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Monday, March 29, 2021

March 29, 2021

One year ago today: March 29, 2020, checking out Aurvoria.
Five years ago today: March 29, 2016, “Swallowing Stones”.
Nine years ago today: March 29, 2012, pictures from Inuvik.
Random years ago today: March 29, xxxx, WIP

           The Suez Canal is open, or so says the mainstream media, who’s definition of open could be at odds with the English language. We watch silver dip ever lower, now that is pure market manipulation since there is none of it available for sale. And housing, topic of a one-hour discussion last evening. The pundits can’t agree on a thing and keep drawing opposite conclusions off the same data. I say the market will do anything but stay as it is. Too many people not paying rent means evictions and an increase in houses for sale. However, there is still plenty of money waiting around to snap up any bargains.
           What I can’t see is the sudden ending of the COVID (coof) lockdowns, a big drop in unemployment, and a return to how it used to be. At least some of the masses must have learned a bitter lesson from the past year. And suspicion of the government will never drop back again, unless maybe if Trump returns. Inventory is also low, but is that because people who are working from home now starting to buy? These questions never get answered until too late. There’s the chance work-from-home was a ruse to deploy robots in the workplace without protests.
           And this photo? It shows that besides the guitar, there were also women in the picture—just keeping the record straight. Got that, Eddie? I get more on the side than you do on top. I’m just not the type to keep harping on it like some people I know. It’s so nice to have your own blog, you can say most of what you want and always have the last word.

           Google is goofing again. This time they’ve changed the archive feature. It removed itself from the blog. When restored, it lists the dates oldest first. So you get to practice reading the alphabet backwards to use the Yesteryear feature. All this, without even being asked. I’ve sort of got it working again, be patient because Goofle has broken the system so badly every tiny change has consequences. And when reading history, remember that Churchill had an “underground headquarters” while Hitler had a “subterranean lair”.
           Did you see the video of the police standing idly by while Antifa terrorists attacked trucks driving past? When they attacked a driver who warned them to stay away and pulled a gun, the police arrested the driver, not the attackers. This is the facet of the police I would like to see defunded. Pay only the police who defend the constitution, not those who side with tyranny. It is only a matter of time until there is a real outbreak of violence. If the police won’t protect the public, they will protect themselves. This is America, where we fire professors for not using transgender pronouns.

           The vaccine passport is being pushed full along, it is really a tracking mechanism that records your daily movements. You will be denied access to restaurants, parks, transportation, gasoline, utilities, and even your own bank account. This has been in the planning stages for forty years and it will happen. I don’t understand why business owners are not banding together except that they never do. And where are the ads for fake passports, they should be all over the place by now. They are $150 on the darknet, but the problems will really start when the passport is made available only on a smart phone. This will require you to purchase and carry such a tracking device on your person for most daily activity.

Picture of the day.
Prague astronomical clock.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           An afternoon in the sun and a rare shopping trip for printing supplies. Since I no longer do business like the robot club, the need for office gear has dropped drastically. It also means my existing devices (the contemporary term) are often outdated in the sense they are perfectly good but the “driver update” scum let you down. Some items have become unavailable, over which I spot an ominous pattern. But that can wait.
           More important is the van and the two items that are giving me woes. They are the headlights and the A/C, both priorities. I tried the farm-boy repairs, but lack the experience to know the cause that causes the cause. You’re sharp enough to know what I mean, but others maybe not. The lights quit, because the power quits, because the relay quits, because the fuse quits, because the power is too high, because the alternator is hooped, because the voltage regulator is wonky, and you get the idea. I’d rather pay the big bucks because I need it realiable. How are we doing so far?

           No, I’ve not got my stimulus, but it seems neither have a boatload of people who presumably would need it the most. Veterans, disabled, the unemployed. $1400 won’t pay your power bill very long and the hot summer ain’t yet begum. I just heard the moratorium on evictions is about to be extended, but that does not extent to landlords with mortgages to pay. Got five houses? Lucky you, because I hate most landlords. Behind on the payments? Sure, Buddy, I’ll take one of them off your hands for the right price. Glad to help.

           I have a treat for you. The specs on the creation of the super-guitar. Bryne is a master luther and has said he will try to supply not only the measurements, but explanations where possible. He is out to build the ultimate guitar of his career, and that would be a Fender Stratocaster. Today we start with the neck and the nut, seems logical to me. I have photos, but these are taken by the workman, not a pro photographer. Look and ye shall see.
           This is the guitar neck at an angle, roughly as the guitar player would see it. The coin conveys the thickness of this neck, only 42mm. It is fitted with a truss rod and the specs call for a brass nut. Just above the coin the nut shown here is black. It may be a temporary placeholder. This neck is from Japan, where contrary to rumors, some of the best Fender necks were produced in the 1980s.

           Visible is the rosewood neck, this has long been a Fender standard. Original 1957 style necks are long gone, so according to Bryne, this is a 1985 re-issue. I’ll ask what that means in more detail. The neck is maple and the fretboard is rosewood. He insists on special oil for the rosewood but not any given brand. The sandpaper is 1500 grit which “doesn’t damage” the wood and is to be used only with the grain. Bryne is known to spend upwards of $1,000 on a guitar neck, so listen up. I’ll try to get more information but I have no idea what are trade secrets. Turns out the factory did send the wrong nut, so shown here is a graphite replacement.

Last Laugh

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