niece or daughter of the owner. I sympathize with the rabble in these movies because that’s where I came from, but I do not identify with their lack of unity. And the business owners, well, I view them as just as disorganized between themselves, but also as a group that, in their own way, fought upward against the next layer of authority, and so on. Why the morning off?
Because somehow I managed a splinter in my heel. Tiny sliver, maximum pain, how it got there is vague. A welcome rest and a chance to finally revamp my budget categories. Due to the K-cup maker, I rarely stop for coffee when I’m near the house. The minivan shows already a consistent cost increase—but worth it by my yardstick, I simply like driving the thing. That’s evidenced by this panel picture of y’day.
I didn’t see the circus place, but there’s the bay at Bradenton, the columns of the lockdown plantation manor, and the Smithsonian parked in front of the place with powdered coffee. Listening to the customized song list on the hard drive, as I gradually figure out how the contraption works. It amazes me how these purported programmers take a two step manual process and turn it into a ten step digital mess.
The reasoning isn’t hard to follow. By the time the millennials got here, they’d seen the big bucks to be made by being first to market. Before long the whole computer department becomes a hire-the-handicapped jamboree. For example, if you don’t clear the property subscreen of every tune, the track number and other useless information scroll the song title off your dash display. People who come up with such things have mental defects right down to the molecular level. Aha, just before the one-hour mark, Boulton the bad guy shows up with his tart daughter, who instantly gets the hots for the labor organizer. Just imagine, a slim, young gal with no tattoos. Sigh.
That’s enough imagining,there’s danger. Says the head of the UN whatever, the biggest threat [to mankind] is “trans-national” white supremacy, though he did not specify what was being threatened. Possibly, as a non-white, they threaten non-white supremacy. Anyway, the guy, a non-white, says the danger is growing daily. He goes on to say we need global coordinated effort to defeat white supremacy, quoting for lack of a newer, better example, George Floyd. Antonio G., the UN Secretary General, is supposed to be above politics. To support his vision of this non-white Utopia, he did not exploit the current situation in most non-white political regimes around the world to support his cause.
Mr. Trump, when you resume power, kick these people out of the USA. They need a dose of what they are advocating. Congratulations woke Democrats, here’s good news. The utility company is giving you ten years to pay down your average $7,800 arrears on your electric bill. That less than $70 per month, but forget about a part time job. Those 11 million new citizens got those, and, FYI, it is closer to 29.5 million. That 150 feet that truck drivers leave between them themselves is calle
d the “kill zone”. Did you millennials who like to get in there and drive know about that? You didn’t? Good!
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
I watched the Modern Marvel documentary on the autobahn. It’s become in stretches similar to I-95 at rush hour. The highway does not restrict the development of nearby subdivisions. If you build an interstate system in the USA, people will start using it to commute to work. I’ve always felt this should be combated by fewer off-ramps and letting people complain about it, German style. I see much of the system now has speed limits because of this congestion. Two rules I like are the $500 fine for tailgating, even though this would cause howls of “racism” in Florida. And the big fines for making insults. There are aspects of that last law that would not work in America, where drivers may have guns. I’m saying there are workable parts, in theory. In German it is the driver on the receiving end that determines if the charges are pressed, not the cops. The biggest drawback is America already has such a gigantic class of professional sufferers. Yet such a law would clean up a lot of acts. Biggest new fact for me is the depth of the road beds. In America it is 11 inches, designed to wear out in 20 years. In German it is 27 inches and lasts 40 years. Here’s a display with no explanation at the plantation. The cauldrons are for boiling, but the piece of machinery on the stand is unknown. If it was just a hanger for the pots, it does not have to be a complicated iron box.
I installed a battery cutoff switch on the Yamaha scooter. Tricky, because there are a set of pegs built in that fit into most of the empty spaces underneath. I tapped into the 7 Amp inline fuse, paying no attention being fancy. I had to make four cuts, four splices, and stuff the results under a small gap over the rear fender. Two hours to install a tiny switch, I would not have this kind of patience earlier in life. I then tried to find a video on adjusting the blade height of my Craftman jointer.
We are well into the era of useless search algorithms, I warned about this more than twenty years ago. Without an index, searches become increasingly cluttered. I found just about everything else, including videos on how to dismantle and how to restore them. It does not help to specify Craftsman, and Sears no doubt knows this but have done nothing to remedy the situation. And Sears early on took third prize for useless web page design and stayed there. I eventually took the time to download a copy onto to discover the only missing part is the knob that adjusts the blade height.
Since that is the single most important part of the machine and it was missing, I instinctively looked around for my brothers. Just watch, there will be no such product as a universal knob, any more that there are for Whirlpool stoves.
VPN, virtual private network. It’s peace of mind for those who don’t know so much. They work, but they have to be worked right. Most people don’t have a clue. One such example is Gary Franchi (the NextNews guy), who quotes the hacking of a dating site saying VPN could have prevented it. Not too bright sometimes, allow me to explain. If a site is hacked, it has little to do with VPN, which works at the transport layer of the protocol. Somebody hacked the dating site computer, which could have been done by copying the hard drive.
Franchi implies your personal data would be safe with VPN, duh. Fact is, the personal data that was breached was given to the dating service willingly by people who think going on-line increases their odds. Most well get what they deserve. The information is there in that location, waiting to be stolen if you ask me. Having the Internet think your log-on is from a different location doesn’t change that. Even using a VPN that encrypts your data isn’t going to help, the ONLY way to keep off databases (particularly databases on the Internet) is to not give out any information in the first place.
But, I told you that back in 1983.
Trivia today is from Reddit, which I don’t read because it generally moves too slow to keep my interest. Why are some space suits white and others are orange? The white ones are for spacewalking, where they reflect solar radiation. The orange ones are for re-entry and easy to see against most backgrounds. And how about the outcries that the President should have ordered the Texas electricity system upgraded? Um, the grid is privately owned. Why should the President be bothered?