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Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 28, 2021

One year ago today: March 28, 2020 ,a generic post.
Five years ago today: March 28, 2016, still house-hunting.
Nine years ago today: March 28, 2012, Prof. Howard’s last book.
Random years ago today: March 28, 2008, BrandStupid, ha!

           Not that it’s much consolation, but Chloe is now on a diet same as me. We don’t get to snack on the leftover dog food any more. That’s not as bad as it sounds, considering the dog’s diet consists mainly of 85% lean ground turkey purchased from Aldi’s. TMOR, ground turkey is always preferred here to ground beef. While the turkey still contains some corporate-government-approved additives, it is forbidden to lace it with hormones, steroids, enhancers, and most of the stuff they inject into beef.
           I took time off this AM to read about one of my mystery places, Iceland. I had plans to go there when I was young, but such things cost money. I went from high school into university and by the time I got out of there, I had to go to work to pay student loans. It didn’t dawn on me until I was 24 how badly I’d been played on that one. And I never got there. I spent the morning taking apart a packing crate for the lumber. It was milled smooth the way I like.
           It is hard to read a travel article these days that does not complain how badly Iceland is being overrun by tourists, nearly two million per year. The population is only 300,000. They also have a terrible immigration policy, letting in almost anybody when they should have done the opposite. If you follow the media, this problem is hugely downplayed and buried in statistics, for example they quote the 6.6% ratio of foreigners in the country versus say, Luxembourg, with 44%. The stats keep pointing out the highest immigration countries are the richest.

           This overlooks a number of pure facts. For example, landlocked countries like Luxembourg hardly have the option to enforce an isolation policy, plus these countries only allow in the very best of the best. It’s not like you can move there and open a second-hand store. If you look at what Iceland is allowing in, they are headed for a California-style ethnic disaster. While the total refugee intake is now less than 1,000 per year, it is the makeup of that group that is changing. They are increasingly no longer from Europe.
           Whenever there is more violence in places like Syria, the Icelandic government experiences an upsurge of telephone calls from “concerned citizens” who want the quota raised to 2,000 per year. There are two possibilities. Either the Icelandic government does not suspect a thing, or their ranks have been infiltrated by Portland-Seattle style operatives who plan twenty years down the line. You already get djorks like the mayor of Akuyeri announcing out of the blue that immigrants “contribute more than the assistance they receive”. The average Icelander probably has no clue how loaded and threatening such statements are.

           The fact that there is even somebody out there making such measurements and even thinking along those lines is a danger signal. Why is Iceland letting in immigrants who need assistance, don’t they have poor people of their own? And you can bet the measurements are false. Consider that Akuyeri is a frozen fishing village on the northern coast and the immigrants are from the Syrian desert. Is Iceland just a back door to Europe, something the Islamists have prized for 2,000 years? Something stinks and it isn’t the codfish.
           Another fact. The Iceland craigslist forum is the most under-used in Europe and possibly the civilized world. Can this be parlayed into something? Except for the threads, which are boring in direct proportion to the people who read them, I found there were less than ten posts on the entire page, and most were one-offs. I’ve been looking for something better than blogspot for years, let me think this one over.
           Meanwhile, top video on Rumble remains a two-way tie, both millennial priorities. One is how to survive when the Titanic sinks and the other a bland-looking woman explaining for 28 minutes “why goals are important”. MicroSoft is advertising there are hundreds of jobs available in Canada without explaining why the hell that could be. They do want a bachelors and five years experience although people with that would head straight for the USA. No mention of the pay, nor of Canada’s “middle class” tax rate of 29% or the 14% sales tax.

Picture of the day.
German immigrant cabin.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Today’s number of ships blocked in the Suez is over 300. Shoot that Canal Authority spokesman, everybody knows they can move the thing any time they want. Sail in a warship and either tow the thing away. We would further like to know why those responsible for the Canal did not anticipate just such an event. It’s looking less like an accident by the hour.
           I made it over to lakeside for the jam for two hours. This is the famous orange guitar, it was sad to play “Down On The Corner” and “Suzie Q” along to this custom instrument. But that was how few tunes we knew in common. This was not by any stretch a band that could play anything but rock music. The look and sound of the band was power trio with chick singer. It would be comical to hear them even try a little contemporary Nashville.

           My days of humping major road gear back and forth are long gone. Making arrangements to call the guy later, I sat back and looked at the crowd. The most drastic changes in demographics have happened since I’ve been in Florida. They, too, grow old, but it is an important signal in my music that the audience average twenty years younger. This first really nice summer weekend did even better. If you want to see skinny blonde women (like I do), it’s still hit and miss in Florida.
           So it was delightful to see so many in one spot, the neck of land between Lake Cannon and Lake Howard (I think). You got four or five clubs and restaurants clustered there, ranging from tiki bars to steak houses. But you will not see single women, the lure of Tampa on one side and Orlando on the other means a dead zone for meeting babes. It also means you’ll find a lot of married or equivalent women getting their kicks pretending to be single. Look before you leap and one sure giveaway is Rumple-thigh-skin.

           I went over to the Broken Rudder (whatever) and listened to “Dave & Bob”. It’s one guy and he’s Dave. Great guitarist with good vocals and a somewhat interactive stage show, he’s not from this area. Where’s he from, Kansas? I didn’t jam as he was already playing over. Not much music for me today, all I achieved was getting tired. But that’s why I bought a cabin in the toonies and soundproofed it.
           On the way home, I stopped to chat with Charla. The ban on coof evictions ends in three more days and there is curiosity what form this will take. Rent follows a circular path in America. You pay the landlord so he can pay the bank so they can lend out other mortgage money on other rental properties. This time, if they evict, there is not necessarily anybody else to rent to on a large scale. So the outcome could be crazy. Who takes the hit? The renters? The landlords? The banks? I don’t care, as long as it causes another plunge in house prices, which are in my opinion four or five times too high.
           There is talk of the Bidenistas printing up another $2.6 billion in rent money. The landlords are only prevented from eviction for non-payment of rent. They can still evict for just about any other notion that flips into mind—but there is not necessarily a qualified new tenant waiting around. Will house prices inflate or decline? Depends as always on who you listen to. But it always helps to be sitting on a pile of cash. That, at least, is still a one-way street.

Last Laugh