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Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 7, 2021

One year ago today: March 7, 2020, more empty cans.
Five years ago today: March 7, 2016, unauthorized messages fee.
Nine years ago today: March 7, 2012, up yours, MapQuest.
Random years ago today: March 7, 2010, successfully avoided negativity.

           Hard to believe, but the fusebox diagrams for the new minivan contain location information for some 60 fuses and relays for every electronic component on the vehicle whether present or not. Except the low-beam headlights. These millennials are so beyond screwed up they don’t know.
           This is a new work counter on the east side of the scooter canopy. It will extend both into and outside the end posts shown here. Having two work counters is rather efficient, since I tend to leave unfinished projects overnight, blocking smaller jobs. While the enclosed shed is great for too much rain or sun, I found on nice days I was working in this area anyway. What makes it bloggable?
           The cost of the materials. Three times the cost from even six months ago. That new 2x3” forming the bottom brace cost $6.06 today. The metal brackets are now $9.19. When finished, this one shelf will cost half as much as the whole shed did not so long ago.

           Mind control. It’s in the news so much nowadays, I’ll take a look. What’s this? If you are not far left, you are a criminal. Yeah, we had that bunch around back when I was in college. The campus was recruiting ground for the leftists. That’s a big part of the reason I know that the old ways of doing business would not fade away so much as collapse. To operate a liberalist society, you need enough people to buy into group-think to control the majority. And it’s got me wondering how the Internet got it backwards. All the press was about the explosion of “information”.
           That’s contrary to what I’ve seen. Most people who are “kind of stupid” are the ones who don’t have the brainpower to see the interconnection of things. I would have thought the Internet would remove much of that mental restriction. The news itself can be biased so it made sense to me the real gift would be how the Internet would form closer links between cause and effect. In the few areas where it did, it seems the people so enlightened could not or would not see any connection between bad decisions and bad luck.

Picture of the day.
Mars pic from Chinese satellite.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Late afternoon and I’m still working on the shelf, or I should say work counter, this one is scaled to work standing up. The roof was intentionally built to overhang two feet so there’s a shady spot from either side. This design was retrofitted into a space with other shelving, so shown here is a set of slots that had to be cut into one of the planks Why the special mention? Because this type of work was once a real headache for me. With the proper tools, it was over in no time.
           I checked with the hillbilly neighbor, he’s okay with helping me put up new shingles. I would want to level and reinforce the kitchen floor first and he has no experience with that. He has one of those shingle scraper tools if he can find it. The plan is to start at the back where nothing can be seen. So by the time we get to the street side, we know what we’re doing and it is over in a day.

           Here is something that plays out exactly as expected. Insurance works the same as surgery. The sooner you agree to what the other person wants, the less effective your own outcome. When my motorcycle was burned up, they offered me, what was it, $430? Their thinking was that I had a motorcycle because I could not afford a car and now had to settle quickly or not be able to get to some dead-end job. I held out for $7,100 and got it. This is a game America plays, and a big factor in explaining why “rich” people seem to have it all their own way.
           And it is direct vindication of my policy of not outrunning the bear. I would have needed thousands to endure what just happened if I’d had no infrastructure. Instead, by careful husbanding of hundreds, I merely had to outwait a single insurance company until, to close the case, they appointed an agreeable adjustor, who if she wants to curry favor, will sign zee papers pronto. I can’t supply the details but my point is insurance companies don’t like those who can play their own game.

           American propaganda. The Democrats blocked the last stimulus check (CARES Act) so Trump could not get the credit. Then, when passed, they used most of the money to pay their campaign bills. Now the latest stimulus check (American Relief Plan) is under the same conditions, only 8% of the money goes to relief for American taxpayers—but they are claiming Republicans are delaying to hurt Biden. These Democrats are shameless and their voters are blind, typified by some AOL named Brian Tyler Cohen. The guy’s nickname is “Millie” which we hope is because of his political convictions, nomsayn?
           But, I don’t care as long as I get my cut of the action. It should be around $1,400, peanuts for what I should be getting. This is capitalism, people should get a percentage of what the put into the system. Contribute nothing, get nothing. Would I say that if I had no job? Don’t know, I spent 32 years making sure I would always have a source of income. Didn’t everybody?

           And have you seen AOC selling t-shirts that say “Tax the Rich”. Sixty bucks each, bwaaaaa-ha-ha-ha. I know some people who should order a couple. Or the Biden video explaining the stimulus on-line where the feed goes dead before the question period, and the comments are disabled. But everyone can see the 525 likes versus 2,400k dislikes. Ooh, that’s gotta sting.
           Bikers for Trump. Sounds like some bad guys gone right-wing. Nope, unlike your Hollywood’s Hell’s Angels, these are now are a mature group of strong conservatives. They view Trump as grass roots and who tells it like it is, a non-politician. The plan, I predict, is to station a biker at every polling station in 2024. They have the membership to do it, my advice is they create roving groups “on call” that can descend on any polling station that steps out of line. Not to cause any trouble, but to make sure the stations are adequately monitored by all sides. Boots on the ground. How that will panic the Democrats. Interesting.

           The approval numbers for the Democrats continue to slide the more they try to tighten their grip. Mississippi and Texas are reopening on the Florida model, that mask wearing is voluntary. Some businesses like convenience stores and fast food that hire only mental rejects continue to refuse service, but they will now hurt badly. If I had a store, my biggest sign would say no mask required. The important thing happening is these states are defying Federal dictates, as is their right. I want to see what happens with the forced resettlement of the illegals pouring in. What if Texas says no, we won’t take them?
           As the approval numbers drop, people are asking if it is possible for Biden to draw an approval rating of less than zero. I should point out these are heavily pro-Democrat polls in the terminal phase of TDS. By the way, a number of my readers have now gone out to try the milkshake machines mentioned last Friday. My proposal is you do both. Curse the liberals and go treat yourself to a milkshake. Yes, they have salted caramel.

Last Laugh