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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March 31, 2021

One year ago today: March 31, 2020, the tree that died.
Five years ago today: March 31, 2016, celestial navigation anniversary coincidence.
Nine years ago today: March 31, 2012, Blues gig, my eye.
Random years ago today: March 31, 2005, first mention of “the shop”.

           It is 6:12:46AM local timeright now in Florida. So, with my coffee, I’m going to calculate the GP of the Sun for you at 2:12:46PM GMT, that is, where the Sun will be directly overhead of this planet at a little past two this afternoon in Greenwich, England. Yes, Ken, nautical tables can be used into the future. If you note the correlation between the minutes and seconds, that is intentional. I choose mostly times in the first 15 minutes past the hour as those are the only minute and second increment tables I bother to print up. This is the crude reading, meaning I don’t allow for “small d” or small “v” every time. Okay, first the hour angle.
           On the hour, the sun would be at 29° 03.4’ with a declination of 04° 45.1’N. We are 12 minutes 46 seconds past the hour, so the offset is 03° 11.5’. Thusforth at the indicated time this afternoon the Sun’s geographic position will be 32° 14.9’ west of Greenwich at a latitude of 04° 45.1’N. This is not as straightforward as it sounds, because once again, the people who programmed the Internet are dimwits. The minutes have to be changed to a decimal format, a simple single line of code those people are incapable of grasping.

           Worst, they don’t understand there is no east or west, the Greenwich Hour Angle is only west 0° thru 360°. If you plug in the above coordinates into most on-line software, you’ll find the village of Amatonge in the South Sudan. In fact the sun’s GP is somewhere northeast of St. Paul’s rocks in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. You see, public school educatees don’t always understand why some of their equations give negative numbers which are not used in navigation. You can’t really be at -1° on this planet. But again, they are not cartographers, but graphics design grads. If you can call any of them grads in any meaningful way these days. They’ll find somebody to blame it on.
           There will be a partial eclipse visible in Florida on May 26, remember to take note of what day the media starts plugging it as something spectacular. Actually, to see the total eclipse, you’ll have to be in Hawaii. But that’s a thought. I’ve not been in Hawaii since the 1980s. And it was sliding seriously by then, what a racket that housing market they got.
                      Speaking of rackets, have you heard people who have been accused of Capitol Hill rioting were using crowdfunding to raise money for defense—only to have their accounts shut down. Serves them right. This is the blog that warned people decades ago not to put anything personally identifiable on any database or networked device. And got laughed at. Who’s laughing now? And guess who will be laughing even harder when the roundup starts. Imagine carrying an unencrypted cell phone registered in your own name to a political rally. What could go wrong?
           What a laugh. It turns out a ton of blogs disappeared off the search engines the last couple of days. Some people got really upset but most didn’t notice because they are not real bloggers, if you get my point. Anyway, it was a hoot watching them complain to Google, “I put a lot of work into my blog” type of arguments. Like Google cares. Best were the people who outright said they were upset. Google answered those with a message to the effect are you sure you are upset, and if so, why do you think you are so upset. Boy, fan the flames, Google-goofs, why don’t ya?
           If you think that’s funny, how about Biden giving the illegals a free bus ride anywhere they want to go, plus $2,500 spending money. Some say it’s a rumor, but like the phone company, bad news always has a basis is reality. How about the San Diego teachers now teaching these illegal immigrant children while their own American students are locked out, what, over a year now. These Democrats are really going overboard, something is likely to give.
           This border situation is exploding. The Democrats are trying to cover it up which never works. Not even their party faithful any longer believe this can be blamed on Trump. They are predicting two million more by year’s end. It’s just been pointed out to me how many sources call Trump “President Trump” and Biden is just Biden. Makes sense, he’s the only one doing anything. Bet you he visits the border before any of the Bidenistas. You might say the way the Leftists are clawing for power instead of governing the nation, you’d think this was their last chance. But I won’t say it because I’m such a nice guy.

