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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

March 3, 2021

One year ago today: March 3, 2020, similar to coffee cake.
Five years ago today: March 3, 2016, I should have listened?
Nine years ago today: March 3, 2012, underwater non-drone.
Random years ago today: March 3, 2008, pelicans, briefly.

           What have we here? It’s a booklet of my horoscope for 2021. Let’s breeze through January and February, see how close they got it. Says family is important so I should make excuses to see them. Working from home will be something new for me. I don’t want a serious relationship for a while. If I want any spice in my love life, I have to take the initiative and somebody was supposed to move in here a while. I’m told I had digestive problems (page 3) and a persona project was supposed be become my main source of revenue.
                      Dating apps will motivate me more than ever, the world is full of freeloaders, stay in my comfort zone, and be myself. If my significant other had something special in store on Valentine’s, too bad I was out of town. The happiness I feel will bring us even closer together. Now, who’s writing this crap? It’s Chantale Montpetit, now there’s French Canadian stage name for you. I once dated a Chantal, with no trailing “e”.

           There are five matching LinkedIn and Facebook possibilities. Unless it is the one with the floof rainbow photo, this picture is the on one from Canada. If you are reading this, I am already on the road to Miami, I left 8:00AM this morning. I’ll probably never find out if this is the same Chantale, but even if I’m wrong, it won’t be as far off as she got my horoscope. Let’s see what’s due for March.
I’m to have back pain, a huge workload, implement new rules, and ask for help. Ask who, I’m the healthiest one in my crowd. Someone at work will show interest Does this mean if I want a date, I have to get a job? Maybe this last spot, a romantic getaway, to reconnect and enjoy these intimate moments, using part of the time to talk about future projects.

Picture of the day.
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           Intel has to pay over $2 billion for patent infringement, in a case eerily similar to the ongoing DMR attack on private and live [music] performance. VLSI, like the RIAA, produces no product and has no sales. Like RIAA, it is that latest American legal entity, the rights enforcement posse. They exist to enforce ownership. Once Lincoln proved that American law could be bent to specific purposes on a national scale, it was evident that the vast collections of small, obscure, and often narrowly-intended American laws could be amalgamated into a legal sledge hammer.
           This works because, like crime labs, the other side has no counter-measure. There’s no monetary gain in proving your side of the case. These specialized litigation teams scour the various laws to harvest those which reinforce their case, or attack as it may more aptly be called. Thus, even a corporate giant like Intel, who likely had a legal department, had no effective defense. The prosecution is always Ho Chi Minh style—never attack unless you are certain you can win. And with awards like that, this sordid process is certain to expand. Those who have no hand in the creation of the underlying product or service can press home their case to a chunk of the money.

           If you are too citified to look up any more when you hear an airplane, maybe get into the habit. You’ll be seeing more of these pod-equipped light aircraft soon. From Persistent Surveillance Systems, they were designed to “protect” individual soldiers on a battlefield (a rumor) now turned to crime deterrence (a claim). Seen under the fuselage, it works in tandem with ground-based sensors, which together form a network capable of covering and entire US city round the clock, if warranted. The point is, they are not warranted—most states prohibit the use of these devices to track and identify individuals. But the police so consistently lie about that very usage, just assume that’s exactly what is going on.

           The system is coded to interface with crime bulletins, parole information, prison release dates, RFID sensors, cell phone tracking and usage, and most public sources such as 911 calls. Great say the pundits, this deters crime. But pundits have IQs around room-temperature. They overlook the concerted effort by the regime to make things like what you say and how you voted into a crime. Oops! You are no longer just a brainwashed, cultist, deplorable. You are now a domestic terrorist. Turn yourself in. Come to think of it, you already did the day you opened your Facebook account.
           While this type of surveillance is forbidden by law, each individual component isnot. Therefore, even if you own a legal and registered flak gun, it is illegal to shoot these spy planes down in self-defense. The only known protection is to live in a city that declares the planes to be white supremist. You see, even if you resort to bunk like calling Latinx’s “white”, not enough of the criminals are Caucasian. This band of circular of thinking in my day was called “eggs make you bald”. Proof? Once upon a time in Africa, the people would not eat eggs. The few that did lived long enough to get old. Eggs make you bald.

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