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Saturday, April 24, 2021

April 24, 2021

One year ago today: April 24, 2020, on college women nowadays . . .
Five years ago today: April 24, 2016, the dog poop house.
Nine years ago today: April 24, 2012, on formatting this blog.
Random years ago today: April 24, 2010, my most popular post – ever.

           Do you like pepper? I do. Here’s a tale from the trailer court about a product that has been wrong for years. It points out there were jerkoffs in the world long before the current crop came along. All the newcomers have done is hone being pricks to a fever pitch. Take a look at this tin of pepper, with an extra look at that plastic lid. It has the shaker on the left, the recipe spoon opening, and on the right something as useless as Helen Keller’s drum kit. A round hole. Notice how I picked up the can, as would 87% of the people in the world.
           The tendency is to flip open that right-side tab, which then pours a ton pepper on your food or the floor. Why? Because the people who designed this are jerk-offs. True, there are other explanations, but we are applying Occam’s Razor. They’ve had decades to fix the problem, but in their view, this defect increases sales. And that is your classic definition of a jerk-off. As for the food, I happen to like a lot of pepper. But that’s not the point.

           The big media would have the world believe the big issue of the day is police brutality. It isn’t, that’s mostly hype. Designed to distract you and to downplay the massive effect happening with FrankSpeech. The site is up and down but still recording hits by the tens of millions. You see, the narrative the MSM had been pushing only works if ALL opposition is silenced. People throng to the site that twists the facts the least. The good news of this morning is that oxygen has been successfully generated on Mars. Mind you, this report comes from Independent dot com who don’t have the brains to know that NASA is an acronym, Nasa isn’t.
           Not having time to read the details, I guess the process is electrolytic. The idea is well-known in science fiction. Send ahead enough automated gear to extract oxygen by the ton before the colonists arrive. Who remembers the big post office scandal in England back in 1999? A bunch of postal workers were accused of stealing by a computer, some went to jail, all lost their jobs. The interest here is an announcement today that 29 of them have been found innocent. It was a computer glitch.

           My interest here is these people have a common interest and under British law (don’t quote me on this), if they band together they can demand the people who accused, prosecuted, or were witnesses against them be punished. That would be fun to see. The accusers held to task, the judges and lawyers. I’ll keep an eye out in case they do this, and I think they should. America often follows suit and I would love to see police and prosecutors have to live up to their mistakes. Mind you, I mean the narrow definition of mistakes, not impulse decisions or minor bloopers. I mean court cases, which are major operations. The lack of accountability makes for too much grandstanding.
           And what did I warn you about places like Canada thirty years ago? That while at the time they were relatively free, they were spending millions putting in place a system that could instantly remove that freedom. Today, Canadians learned the real power of the CRTC. “Be careful what you think or say, the CRTC is on its way.”
           And how about the felony charges for the lady with the overdue VHS tape? Charged with embezzlement of rental property, the business folded over ten years ago. But since the paperwork was filed, Oklahoma could prosecute—another horrific injustice, since there is no longer a victim. The connection here is this blog has warned people that how the system is using software to dig into ancient records as they become digitalized. The fact they have not come for you yet means nothing.

Picture of the day.
Copper hot water tank.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Arizona has okayed the ballot audit. This cannot happen unchallenged, the Biden administration has sent over 100 lawyers to block the audit and a weakling Judge has already stalled it a few days. From here, just sit and watch. Like this blog said, the left has to stop every audit, every opposing voice, and every shred of evidence. Why? We pointed that out also, the left has painted themselves into that corner. They cannot allow even one audit to succeed or more will follow. Now, they have to also contend with Frankspeech. The more they fight back, the more they implicate themselves. Sit back, I say, never interfere with an enemy who is in the process of destroying himself.
           FrankSpeech has been viewed 200,000,000 times in two days. I’d say there is no stopping them now. It kind of clobbers the news from Mars, where a couple audio clips have been released by NASA. They sound like nothing, not even a hiss. The Chinese next month could be the second nation to set a rover on the Martian surface. The Soviets have landed probes, but not a rover. Or were they orbiters? I forget, as they contributed little. The Chinese continue to name their clone hardware after dragons and superstitions.

           This black and white shows what many consider to be the first close photo of Mars back in 1971. It shows (they say) the Martian horizon and a dust storm. The picture was lost since the Soviets never released it, not for secrecy, but because they considered it not good enough. A the time, other stations picked up the signal but thought it was just radio noise. There’s more noise from DC this afternoon as the Arizona ballot audit is poised to go ahead. I did not follow along, but the Democrats are pulling out all stops to prevent this measure. Hardly the behavior associated with openness and honesty.
           The auditors apparently have 40 days to complete, another restriction I don’t understand. Let them take as long as they want. But it does add drama, and there are cries of Georgia next. There are some 600,000 doubtful ballots in that state, over which more than half were cast after the deadline. Something like 66,000 were underage and another 15,000 were dead. This is in a state where Biden won by just 11,000 votes.
           In a panic to consolidate what little power he has left, Biden has announced a fourth stimulus check. People on welfare always vote for bigger government and he knows it. In an effort to grab those voters, the stimulus could take the form of a series of monthly payments, anything that makes the recipients more dependent on handouts. It is a known path to disaster.

           I’m finding the “Deadliest Road” series better made than usual for these days. I loved the one in Panama because I’ve been in the area so often. It is called the Darien Gap, but there is no gap. That refers to the break in the road system, the only way across most if it is by boat and conditions get primitive. I recognize that endless rolling jungle and the heat cannot be made comfortable. Get used to it or never sleep until you get back to air conditioning.
           Another look at the Fiat 500, which has been for sale in the USA for around ten years now. I again reject buying one for the same reason as then. New or used, they are priced twice what they are worth. Think of $20,000 new and $10,000 new. For a car with a motorcycle engine, no automatic transmission, and a “ventilated” driver’s seat, it’s too much money. Reviews say the car is easy to park and has a crisp-feeling stick shift. I last owned a stick shift in 1971. Never liked them.

           A dear friend of mine who flipped a vacant lot has asked for advice on investing the profit. I’ve been out of the investment market for 18 years. What would you do? She is interested in stability, not taking big chances. That complicates things. Here is a device that should not exist. It is a hand-held ultra-violet “sanitizer” which probably does not work.
           Claimed to clean everything from cell phones to toilet seats, it is really a sign of the declining quality of life in America. In the old USA, when immigrants had to assimilate or lose, the need or even presence of such a gadget would have been a joke. And you wonder why we don’t want people swarming in here.
           FrankSpeech just passed the 400 million mark as their fake media opponents scramble for angles to defame them and start spinning the Arizona ballot audit. “They will just use the results to bash Joe Biden forever.” Like the auditors are the problem. Today is the marijuana festival in Plant City, around twenty miles from here. Even with Jim Stafford, one of my musical heroes, I’m not going to attend. It seems over half of new COVID patients have been vaccinated, duh. Kamela can’t tell a joke, which is rated on a par with her dance moves.

Last Laugh