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Saturday, March 20, 2021

March 20, 2021

One year ago today: March 20, 2020, bomb calorimeter.
Five years ago today: March 20, 2016, block the road, duh.
Nine years ago today: March 20, 2012, I must bo solo.
Random years ago today: March 20, 2011, ahead of my time.

           Let’s read some fake news this morning. I’m talk about silver in a bit; it’s been years but I’ve time for only a peek. I’m up too early for work and I need the laugh. What’s this big headline, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp have quit working? If that’s a major factor in your life, just go jump off a cliff. Around here anyway, you won’t be missed. I see we’re off to a great start. And the Electronic Frontier Foundation has published dire warnings about the abuse of license plate readers by unregulated police departments. They’ve been known to drive up and down streets collecting all license numbers, where the law only permits them to only record vehicles linked to previous.crime.
           As usual, some people claim they have nothing to hide, but that raises the question, if they are that stupid, how do they know whether they have anything to hide? Myself, I have always backed my vehicles into the driveway to prevent this illegal observation. Who’s the dummy now? Some may say that where my vehicles were once registered, there was a plate both front and back. That’s why I made it a point to stop before going there to put the front plate back on. Where to store it otherwise? Behind the rear plate. But, I can’t teach you everything.

           And you people who voted for Biden are getting your tax increase. Not on the corporations, but on your paychecks. Serves you right, yes the Republicans are also hit with this—but they are ready for it because they are smarter than you. Biden is also alienating the Russians and Chinese beyond anything they’ve accused Trump of, and Putin has challenged Biden to a live debate over the issue. Biden doesn’t dare, he would be chewed up and Harris would make a total ass of herself. However, that’s only my tiny opinion. Want a laugh break? Watch this video on racism. Equality means the other guy hates you but instead of staying away, he wants the right to invade your space and dictate how you think.
           Golly, that has such a familiar ring to it these days. It’s the same old theme that we can’t get along but segregation is not the answer. Why? Because the bottom line is Republicans don’t need Democrats to survive but the Democrats desperately need others. I love the dozen spots in the video where he catches her on points like that and how fast she can backpedal. Unable to concede the tiniest flaw in her arguments, unwilling to admit a single issue, never proving she is right, only demanding the other party prove she is wrong, which can never happen. Ha, pure comedy if you ask this cowboy.

           Observe the flow toward cryptocurrencies, but the average Joe does not understand that market. Myself, when it comes to money, I don’t trust spreadsheets any more than I trust paper, give me the solid medal. Plus, what do the people who cash in their crypto do with the money? Maybe buy silver? I learned the hard way that silver prices are kept low. Recently I’ve had people call me wanting to buy. (I’m not selling.) All the on-line silver predictions follow the formulas of the past, but those are not the conditions that prevail during a crisis.
           Adjust silver prices for inflation and they have not changed much since 1981. And none of the big players seem to have learned a thing from the recent Reddit affair. I also learned silver can do some nasty things as banks begin to suppress any price spikes. And they do it well enough to cause panic in newcomers. I’m done following the market, I’m only interested in the price. The one stat I care about is that they sell four times as much silver every week than comes out of the ground every year (most of the silver is already mined, but trading indicates demand.) Recall how I used to be alone saying that inflation on the things you buy is much higher than the published index? I hear there are now websites that do the comparison for you. Don’t forget the bar charges in your calculations, silver carries a higher premium than all the other metals.
           Above is a generic picture of some silver bars. There are so many people who still have never seen the real thing. Most people don’t recognize it in America, yet that is what money really looks like. They’ve become so brainwashed they can’t be taught the truth. Who was that explorer who found tribes so primitive they would not take gold in trade? He could have been in New Jersey. Say, isn’t it about time for another gold heist. Where they drill out the bar and fill it with, what is it, titanium?

