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Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 1, 2021

One year ago today: April 1, 2020, Happy Millennial Day.
Five years ago today: April 1, 2016, a word on hobbies.
Nine years ago today: April 1, 2012, it was the stress.
Random years ago today: April 1, 2007, it protects the pen.

           Google announced its GPS will how show the greenest route. It’s to be the default setting, but that disguises the fact a statistical 95% of Google users don’t change the defaults, which in turn covers up that they don’t have the brains to do so. What makes it top blog story is that Google slipped in a fast one. The spokes-whatever referred to the team who make these changes not as “programmers” or “coders”, but as “designers”. Ha, what have I been saying all along? Finally we have their dirty little revelation. Good morning.
nbsp;          You see, that’s how it works. First a crappy device that is hard to configure, but it is sold to you as a convenience. Then the convenience shifts from your priorities (usually time) to something cooked up in a Google circle-jerk. And the next stage is it becomes illegal to change the configuration and the car drives you where it decides you should go. Google deserves all the flak they get. Their Waymo driverless cars are cutting off motorcyclists and running over dead dogs. The cars are getting egged. The message is clear but have the American people been complacent too long already? Google intends to find out.

           The van is back in the shop, I asked them to find out what the cause of the problem was rather than just fix the part. Turns out it was the radiator fan motor drawing too much current, which set off a chain of problems that caused the A/C motor to run constantly and burn out. This is a design flaw in all new vehicles, too many parts sharing common components. I’ve spent over $300 so far and still climbing. It’s still better than making car payments for years on end.

Picture of the day.
GPS wolf pack tracking.
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           The repair is up to $543 but that’s a complete fix including a new fan. No pics today as I was stranded way out on Combee Road, fortunately the shop had a waiting room with Jackie Chan movies. With the fight scenes speeded up 20%. I found a McDonalds walking distance, so at least I had a supply of decent coffee. I seemed to be the only person in the place who wasn’t using coupons. It’s a nothing afternoon as well, so let me talk about another annoyance.
           People like to say if you don’t like a book or a movie, just walk away. But there are times you got there first and it is the other party that should be making that effort. Well, you remember that lady DJ that was with Boss Hogg radio? She’s finally gone. She was pushing a jazz-blues fusion agenda on what is a country-pop station. She’s replaced by this other lady with some strange issues. Every third sentence is an innuendo about something she’s doing right but you aren’t, but always too indirect to really tell her to shut up. She exists always on the verge of getting on your nerves.

           She’s also a fake and a liar about her wonderful social life. Plus, there are around four men working the studio, and every time they make anything suggestive, she has to point out she doesn’t get it. But, she crashed into my radio program listening space so ditching her is not as easy as all that. I’ll tell you who else grinds my gears. It’s sssniperwolf. She is this black-haired plain Jane who keeps showing up on my science feed. I regular search for anything new and she posts lists of new items, so we get overlap.
           I don’t like her because she’s the one-dimensional type that appeals to shallow men. This broad is something else, she thinks there is automatically something wrong with people who don't like her. She wears this horrid glistening pink lip gloss and is pre-occupied that men might stare at her arse, a word she has twenty euphemisms for. She advises women who wear leggings to also wear a shirt with tails long enough that men “can’t stare at your bedonkadonk”. Anyway, if you filter her out, too many other lists fail to display. My point is no, you often cannot just change the channel.

Last Laugh