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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021

One year ago today: March 9, 2020, pretty average.
Five years ago today: March 9, 2016, I diss the CDC.
Nine years ago today: March 9, 2012, the general clutter.
Random years ago today: March 9, 2001, a Miami no-show.

           The coof word is wending its way back to mean COVID or COVID related. It’s got a number of sordid connotations. This time it is coof-economy, coof-this-and-that, referring to jerks who have bought into the mask narrative. This graph shows the colossal increase in usage since the outbreak but honestly, today is the second or third time I’ve [ever] heard it, and that was on-line. Now it is probably nothing, but the recent look for property that can hold value has led to this crappy mobile home—but it includes the land, 8,150 square fee of it. Since there appear to be no violations, I may take a look and I’ll tell you why.
           It’s a double-wide, 2 and 2, with a large shed and what looks like a room fixed up into a fully functional office. There is a trailer in the back yard that taps water and electric off the main house, but I don’t know about the plumbing. It appears to have been a heavily abused rental, mostly fixable by a few gallons of paint. I ran the numbers on it in that area of Lakeland. Rents average $900 per month but I would not have to bother with tenants.
           IAnd yes, it was five years ago today I first called out the CDC. Long before you ever heard of Fauci and the rest of the bull-donkey. My instant reaction to CDC was, “What’s that smell?”

           Fort Meade, the dumpy town to the south of here, is also an option—the plan to hold value is just as important for now, and half that town is for sale. Rentals are a hassle in Florida, often to the point there is nothing available. There are again properties appearing for less than $80,000 but they are pretty bad. Keep your eyes peeled, however, that is how we wound up with this place and I have few complaints. It’s paid for itself twice this June just in saved rent. The real treat is the ability to leave for weeks and months at a time without paying rent.
           I’ve been looking at real estate again to see what’s there. The market is not collapsing as predicted when the deadline for evictions expired. Maybe they extended it again. That’s just great, Joe. Put people out of work and then tell them they have to pay the rent anyway. The sheer stupidity of their voter base makes it all possible. And the real estate ads show there is no shortage of ignoramuses. See this ad from Kentucky? You get a picture of the dame, and by the look on her face, please, somebody buy that property. Or I swear, she’s going to lose it.

           I was chatting with Charla, who had looked at properties in the same locations in the southwest end (of Lakeland). The rumors of a collapse are balanced by rumors of an inflationary price surge. Central Florida remains an anomaly, there are no jobs that pay enough to settle down here and raise a family. Most real money is from northerners to retire from the freezing cold. She closes the Fubar in five weeks and has six months thereafter to vacate the property.
           We further talked of REITs, which have not been doing so well if you read the financials. It was due to holdings in CRE, or commercial real estate. There has been severe pressure on this kind of property due to the lockdowns. It is generally agreed this is a deliberate government policy to cater to the big corporations, but states are opening in defiance of such directives. We conclude that even if there is a miraculous recovery, nobody will ever trust the system again. This whole lockdown was uncalled for.

Picture of the day.
The Gwdihw Café, Wales.
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           My insurance does not cover that broken tooth. And the lowest price quote I have is over a thousand dollars. And, I have to make the decision now. Extraction, and some kind of filler to prevent uneven closing or crooked mending of the underlying bone. Turns out the insurance will pay if I get it done at a hospital, but hospitals only do this work if it is an emergency. Meanwhile, call me the hillbilly. I have two teeth missing, why did they have to be consecutive? And why, by this day and age, can’t they repair a single broken tooth? And after a week, those eyedrops are sill not decompressing the blind spot on my eyeball. But I can now see shapes, just not motion.
           But don’t go thinking I’ve got problems until you read this ad from Hermitage, TN. The address should be Diarrhea Drive. I mean one bedroom, three bathrooms. Don’t go presumingit is a typo. It could be a custom spread for hoofers the size of Oprah and Whoopie. Three bathrooms, that’s one in the bedroom, one in the hallway, and one beside the walk-in fridge.

           The surge in lumber prices may have an explanation. I stopped for hardware and the people say lumber mills have been required to run half-shifts due to the virus. It is hard to fathom the connection, there probably isn’t any. The corporations continue to sell the exact same products that smaller stores are shut down—the government AOLs say the aisles are too close together. The same logic that waiting rooms and barber shops have no magazines. Should that not be the choice of the patrons? They confirm lumber has tripled in price in six months, and this being America, when the crisis is over, the high prices remain.
           The latest guitar player, he’s the eager beaver but hasn’t learned the realities of Polk County yet. There is no place to play Foreigner and Queensryche in this locality. He’s also in some situation where he has no place to practice, which is odd. We can rehearse here, but my kitchen floor is about to be ripped up. If he’s fussy, this is not the venue. I’m the sort that has to play every day whether or not there is any band or gigs. Hopefully he’s got the same drive.

           Strange, the people who keep drinking the Kool-Aid. At the coffee shop this morning there were some libtards talking about some rumor Biden is going to give them free weekly checks for life. Has anyone heard this rumor? I could not pick out their logic since I was using my own to do the crossword puzzle. But most of these women thought their husbands were crazy for not buying into the same narrative. I’m more into investment strategy, but watch out. Most of the advice on this comes from people who work for commission. Can you just see, as a good investment, Forbes advising people to stockpile ammunition?
           As a demo of how pushy the far left has become, here’s something we all love. Some dinner party showing up at a small country café, but with a disabled person in the group. Then complaining like hell the place is not fully equipped to deal with the gimp. This behavior is so typical nowadays it is beyond disgusting. No, it is not normal in America. But it’s like Canada, people are afraid to speak up about it. It’s okay for them to interrupt a system that works for most people, but telling a gimped asshole to go pull his stunt some place else is potentially “hate speech”.

Last Laugh