Picture of the day.
Stirka 40, Laundromat-Pub.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           See this six outlets and some tarpaper? Six hours, four coffees. That includes a trip to the lumberyard for 15 feet of 12/2, I ran short. The wiring is run to half the remaining boxes but you could not get me to lift another wire staple today. I’m not built for back-and-forth work, but put me in front of a computer, or a shop bench, and you’ll get productivity. Me and Boss Hogg, and that syndicated DJ show from some state that joined the Union before 1850 and hasn’t done much since. Except war production. The northeast states are big on arms sales.
           I tend to work straight through without real breaks so I’m tuckered by quitting time. I’m recording some old radio shows to CD as the lockdowns have produced unexpected demand for audio books. My usual source, library sell-offs, is down to a tiny selection of the worst. That’s my lesson for today, to get one source to record while I’m listening to another. This may be the era when doing that is considered multi-tasking, but millennialware tends to lack this feature. Or, some say, what’s lacking is imagination.

           That insulation isn’t thermal, it is more soundproofing. Nor is the tarpaper required, but it helps to “float” the drywall. And right behind that partition is the bathroom tub, so quietness may contribute to privacy. The top two sets of outlets are heavily braced, they are intended for plenty of use. There will likely be a large shelf or set of cabinets along the entire wall above the doors, intended to be storage for private papers and things not best kept in a dresser drawer. Like the list of my passwords and the directions to that silver lode in Colorado.
           Also, these are 20 amp outlets on a separate circuit than the lighting and rest of the room, and GFCI protected. This space is reserved for the big desk and the shelving is planned sturdy enough to hold everything from speakers to recording equipment, the intention is all such devices are up off the tables and desks and you must stand up to adjust them. Can you determine why? Tomorrow, I may pick up the two pieces of drywall needed to finish this section. Painting can wait. The other shelf from last month was not solid enough to hold all the books I wanted there, a definite big disappointment.

           Another change in format (at the broadcasting end) is making it tricky to record streaming audio for me. I wasn’t raised around this guff and I have to learn it from scratch. What’s got me is a somehow managed to download a stream instantly, where I used to have to play them to get the recording. But I was half asleep and don’t recall how I did it. I knew it could be done but never pursued it. What a boon it would be to download whole disks at a time. We’ll get it, but it will always mystify me why these whiz kid geniuses can’t make the process seamless. S’matter, Tyler, can’t deal with it like a real programmer?

What’s this, the Australian police want an app to record which women consent to sex? Not that women would ever lie or change their minds (often the same event), but why are they concentrating on the women? Movie rights? After-hours reading material? I say it is more proof that as a rule, Australian men have more trouble getting women into the sack than other nationalities, but the English are close contenders. I suspect it has much to do with the rarity of good-looking women during their formative years. And the lack of them thereafter.
           Now some might say that “same event” comment was out of line. Not so, it is an observation you can put to the test any time. Give men the right to change their stories at any time without consequences, and you will find they quickly learn to, well, behave like women. And did you Democrat voters get the latest? There’s a pending $4 trillion dollar tax increase in the works. And you thought what? That the Democrats would make the corporations pay? Hell no, that’s who’s getting a chunk of the cash, along with their 2020 big tech donors. The ones who, to protect their investment, did things like squelch Trump, censor opposition, and did the GameShop scam.
           I found this picture in my 2001 archives, I rarely picture money unless it is a tip or a windfall. I believe this may have been my first $50 tip in Miami. If so, this is likely from Churchill’s pub. Oh, I have news on that. Dave sold out years ago, but he may be the only one who can make a go of the place. Rumor is he’s back operating it again. If so, I must drop by. I mean, I’ve know the guy 20+ years.

           Lumber prices have slightly fallen, but as always, they will never return to previous levels. Like printer cartridges, once the factories figure out people will pay more, they will continue to work from there. As ever, remember where you first heard of the extravagant lumber price increases—right here in this little blog. Only recently has the media been reporting.
           Buried way down here is some more politics. I vaguely knew what primaries were before Trump, but only that the leftists used them to replace Democrats they figured were not radical enough. I never thought I’d see Republicans do it, but almost every RINO is slated for the garbage heap of history by 2022. What I’m finding is so many other people don’t know what the process means. Even if these defectors get replaced, it does not change the balance of power, rather only the number of traitorss the opposition can rely on.            What’s ominous is the way Trump has gone on record that people should be wary of Republican fundraising that uses his name. The implication is clear. People who don’t like Trump should not be using his name to get contributions. This draws a new distinction. Money generated by Trump is not the same as money for the Republicans. And Trump has asked that people direct their dollars accordingly. This will cause shrieks and wails in both Republican and Democrat camps, who’s only thirst is to get back to business as usual.

Last Laugh