One year ago today: March 2, 2020, I say they do.
Five years ago today: March 2, 2016, not much since Napoleon.
Nine years ago today: March 2, 2012, loser’s option #1
Random years ago today: March 2, 2007, my day off.
Here’s a link to the Polk County Career and Technical web page, a millennial design. It contains zero information or links to what courses or programs they actually teach. Just a bunch of techno-hype and silliness about the future. There are actually only two “trade” schools in the immediate area and they both focus mainly on courses in non-careers like tourism, culinary arts , and cosmetics. I was glancing around for a school to study electronics, but all you get is electricity. Why would anyone go to college for a job that only pays $31k annually? My news feed squawked on with the announcement of new poll stats. First, here is a view from the Everglades tourist center, where I stopped to stretch. Skip ahead to Friday this week for description of a weird coincidence.
Is Trump still in the picture? Very much so, as these were “liberal” polls geared bash Trump supporters. It’s working except for one big setback. It’s turned the number one concern of the remaining Biden supporters into the new extremists. The poll reveals their number one concern is not at all the claimed climate change, gun violence, police brutality, or the other usuals. Their biggest anxiety is, as it should be, Trump supporters.
Seems that New York guy is in more hot water, why is he even still around? The guy who got all those old people killed. I never liked the guy, which I should explain. The first time I saw him was in the coffee shop on the overhead TV. The sound was off, but I kept asking myself, who is this bullshit artist lying through his teeth? I could see it, I didn’t have to hear it. I drew this same conclusion a number times before learning who he was. Cuomo.
So before we go further on this otherwise nothing morning, let’s see how the libtard boycotts are going. The WarRoom reports Goya can’t keep up with demand for its products and shelves are sold out daily. Or the soaring sales from that pillow guy, which I did not follow, but he’s doing super well. How do I get this blog banned and censored and launch my rise to fame and Pulitzers and get accused of harassing all my female staff? Just because these things have never happed before is not cause of doubt, we are in a new believe-anything-bad era.
Later, I pulled up a list of what jobs pay these days. Bit my tongue, you are lucky to get $31k nowadays. Hey, that’s what you get for going to colleges that teach mainly liberal bullshit. The economy gears down to uneducated immigrant level and it doesn’t matter what college you attend, you will start from the bottom and likely stay there. When you do the conversions, $31k is half of the lowest paying job I ever had. But of course, today’s open-minded crop don’t see any connection between things like enforced equality, open borders, government controlled education, and things like shit wages. After all, they can just vote themselves $15 per hour.
I have to live within my means, and toward that end, I’m making my first major budget change in five years. On April 1, we have new categories. Internet will moves from office expense to telecom expense. Household and Thrift expenses get combined, the coffee category is retired, and most travel expenses other than gasoline are now a included under “CafĂ©”, the column title I use for most anything I could avoid by staying at home. For the record, my total expenses tracked since the beginning of 2017, the last budget revamp, total $61,455 to today.
Alcohol powered fan.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.
The current design of US “international” stamps is round, shown in this picture. It costs $1.20 to mail letters out of the USA. I grabbed a sheet of ten, about a month’s supply for me, and got this pink design, the fine print says “chrysanthemum”. It was quickly dubbed “the COVID stamp”.
The right to repair gains in Europe by requiring all products to be user-fixable and stay that way for a decade. Up yours, Sony, you had it comin’. What’s this, another hack, this time Gab—like ho-hum, anybody stupid enough to give out enough data to be harmful deserves what they get. So I took a look. Gab says, “a social network that champions free speech” and “the free flow of information”. Um, if it is free speech, how come all users must be “verified”. And yeah, the free information flows—from you to them. I never heard of Gab until today, and here’s the explanation for the hack. It is Trump-friendly.
My take? If you give anybody enough information to harm you or post incriminating messages on their software, take your lumps. It’s the only way such people learn, if it could be called that. Each data breach rings up the old question, just how stupid are the people that get into this crap? Well, there was this on-line recipe site that tried to strip away all the commentary from the actual recipe and were met with wails and yowls so bad they had to backtrack. Seems most of their readership thinks their attached family stories and anecdotes are important. That’s how stupid.
To such readers as are paying attention, I will tell you how to prevent 90% of password hacks. Make it a policy to write your long term passwords. From this point on, whenever you type anything into the wrong text box, such as accidentally entering your password in the account name field, or entering the password from another account, stop. If you have hit enter and received an invalid password or log-on message, stop. You’ve just received a dire warning. The “errors” you just made are very carefully recorded at the other end. Go back and change your passwords immediately on every affected account.
I write my long term passwords on the last page of this year’s wall calendar, that is, December 2021. Nobody would bother to take down that calendar while there are others on the desk. Anyway, just the passwords, not their accounts, and each password has both an unwritten prefix or suffix that can be calculated in the event I forget any. I note my best oldest password security measure, a non-printing control character, has been quelched. You have to use alphanumerics these days. Recognizable items are much easier to decode, right Hillary?
Breitbart reports MicroSoft is part of a group that intends to track everything on line back down to its original source. They already record it, so this is just the next step. For the most part, they can already do that, but now it is to be streamlined and automated. It will just give rise to a new countermeasure, maybe super VPNs. But I would not mind it they turn it back on old posts, particularly the fake news, to find out who is really behind it. My guess is the MSM and their bogus “factcheckers” who don’t check facts at all. Their purpose is to discredit those who do. If I had the know-how, I’d get a head start on blocking this form of tracking before it starts.
I’m past the age where I can overexert much at all and I did. This day was a non-event, I’m crashing early, maybe a great start tomorrow. Hope you like reading, that’s what you’ll get if I can’t get kick-started.
My warnings on the IoT begin to grow. It is not salvation, it is a threat. As long as there are no established standards, minimum education, or guidelines, there will be idiots creating the code, all vying not for correctness, but to be the next “standard” that will be forced on us. The whole concept as it now exists will drag an entire segment of technology down into the same cesspool as GPS. Consider two things I’ve personally seen go wrong.
One is the power seat in my minivan. It you get in and it keeps moving back and forth between the two settings, you’ll have to take your phone off the dashboard. And if you are in the front office and the air conditioner comes on by itself, stop using the remote control magnet to stick it on the side of the computer case. These might seem funny, just remember that next time you are in an airplane and click on your headset for some tunes.
Have you heard of semantic versioning? There’s a computer law (Hyrum’s(?)) that states every observable change you make to software will hurt somebody. Versioning is the numbers follow the software as in Version 1.0 and Version 1.1. There is a hierarchy of meaning to these but it was never standardized. The numbers apply to the amount of changes made to a given version of the software from major programming interface alterations down to minor fixes. The implication is that within a given series, the changes and updates were compatible. It comes to light some software companies have been tinkering with this and causing problems.