Picture of the day.
Antarctic time zones.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Summertime already. I was out there 30 minutes and got back inside. The news feeds say Trump is still very much in the picture. And the media are still viciously attacking. I managed to knock one pallet apart for the lumber, feed the chicken, fill the birdfeeders, and transplant one agave plant before it got seriously too hot to stand in the shade. Something like 88°F out there by noon. I still haven’t replaced that attic fan yet and soon I’ll regret it. I have all A/C units on full blast. I kept an eye on the Amazon people trying to unionize and I’m not sure who’s right. These workers are all over 18 and I need to know how they voted before siding with them. Also, for the past forty years the direction of the economy has left no choice for those lucky enough to get rich to grab what they can while they can.
           The concept of keeping a small shop in America has been killed by corporate practices. It started when McDonald’s put the original McDonald’s out of business by opening a cut-rate restaurant practically next door. The way the system works, you can never get ahead enough to be assured of staying ahead even if you follow every rule and make every right decision. Biden has proposed a $3 trillion tax increase to pay for his excesses and donor loans. The only people paying taxes are working people, and small to medium businesses. What McDonald’s proved was the concept of scalable franchising, and it is now applied to almost every on-line business that succeeds. Each is a small locally run shop, but there are thousands of them.

           That’s how you get Amazon and eBay, only with departments instead of locations. A tiny fraction of the businesses that position themselves on-line get lucky and take off. But they must soon resort to preventing others from doing the same. While the Internet is still open turf for new types of ventures, there is no room for another Amazon—not if they can help it. But Amazon is not evil, it is just doing what the Rockefellers and Getty’s did. Excluding and quashing competition. You can run any business you want, as long as it isn’t a copy of ours. The emerging electric cars show every sign of becoming the next domestic rip-off behemoth. They are priced at four or five times virtually identical-performance vehicles overseas.
           We have news from China. They have teamed up with the W.H.O. to thoroughly investigate the COVID virus origin and found themselves blameless. Like police brutality inquiries, they have found no evidence of wrongdoing. Such things as witnesses and testimony were excluded so as to not contaminate the findings. All charges have been dropped and the files have been destroyed. Nothing to see here, go home. See, you feel much better already.

           But what I liked most was how quickly the Chinese detected and adopted the Democrat “no evidence” phraseology. They did not say there was no election theft or lab incubation, only that there was no evidence of it. Clever, at least in their eyes. The only clause they missed was saying that even if any evidence is found that is beyond their control, it would not be enough to change the outcome. So you can safely ignore it.
           I was not the first to suspect Trump stepped down too easily on purpose. But why is the media just waking up to it now? This blog speculated that Trump realized even if he won, the Democrat-biased civil service would mean just another four years of foot-dragging. Better to expose them by letting them make fools of themselves. The Democrats have been operating on donor money for decades and 2016 means they need drastic measures to start paying back the favors for both elections, the one they lost and the one they stole. They bought and paid for the 2020 election with Facebook and Twitter money, but they seem to have trouble taking possession.

           That explains why they’ve been a flop on policy from day one, cancelling the pipeline and opening the border. If they don’t solidify their power now, they will lose it forever. They have already made such a mess of it, even their most loyal indoctrinees are going on record saying this isn’t what they voted for. Worse, they know they’ve taught Trump the art of manipulating the government departments. Trump knows better this time than to leave all the civil servants in place. This time, he’ll have teams ready to take over—and there is nothing quite as pleasant in the morning as the distant squealing sound of a career Democrat civil servant getting the axe.
           For an extra laugh, Pence may be planning a run for 2024, and obvious ploy to split the Trump vote. But he’s a traitor and nobody is forgetting that. The Democrats got to him at least once already and nobody wants another Biden in the office. He’s the Kamel-toe Harris of the the old Republican party and a true non-entity in the new Trump party. More than ever, Trump is emerging as the only hope for America.

           Taking time for a much closer look at that classic encounter of the Monitor and Merrimack, I’m doubtful it was an equal match. Too many details don’t add up, like why the two ships spent so much time maneuvering when they were iron-clad to get in close and start blasting. I’m now more of the opinion that the North was very lucky on that day. The South’s ship was a repaired sunken hulk and now I think if one thing had gone right for them, the North’s Monitor would be at the bottom of the river.

Last Laugh