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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

March 23, 2021

One year ago today: March 23, 2020, co-ed, I like co-ed.
Five years ago today: March 23, 2016, Florida outback.
Nine years ago today: March 23, 2012, just pick the pretty one.
Random years ago today: March 23, 2009, attendant evils.

           The robot club strikes again. The half-day in the shop to test the overheating problem and the next few hours rigging up the bypass y’day gets fixed in twenty minutes in the old club parking lot. This photo shows the offending part, so obscure you don’t know what it is. It’s a special type of heat regulator that I recognized as a Zener diode rigged up so if a ceramic covered coil got too hot, it let the breakdown voltage through to the electric fan. That’s Agt. M holding the part, which he takes full credit for isolating it uses the same wire I tapped into for my bypass switch. Note the anniversary coincidence—that freaky blog occurrence where two events take place on the identical day year/s apart. I don’t discover these until I update the links at the end. One year ago today, we fixed the Taurus.
           The part is $66 at the parts store, but they don’t carry this piece. So double that price and wait a week for a dealership. We headed to the old junkyard on Griffin and found the part in ten minutes for $5. Installed, it completely solved the problem, but kind of led to another. Put simply, since the radiator was not working, the A/C ran at overpressure enough to partially clog the tubes, so that requires a backflush.

           Still all, that beats shelling out a thousand bucks, so we took the afternoon off and went to the park with his wife and son, the latter now 1-1/2 years into this life. And talk about one sharp kid. I showed him how to drum a bit and he can string together sentences like ten words long. We also took the time to check all the radiator fluids, belts, l and generally get both vehicles present into shape. Antifreeze has indeed doubled in price, I spend $30 topping my van.
           I’m in town for medical and it is not good news. Although I do not have diabetes, like many Americans [who unknowingly were eating GMO foods in the past] I show signs that lead to that condition. Get ready for a big series of scans, as in X-rays and MRIs, and don’t forget blood tests.

Picture of the day.
Illegal guitar rosewood harvesting.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The pace continues as we checked the headlight. By the way, I was issued a warning on that on the drive down, but no ticket. We determined the problem to be the ballast, so the all the work and expense to date on the bulb was wasted. Later research shows the headlights to not have a fuse, but are controlled by a transistor inside what is called the Front Control Module. If any part of this fails, the entire piece must be replaced. Nor was the A/C easy to check, involving gas pressure, the belt, clutch, pulley, and line seals.
           The easy part of the day was the replacement of the cell phone gorilla glass. These are the last of the Alcatel one-touch units that have no SIM cards. When those are gone, that’s it folks, we’ll be caught in the same track-everything world as the dumb bastards are today. Except we’ll be far better at spoofing the system. I am not at liberty to say how many of these phones we still have left.

           Shown here are the phones worked on today. We took time only to eat some homemade bread and chicken soup, productivity is always high during club meetings, but today was a sign of the changing times. We cancelled the usual meet-up at the club and instead dran black coffee and took the wife’s shopping list to Wal*Mart. Later, when I arrived at JZ’s place, we did not go out carousing. This is the first time everything got put on hold so we could sit around and drink coffee. I used to be the only coffee-drinker in the bunch.
           More medical, I was in for an echo test, I’m getting used to the sound of these things. Let me tell you, today I sounded like an old Maytag washing machine. Whatever else has gone wrong, my heartbeat is strong and sounds infinitely better than the same tests back in 2007. I’m staying over tonight to get some extra lab work done, it’s a prerequisite for further testing on my eyes. But in another signal that years hare getting on, I hope by noon tomorrow I’m back home taking an extended siesta. Miami is till a noisy place with bad traffic.
           Although for the first time in years, I saw a drop-dead gorgeous babe walking along. That’s another thing that just does not happen in S Florida.

Last Laugh