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Friday, April 23, 2021

April 23, 2021

One year ago today: April 23, 2020, advertising the price cut.
Five years ago today: April 23, 2016, each had some reason . . .
Nine years ago today: April 23, 2012, world’s largest untaxed organization.
Random years ago today: April 23, 2008, still house-hunting.

           You will be assimilated. A panel of the top campuses in America announced this September, all students admitted will be required to have the jab. Talk about your case for counterfeit documentation. It goes far beyond the vaccine, it is a pipeline to your entire life history every time you go out in public, which is what the system is really after. Since the no entity in the system has the authority to force the needles, they use the tried and true method of making it impossible to function if you do not. Something will give, but what?
           There’s a clog in my scooter carb and once again, no help on-line. Although there make and model are identical to what is there, the scooter itself is a different design under the seat. I do not have storage space, but a gas tank in that location. The few videos that show the correct carb have it already off the scooter, which is the instructions I need. Since I know my scooter is not a one-off, I once again blame the preponderance of idiots on the Internet. Possibly only idiots buy the one-offs and they break down so often the number of posts makes sense in a disgusting sort of way.

           This is chicken meat loaf. With cheesy mashed potato topping. It’s actually more like a shepherd’s pie recipe but I didn’t have any pie crusts handy. This was also breakfast, which took long enough to bake that I watched one of those “Deadliest Roads” videos”. They go around making documentaries of third-world travel conditions, in this case I watch the one on the Congo River. You may have seen this series, for all I know it was popular on TV. Avoid the cafeteria meat loaf, but this one you can be 100% certain of the ingredients. Because here is a video of the process from scratch.
           I came away from the video with a feeling that when these African countries gained independence, they also ceased developing. We’ve seen country after country get their precious freedom only to collapse their economies and revert to tribal warfare. True, the Europeans did go in there and disrupt their ancient traditions, but that only explains so much. The Belgians were bastards 70 years ago, we get it. Now tell us why you thought the river channel markers were going to replace themselves.

           This is why I am against foreign aid. It goes straight into the pockets of the ruling elite, who plainly have little concern with how many people drown in a given year. Looking at the other extreme, I saw a short documentary on the new Chinese navy. Ha, I know a British aircraft carrier and most people know an F-35 Lightning when they see one. That entire Chinese navy is copycat, just like their cities and highways. And my brother can tell you the problem with being an imitator is you can’t duplicate the learning process or failures of the original. I believe this shortcoming has a name. You can copy the creation, but not the creator.

Picture of the day.
Wuhan lab main entrance.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Three hours to half-fix one receptacle? Yep, and now it is Miller time. It was one of the prefab triple outlets. Think about this for a moment. The plugs are in parallel, so if the circuit continues down the wall, each piece has to be in working order. To make things a wee more complicated, this circuit has a Y connection, so only part of it quit working. Refer to the photos, first panel is a triple circuit (not the one that went bad). If you had to replace any one of these receptacles, which to you suppose would be the trickiest? You betcha, the one in the center.
           Shown in the middle, it is now removed and the last panel shows the offending unit. I used a lamp to test for power, and the cord would only reach to the rightmost plug, compounding the amount of elimination I had to contend with. In the end, I walked over and moved the floor lamp closer. The repair involved six or eight trips out to the shed and I still have to go downtown to get this 15A duplex, a rarity in this house. Of the 22 circuits in the building, only two are 15A.

           My latest guitar player bombed. Took the easy way out, it’s called Karaoke. I’m intrigued by how some people can do that show month after month and not find it dreadfully boring. What must they do in their spare time? Watch TV? Anyway, I’m back to working on my solo, which is very slow progress. My heart isn’t really in it. I have a shift in the method to report. I’ve collected a batch of twenty tunes that cannot possibly be played accurately on just a guitar or a bass. That’s a good reason nobody plays them. Ah, but here is where I take my own advice.            Forget accuracy, focus on the entertainment value. Capture the feel of the song and spoof the music part. As long as it is novel, they love it. I learned this effect on bass over thirty years ago, that done right, the audience will “hear” the missing parts. Today’s question is can I do this on a guitar? I’ve got plenty of time to find out.
           The media goes nanners how BLM is now a political party. They go on about how this will finally give them the voice they need. I say that is great. It will finally let them know as a minority how good they’ve had it. Let them learn how little they really matter without favoritism. They’ve spent their time since 1960 emphasizing differences and refusing to assimilate into the very system that fought for their freedom. Becoming a political party means they’ll have to survive on their own makings. Kind of let them be their own judges of how much they matter. That will be a sight to see.

Last Laugh